
Westboro Baptist Church is at it again


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
soooooo what are they protesting? him dying? do they want to bring him back to life so they can insult him? are they protesting his portayal of a gay cowboy? i don't get it :confused:

i can just imagine the protest chants....

"heath is dead! heath is dead! now that f@gg0t can't give head!"



Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
they came down and protested our high school since we have a gay and straight alliance...brought the kids and all
you should have held a counter protest... "Legalize Murdering Idiots"

or just snuck someone into their group holding a sign that says "I'm with Stupid" and arrows pointing to the surrounding group. Much like this...



YouTube Boy
Jan 18, 2004
Bomb City
I told my GF last night that I wouldn't be surprised if those douchebags piped up over his death.Someone should "accidentally" lose control of their car and mow through the whole lot of them during one of their protests.


Dec 6, 2001
It kills me how all of the haters whip out the Old Testament whenever they need to conveniently forget the whole, "Love your neighbor as yourself." They need to old material to push the vengeful God image that doesn't show up in the New Testament which they claim to live by.

Heath Sherratt

Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
In a healthy tension
Matthew 7-21-23 "Not everyone who says to Me, `Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. You know, like loving ALL of his children, especially the lost22 "Many will say to Me on that day, `Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' 23 "And then I will declare to them, `I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.'

I have a feeling that they may be a little surprised when they meet the Lord of all creation. I can't imagine Him being too happy with such hatred and judgement. Romans 2:1 No matter who you are, if you judge anyone, you have no excuse. When you judge another person, you condemn yourself, since you, the judge, do the same things.

Scripture proves scripture, it is sad when people take Gods Word out of context for their own agenda.


ass rainbow
Jul 12, 2005
They're not the only ones trying to get something from his death. Supposedly this was taken at a Best Buy.



Oct 1, 2006
west asheville
Did anyone else see the recent documentary about them on Showtime? If you want to really see some fcked up stuff, watch it - called "Fall from Grace" I think.

The highlight of the entire film is when they show up to protest a dead soldier's funeral and a bunch of Harley guys park right in front of them and rev their engines so no attendees can even see/hear them at all. It made me feel really good inside.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Those aren't christians. Those are satans minions. The lord of all lies would do something like that... disguising his minions as christians... or as George Bush. Either way, satanists. (Not satinists)


Turbo Monkey
Aug 21, 2006
In your pants
Did you know that Westborough gets a lot of their money because groups prevent them from their rights to protest? So they sue, and they win... LOTS of money.

These people make me sick. They refuse and ignore the message of love in the Bible. They judge thinking it's righteous judgment, despite the fact that the Bible specifically teaches that it was not our place to judge.

The problem exists in that you can't win with these people. They know that King James Bible forward and backwards... but they misinterpret the Bible and turn it into a hateful book of condemnation and judgment... versus a message of love to the masses...

...the masses who are left out in the cold, forgotten, and hated.

This makes me so unbelievably sad, and filled with anger that they call themselves Christians... despite the fact that no other Baptist church will even remotely identify with them. Oh, and let's not forget that they demand that people inside the church get married ONLY to people inside the church, which means that inbreeding has taken place in at least two known cases...

:( x infinity.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 21, 2006
In your pants
Did anyone else see the recent documentary about them on Showtime? If you want to really see some fcked up stuff, watch it - called "Fall from Grace" I think.

The highlight of the entire film is when they show up to protest a dead soldier's funeral and a bunch of Harley guys park right in front of them and rev their engines so no attendees can even see/hear them at all. It made me feel really good inside.
Were they Hell's Angels? That would have been SUPER ironic.


ease dropper
Jun 19, 2005
Were they Hell's Angels? That would have been SUPER ironic.
i think they are a bunch of veterans

Did you know that Westborough gets a lot of their money because groups prevent them from their rights to protest? So they sue, and they win... LOTS of money.
most of the adults in the "church" are lawyers..and the kids that are in college are going to law school


