
### wet dew GMT ###


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
starting ripping my CD library to FLAC which takes fucking forever. Just reverse-Marie-Kondo'd my basement in search of all the CDs I had squirreled away. I have so many, which is both awesome and terrible. Can't wait to rediscover so much random garbage. I just found my brother's old 12" of Snow CD.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Are you dictating your posts, CBJ? If not, are you having a senior moment?

I’m working this afternoon. Kid drop off, DMV, and riding on a riderless shuttle bus in the works for the morning.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
starting ripping my CD library to FLAC which takes fucking forever. Just reverse-Marie-Kondo'd my basement in search of all the CDs I had squirreled away. I have so many, which is both awesome and terrible. Can't wait to rediscover so much random garbage. I just found my brother's old 12" of Snow CD.
Great. As if getting Rick Rolled earlier this morning wasn’t bad enough, now I’ll have “Informer” stuck in my head the rest of the day. Which is maybe better? So... uh... thanks?


You might feel a little prick.
Sep 1, 2015
San Diego
You guys cold yet? Got two sheriff lockouts today, always fun to go in with the sheriffs. What will I find today, trash, treasures, or sorrow. News at 11.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Forgot to add, there was a notice on our door from the Sheriff about our dogs barking. The gal that lives behind us is lovely. I am supposed to get a call back today regarding it.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head

I decided it was a good idea to purchase a little over 400 pounds of range brass yesterday. Six five gallon buckets full for a hundred dollars......, already sold a bucket of it for that same price.......


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Forgot to add, there was a notice on our door from the Sheriff about our dogs barking. The gal that lives behind us is lovely. I am supposed to get a call back today regarding it.
Haha, had a similar situation.....

I was outside when local code enforcement officer drove by(she is a cunt, used to work for us, we decided she needed to quit.) Anywho.... told me i had to clear the sidewalk... i returned fire with ..... no..... she said she was going to send someone to to do it and charge me for the cost.... i said try it..... i let her get her book out and start writing....... about halfway through i decided it was a good time to tell her i didnt have a sidewalk...........


You might feel a little prick.
Sep 1, 2015
San Diego
Did you ever crack into that bottle of Mead?
My plan was to open over Christmas break so it had a year. But I got sick and didn’t drink much alcohol. I’m gunna head out to the saloon and get the box out the hit the bong. It’s supposed to rain tonight so I’ll hang out there and maybe I’ll open the Faunus prick tonight.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
went to a physio this morning. my shoulder has been starting to bother me following my crash last summer. turns out I was getting a bit of tendonitis as a result of a constriction caused by scar tissue. I'm glad I went, caus' this isn't something that was going to just go away with exercise. it'll be nice to get my full range of motion back.

otherwise, a pretty normal day here. kids are at school, it's bright sunny crisp day for the bike commute in, and the snow has mostly been cleared from the sidewalks.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Work is pissing me off more than ever lately, and I am on the project from hell. Competing deadlines, work piling up, and getting pulled in 20 different directions. I am certainly not the only one in that boat, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. I was offered a retention bonus today and I am inclined to not accept it. I am getting pushed to my breaking point and I don't think I want to lock in for another year of this shit. Bros, cool story right there.

Aaaanyway, I've got a bike FTP test and the work stress may work in my favor there.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
for anyone who wants the tl;dr - my wife is still out of work on disability from the car accident. she is getting jacked around be her/our employer because they fucked up her insurance enrollment for 2019. which is having other impacts because she's in the midst of a series of procedures on her back and neck and has had a number of them delayed because of the insurance snafu. the legal claim for the accident is still probably years away from being finalized. our daughter spent the weekend super sick with a gnarly sinus infection. my job sucks and i'm overloaded and generally hate it. my performance review for '18 was in the shitter because i've had to spend so much time taking care of my family. my review for '19 will suck ass as well because i had to miss a business trip or 2 because of aforementioned surgery delays (caused by our employer). and to top it all off my great aunt (who has been fighting pneumonia since thanksgiving and was diagnosed with lung cancer after christmas) is on hospice now, so i'm gonna be missing more work for the funeral sometime in the coming weeks.