
What about life after Saddam?

From New York Times by THomas Freedman, refering to the death of Zorin Dinjich(spelling?):

"...If that's not a bad enough oman, the Prime Minister of Sebia has just been shot...", for anyone who are a little rusty with history, the WWI started out with the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Serbia.

That was last week. Which reminds me, after all the excitement that have yet to come, what the f**k are we gonna to in Iraq? The political scene is about stable as an NAACP convention in Boise, Idaho, and did we forget hoe much of a mess Rowanda, East Temor, Panama, Hunduras, Nicaragua, Bosnia, Yogoslavia, Ivory Coast, and Haiti were after we wanted to set up a "Democratic" government?

With all due respect to the men and women of the United States Armed Forces, I give my complete sympathy on how much more thankless and tedious work lays ahead of them.

Iraq is hardly lack of ambitious, brutal militant figures waiting to take over. I see another Manuel Noriega coming.