
well The knee is feeling better , and the doc said I could ride once the swelling wen


Nam I am
And it is thursday night , and the regular ride is scheduled to leave from my House ! and My knee has been feeling better and I was Jonesin to ride.
I had some brand new HID lights I had Bought from Knuckles, Bike was all maintained . and it was an Awesome night so I rode! .

the Group tonight was Me ,IF_rider, Ben-o , Berkshire_rider, SloMoJo and a road racing buddy of mine from way Back Ken . Ken was riding a Super light Merlin Hard tail and He was schooling us! the thing felt like a feather.

any Way we started at my House, don't the lights look pretty ?

The HID Lights worked Great . I also Got a Bar mount Trail Rat ( 10 Watt Halogen) the HID was so Bright I only turned the trail rat on once and couldn't even tell it was on. So I turned it off and did not turn it on again for the rest of the ride.

any way Here is Ben-o Praticing wheelie-drops off a small rock under the power lines.

Berkshire_rider coming up the fire wall.

This is my last pic for this ride. I was glad that no one got a Picture of me when I did my endo right into a creek. 34 Degrees and soaking wet! this is a Good combination! and Now that I am Back home the Knee is a Little sore , but not tooo bad.

any way here is Ben-o having some difficulties on the fire wall.



Nam I am
I Are Baboon said:
34 degrees and soaking wet? :dead: Good thing you were close to home.

Glad to hear the knee held up ok.
fortunatly when I fell in the water ,I did not get my Hands or Feet wet. just most of the right side of my Body, I was dam cold when it first happened , but as long as we kept pedaling I was able to keep that side pretty warm , if we stopped for any length of time I satated to get a chill.

and the Knee Held up OK , It is a little sore today .