
What are you (or should you) be working on at the moment?


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
Multi tasking,
1. writing a 2 page paper for grad class on curricullum development.
2. working on lessonplans for next week and trying to figure out what to do with the kids cause 2 pieces of equipment I use regularly are broken.
3. getting ready to look over our new proposed teaching contract (we've been working without one for 9 months.) :drool:
4. most importantly, getting my RM post count up!!!


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
1. Figuring out a differential equations problem that deals with a pendulum and its period.
2. Figuring out a circuit that deals with output voltage as a function of input voltage.
3. Writing an essay for American History about industrialism in the later half of the 19th century.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
Mackie said:
I should be giving bilateral DMH infusions of the Y1 antagonist 1229U91, but the f'in microsyringe pump is on the fritz.

heh. far worse geekspeak than mine!


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
robdamanii said:
Are you letting the browser resize it to the current dimensions? If so, it'll probably pixellate. If you resize it in PS and then just put it up there as its standard dimensions, it should be good.
thanks. I switched out a jpeg for the original gif and it's much nicer. But I have other issues, any web design monkeys want to help? :help:



The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
jdschall said:
Writing code for a semiemprical reactive bond order potential for Si-C-H systems. Yea me!

I got the attractive and repulsive terms working correctly but there is a bug somewhere in the bond-order term. Dang it. At least I know approximately where the bug is now - buried somewhere in 1366 lines of code.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
once again i should be working on maps but frickin data bite is still down and i can't get to my data. so i am playing minesweeper. and waiting for another assignement. i feel like i am going crazy.


Nov 28, 2003
Fayetteville, NC
Should be paying attention in my CAD/Sketch-up class, but surfing the monkey instead... This prof is boring as f*** and the class has almost zero relevance for me... bored student rant...


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
i'm resurrecting this quality post. especially narlus's last comment. :D

what i should be doing:

1) reading up more on statistical parametric mapping since i'm starting a brain imaging project with a new lab next month. mri. autistic children vs. controls. 3, 6, and 9 years old.

2) learning how to be a more sociable human. as those of you who have seen my facebook profile have read, i'm now officially not warm and fuzzy. normally i wouldn't care, but this has actually landed me in a bit of trouble. :D

3) keeping up with the 10 scrabulous games i have going on facebook: http://apps.facebook.com/scrabulous . if any of you want to play, challenge me! mwahaha: http://washington.facebook.com/profile.php?id=2147

4) uh, i guess i should be posting quality content on slopemonkey, too. we shall see if this happens.

5) processing photos from yosemite national park. expect a lounge photowhore thread soon.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
right now i just finished writing the Magnolia Electric Co concert review, and i've got to PP the photos.

next up i'll probably write the 1st draft of last week's Qui show while i watch the red sox.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Just finished putting in appliances and cabinets in my kitchen...for the day. Have some more to do...alot more to do...now im drinking beer and watching animal planet HD. I have hundreds of pages to read for school and a Bears game tomorrow...and some more beer.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I should be working on my truck, but I have been running errands for the wife almost all day.

Tomorrow I will be building custom door panels and starting the stereo install. I got a great deal on a welder and that should be here next week. That will make for a great next weekend.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Relaxing after 10 hours of Wilderness First Responder class. It is raining and I'm spending the night inside for the first time in 3 weeks (thank god).

Currently debating my need for housing over the next three month and if I should use my money saved for rent and put it into outdoor gear to survive a Utah winter out in the field.

New job looks exciting. WFR has me thinking about upgrading to EMT or maybe just looking into med school. Who knows? I sure as hell don't.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
ryan, so what's with this homeless/not homeless/buying a warmer sleeping bag stuff i see from you on facebook? would you really be living on the streets? how are you posting?


Sep 20, 2007
well just vaped a bag, cleaned my room, went over my bike, and now im just chilling... def good low key sunday.:cheers:


Apr 10, 2006
...Reading, "Possessory Estates and Future Interests"

Instead, I'm watching a Star Trek movie.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Relaxing after 10 hours of Wilderness First Responder class. It is raining and I'm spending the night inside for the first time in 3 weeks (thank god).

Currently debating my need for housing over the next three month and if I should use my money saved for rent and put it into outdoor gear to survive a Utah winter out in the field.

New job looks exciting. WFR has me thinking about upgrading to EMT or maybe just looking into med school. Who knows? I sure as hell don't.
Cool, dude. Glad to hear it's working out.

I am surfing the monkey/editing the last of my systematic theology paper. I've been working most of the day. I am le tired.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
i thought the public library's internet access was there so that deviants would be able to utilize their constitutional right to look at porn in public...

The new job (field instructor for a wilderness therapy program)I'm looking at would put me at "home" 6 nights out of every 14 nights (and for 2-3 of those nights I can sleep on base). So paying rent for the place I was looking at seems silly. I'm probably going to spend the next month or two in training/working and sleeping at base or camping/climbing in southern Utah. If things work out and I find someone with a room available for cheap I'll do that. Until then I'm living out of my car, which seems odd, but 75% of my co-workers do the same thing.

And wireless is easy to find these days. Coffee shops in southern Utah are a whole other challenge.

So far things are working out really well though. Maybe not everyone's ideal, but it is good money and a rewarding job.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
I doing some initial design for a vessel quote. 20,000 Gal. Acetal Reactor. 168" I.D., side & bottom half-pipe jackets, Incoloy 825 mat'l. Hope the customer is ready for the price. $$$,$$$ !!!