
What are the procedures for the Questions for the Prime Minister?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
I watched about an hour on C-SPAN of coverage in the House of Commons yesterday. It rocked, for as much as watching public officials slap each other around.

However, i could not find what the procedures/protocols are for speaking/addressing the house and/or PM on the Parliament FAQ site.

Is it scripted?
Who gets to speak when?

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
As far as I know mate the major parties take it in turns if it's anything like Australia's parliament. So you'll get usually the opposition leader asking usually the prime minister or another senior minister about some aspect of government policy. These questions are usually answered in as little detail as possible. If the questioner is un-satisfied with the answer he/she can ask a supplementary question. Then a government backbencher will ask a Dorothy Dixer purposely designed to let the prime minister or whoever prattle on about how wonderful the government is in as much detail as possible. Performance during question time can make or break a politician especially an opposition leader.