
Wenatchee results up....


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Did teh Beg 19-29 times get messed up? Not the placing but the finishing time on the second run? They were flying! :think: I know Joe and andrew on BW/RDR are fast I guess I just never saw them race....:)

Did they record the finish time less 30 seconds? Everyones 2nd run was faster (lots faster) when it is normally the other way around. I didn't look at the other classes times....maybe teh break while Sandy was getting care through the starting times off? It isn't a big deal if everyone has the same offset. Just seems them Beg 10-29 times were blazing. :eek: :D

I am just jealous...no one can touch my scary fast 4:01 1st run. lol
