
###Wensderp already gmt###

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
hey I was earlier, he has more fanboys...what can I say:rofl:

anyhoo waistline has gone from 40+ to 34..almost to high school size back in the stone tablet days
No, more effort into wing dings equals more notice due to prevalent bright and shiney syndrome...

I'm still wearing my 34 dress pants mainly because they match my suit jackets and both will have to be replaced by the end of the year, my 34 inch jeans won't stay up without a belt. I haven't lost any weight yet but will receive "authorization" to restrict calories as soon as sternal precautions are lifted.

I went to the cardiologist who is effectively my primary for the rest of the year, she will not removed precautions until she reviews the results of the 12 week xray. The good news is she has given cardiac rehab the green light to accelerate my return to running by starting me on intervals this friday.
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