Turbo Monkey
Aug 21, 2006
In your pants
i think they are a bunch of veterans

most of the adults in the "church" are lawyers..and the kids that are in college are going to law school
It's frightening... because these people who blatantly oppose (they would say they support) the Bible's core teachings will be pushing things through congress, and fighting for their right to do these hateful things.



filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
The bikers call themselves the Patriot Guard Riders, they have sprung up almost fully because of Phelps and his little cult. They escort military funerals all over the country, not just ones protested by Phelps. They are entirely peacable, but I think deep down each one wants to pound some Westboro idiots skull in.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2005
Bleedmore, Murderland
My grandmother attended a funeral of a Marine that died from her church. She told me the W. Baptist Church showed up to Picket but right behind them was over 100 members of Hell's Angels. My Gmother told me after the funeral she personally hugged every biker.

It was this Funeral.

Last year a Baltimore jury determined the Westboro Baptist Church was too vulgar and offensive to be covered by the First Amendment. The church was ordered to pay nearly $11 million to Albert Snyder, who brought a suit after the Phelps clan picketed the funeral of his 20-year-old son Matthew, who died while serving in Iraq.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
A few things:

First off, they have every right to protest.

Second, I don't think they are doing anything that Christianity doesn't demand. Much like the difference between Muslims who don't hijack planes and the ones who say "Sept 11 was wrong, BUT..." I think that many Christians (I'd actually go so far as to say the majority of US Christians, and definitely the majority of self described evangelical US Christians) don't disagree with the message that WBC preaches, but merely the delivery. I said this a couple of years ago on this board, but doesn't it say something that the people protesting the WBC and surrounding them aren't a bunch of church going Christians?

After all, someone keeps voting to make sure that Ted Haggard can't marry his true love (And no, it's not meth...) and I don't think it's a bunch of secular humanists, y'know?


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
A few things:

First off, they have every right to protest.
Its likely Ledger's funeral is on private property. If there is a large number of them in many cities you need a permit to assemble in public [outside of the funeral] otherwise the police can arrest them - there is no way they got a permit already.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Its likely Ledger's funeral is on private property. If there is a large number of them in many cities you need a permit to assemble in the public area outside of the funeral otherwise the police can arrest them - there is no way they got a permit already.
Of course. That doesn't mean they can't set up shop on the side of the nearest public road. I'm not making the case that they can do away with private property laws so they can yell about faggots.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Of course. That doesn't mean they can't set up shop on the side of the nearest public road. I'm not making the case that they can do away with private property laws so they can yell about faggots.
Yeah I think NYC 50 or more requires a permit. Over 50 people would gather if they show up - enough to have police to force them to leave for the disruption.


Dec 6, 2001
A few things:

First off, they have every right to protest.

Second, I don't think they are doing anything that Christianity doesn't demand. Much like the difference between Muslims who don't hijack planes and the ones who say "Sept 11 was wrong, BUT..." I think that many Christians (I'd actually go so far as to say the majority of US Christians, and definitely the majority of self described evangelical US Christians) don't disagree with the message that WBC preaches, but merely the delivery. I said this a couple of years ago on this board, but doesn't it say something that the people protesting the WBC and surrounding them aren't a bunch of church going Christians?

After all, someone keeps voting to make sure that Ted Haggard can't marry his true love (And no, it's not meth...) and I don't think it's a bunch of secular humanists, y'know?
Having the right and it being right are two different things here. This is where America is going wrong these days. Everyone is too concerned about what their neighbor is doing and whether it fits into their own moral box.


Dec 6, 2001
Be that as it may, they have the right and should not be stopped from the lawful exercise of it.
Who said anyone would stop them? They'll exercise their right and draw the ire of many in the process. More power to them. It still isn't remotely right and if they could see past their high and mighty moral platform they'd see that.

As always, the Christian Right is neither.

(Christian nor right).


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
John had it right.

Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Ummmm...you all know that his funeral is going to be in Perth...as in Perth, Western Australia aka the middle of f*cking nowhere. I can guarantee this group won't be protesting at his funeral.