
What are you listening to!?!


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
My brother and I had the odd email convo over the years trying to remember what this song was called, one day I turned the radio on and it was playing-

It was pretty odd that they also did a song a mate and I were triyng to remember coz the clip was rad-


my pronouns are hag/gis
Aug 27, 2002
my kids asked to hear the Chicken Wing song this weekend...
About a year ago on our way home from football training my (then) 12yr old daughter played this to me in the car. Sort of showing off with a friend because I'm fine with them listening to explicit lyrics and swearing (in context) in my presence.
Today I had to factory reset my phone at work and after re-installing everything only had time to download a fraction of my Spotify "liked songs" before heading to pick her and another friend up on my way home. This was one of the few songs DL'd so it came on.

"Dad?" Why are you playing CUM?"

How they mature in such a short time.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Gahd, my daughter loves that song. Give me nightmares.
A 20something coworker of mine says that song is sick on his sub in his car. . . I’ve lost all faith in humanity
Luckily, I don't have to listen to the actual song. my son just hums it sometimes. when I want to get back at them for being mischievous, I'll start singing it to them. it ruins it for them when I like "their" music. reverse psychology....


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Nice little ditty about depression-
Not sure if Black Dog is a term for depression elsewhere, so when they say that they want to cut the tail off the dog it is not a literally.

EDIT- If my sleep is shit I listen to terrible pop music mostly from female artists, if it is okay it's a weird mix of electronic and some punk, if I sleep really well I like proper punk, hardcore and some metal.
On to the random electronic stuff now-
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my pronouns are hag/gis
Aug 27, 2002
Not sure if Black Dog is a term for depression elsewhere
You borrowed the term from us. and somehow managed not to miss-spell it or change it so it no longer made any sense. So bravo for that.
We borrowed it from the Romans (Latin). Like much of the English language

Not what I've just been listening to... but seems fitting to follow your post



used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Got called in to work today which was a bit shit but I heard two of my favorite electronic(ish) songs on the radio-

EDIT- Watching The Redeem Team and I've got this stuck in my head-
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used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
This has been on the radio a bit over the Christmas break, wonder how many people complain over a song about Jesus doing coke?