Today I made my friend's bashguard, it came out great in the end, but in the beginning there were some problems. Everything was fine, we started by zeroing the z-axis for each tool. The tool that was left on the CNC machine was the .015" engraver, the heaviest tool by far and probably the sharpest. We had to take that one out top put in the blank tool. To take it out you have to put a little bar into a hole and turn the tool until the bar goes all the way in, its like a key. Then you hold down a release button and twist with one hand while you hold onto the tool with the other so it doesn't fall out. When the engraver came loose and fell out, I wasn't ready for its weight (with my left hand, too, not my strong hand/arm). I had it, but its weight made it drop straight into the skin on the edge of my left hand's little finger, if I would have moved it 1/4" the tool would have missed me, but it didn't miss me. It had only fallen two inches but its weight drove it into my finger a litlle ways. I stopped for a second just to look, didnt feel anything at first, I pulled it out and put it away. My teacher asked if I had hurt myself, I said I hadn't, it wasn't even bleeding. A few seconds later it started to bleed, and not just a little. As he found a band-aid I held my finer in my sweatshirt's sleeve unintentionally, now its a bit stained with blood. After I get the band aid I run to the bathroom which is just down the hall and get some paper towel out to get the blood off my finger. I hold the towel there for a while, I'm feeling ok, just kept applying pressure to my finger to stop the bleeding. Suprisingly, though the cut was deep, it stopped bleeding within a minute or two. I decided to go to the toilet a bit to relieve myself. (and to get some rest). While I was holding my finger one person had come into the room. As I turned to go to the stall, about halfway there, I got really dizzy. The next thing I know I am being asked, "how did you fall?" I felt that the back of my head really hurt and I open my eyes and realize that I am laying on the floor on my back, not quite to the stall yet. I explained, got up, wsa just a bit dizzy, got to the stall and rested a while, I was really sweating so I took off my sweatshirt.
So, I'm ok now, my finger and head I can still feel a bit, but oh well, I have to go to class now. What a morning.
So, I'm ok now, my finger and head I can still feel a bit, but oh well, I have to go to class now. What a morning.