
Were you fooled...


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
I was fooled. This caused a big firestorm over on hcor. They're still sifting through the ashes over there.

It seems really incredible that anyone would actually DO this. If it's true that he really "faked his own suicide," then all I have to say is, what a punk.

Synopsis: Kid posts suicide note on MySpace. A "news report" from "some media" picks it up and soon this is all over the net. Hundreds of emo kids rally to eulogize and express their sympathy. People in Ireland and Czech Republic and everywhere disparrage the sad state of America teens. This goes on for a week. Meanwhile no reputible media reports his death (in Mission Viejo). Now he's back on his site and claiming victory over the compassionate and gullible.

Total punk. But kharma's a real bear to deal with... it'll come around.

Anyone have anything more about this?


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
I remember people these stunts way back in the day when BBS's were new.

It is funny how kids act like they invent everything. :rolleyes:


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Not fooled. Somebody did this on mtbr's passion board a year or so ago. The kid was "dead" for about a year and then just started posting again like nothing had happened. It was pretty funny how whacked out people got over and to see how much attention the kid got. Probably the last thing anybody who would do this sort of thing needs is any kind of attention. They all fed right into his sick little game like lemmings.