
What do you drink on the trail??

Looking at some upcoming rides that our group is going to do this summer I'm wondering about hydration for some of the long ones that we'll do. I've got a 3.0L camelback so I can carry anything but I was wondering what you guys have found that works for you. I was thinking that I would load the camelback up with water and then throw a bottle or two of Gatorade or Pedialyte in the back. Maybe throw a couple of gel paks in as well. I figure that with a couple of balance bars and a banana or two I'll be good for just about anything.

What do you think?



Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Yeah, any of those glucose / fructose + minerals type additives give you a bit of a hand when the miles get long. I think they're all pretty good. I use a local one, I forget what it's called. Essentially long chain sugars plus salts.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
just water.

I've never seen any real performance gains from gatorade... it just tastes better than water. Some people really like Cytomax, as it has less sugar than gatorade - I've tried it and it seems to leave me thirsty :clue:

I say fill your pack with water, take some gells/pb&j/banana, whatever your "food" of choice is on the trail. If gatorade works for you, mix up a water bottle and make the gatorade as thick as you can stand it.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
For long rides, avoid drinks with carbs in the form of simple sugars (glucose, sucrose, dextrose, fructose). They're a very inconsistent, short-term fuel known for "flash and crash." They give you a quick burst of energy, but fade fast. Look for a complex-carb like maltodextrin.

For shorter rides (<10-12 miles) I just grab water or water/gatorade mixed. For longer rides I like HEED from Hammer Nutrition. It's not sticky sweet and has a subtle flavor making it easy to drink.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Like jackson - only water for me.

What do you consider a "long" ride? For rides less than 30 miles I usually go for candy bars, bananas, and maybe a small sandwich. Over 30 miles and I add something like this:



Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
For longer rides (20+ miles) I'll put a 1:1 solution of Cytomax and water in my camelbak, and a water bottle on the bike with just water. Full strength Cytomax is too sweet for me, but I find that it does help with endurance so diluting it with water works for me.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
I fill up my camelback with water and make a 60/40 solution of gatorade/water in my bottle(s). If I start feeling the cramps coming on or if I start to really bog I suck from the bottles like a little baby. Waaah! Waaah!


Feb 19, 2006
outer limits
BikeGeek said:
For long rides, avoid drinks with carbs in the form of simple sugars (glucose, sucrose, dextrose, fructose). They're a very inconsistent, short-term fuel known for "flash and crash." They give you a quick burst of energy, but fade fast. Look for a complex-carb like maltodextrin.
:stupid: Definitely avoid simple sugars, watch out for some of the energy gels as they are basically a sugar rush in a pouch. My average XC ride is about 25 miles and I get by with a Hooah bar and gatorade. I don't use the original but the glacier freeze stuff because it seems thinner and easier to drink. I'm looking to try accelerade as soon as I get off me bum to go get a tub of it. Basically you want a good mix of protein and carbs as well as minerals to replace the ones you sweat out. If you just drink water you won't last half as long. I usually try to eat a meal with a good mix of carbs and protein as well as plenty of juice before my rides. You want to be well hydrated before the ride starts and sip regularly during the ride. You should be urinating clear water before you start your ride, that's about the best indicator that you are fully hydrated. Also remember to eat a protein laden meal after your ride to help your body recover quickly.


Feb 19, 2006
outer limits
Don't forget a proper stretching and warm up, too many people don't heed this and end up bonking early! I don't start pushing hard until I feel my body catch it's second wind.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
I experimented with Accelerade last year, and it really seemed to help on the longer rides. I have an extra 70oz bladder that I use for dirt rides, and just a water bottle or two for road -- I'll put some dry mix in a ziploc bag to add to water at the refueling stops.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
Wumpus said:
A lot of folks fill it half full and freeze.
That's what I do, fill it 1/2 to 3/4 full and freeze it overnight. It takes a lot of pressure to split a camelback bladder. Those hose on the other hand ... if that freezes solid don't go crunching it and bending it; I've cracked one of them before.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
BIRDMAN111 said:
ive never tried to freeze a cammel bak. has anyone?
I have... I've filled it half way with gatorade, froze that over night, then topped it off with water. I used to think that the gatorade would melt slowly enough that I'd drink the water early in the ride and get to the melted gatorade later in the ride when I needed it more. That was back when I thought gatorade actually did something.

FWIW.. my camelback (it's a mule) takes a long time to thaw out. If you're not riding for at least 2 hours, I wouldn't even consider it... I'd use ice cubes instead. On all but the longest/hottest rides, a bunch of ice cubes are more than enough for me.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
jacksonpt said:
FWIW.. my camelback (it's a mule) takes a long time to thaw out. If you're not riding for at least 2 hours, I wouldn't even consider it... I'd use ice cubes instead. On all but the longest/hottest rides, a bunch of ice cubes are more than enough for me.
Good point; I think it all depends on your riding environment. Here in Arizona, if you're outside taking direct sunlight with an ambient temp of well over 110F you'll be thankful you froze the gawddamn thing. Nothing worse than taking a sip of water that's warmer than piss.


Sep 16, 2001
portland, maine USA
I usually do one bottle of Hammer HEED and one bottle of just water. Every time I take a sip of heed I take a gulp of water. Seems to work well. I also use the hammer gel, but certain flavors (raspberry) give me acid-reflux which is suck. Bringing some dry mix in a baggie is always good too. If it's a super long ride I'll drink a bottle of HEED in the half hour before the ride.

I DO think that electrolyte drinks work well, even gatorade, but I don't do gatorade until the very end of a ride. They also work well to make me thirsty, so I wind up drinking more water, which is good because sometimes I don't feel like drinking.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Water on short rides.

On longer rides, water in my CamelBak and a bottle of Gatorade in my bottle cage.

On epic rides, water in my CamelBak, a bottle of Gatorade in my bottle cage, and another bottle of Gatorade stuffed in the backpack.

On road rides, one bottle of water and one bottle of Accelerade.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
I Are Baboon said:
Water on short rides.

On longer rides, water in my CamelBak and a bottle of Gatorade in my bottle cage.

On epic rides, water in my CamelBak, a bottle of Gatorade in my bottle cage, and another bottle of Gatorade stuffed in the backpack.

On road rides, one bottle of water and one bottle of Accelerade.
why accelerade on the road but gatorade on the trail? do you notice a difference?


Feb 12, 2006
Wumpus said:
I experimented with Accelerade last year, and it really seemed to help on the longer rides.
Accelerade is THE SHIZNIT. It's the only drink with a proper protein mix with good sodium levels and a slight bit of complex sugars. This drink mix is a god send. Once I started using it, my endurance and energy increased and maintained unbelievably well. I carry a camel back full of water (using mixes in camel backs leaves a permanent flavor to the pouch) and a large 20oz bottle in a cage with a strong accelerade mix. I try to take a GU before the ride and then one every 1 - 1 1/2 hours instead of the recommended 45 minutes. The accelerade works in between effectively. Post ride, a good 12oz's of endurox or a fresh smoothie with a bit of endurox mixed in when possible does the trick at leaves your muscles feeling great and ready to ride another epic the next day. I absolutely swear by this routine. I have gone a few rides without doing this and have been left hurting fiercely the next couple days as well as lower performance on the trail. It's shocking how much of a difference it makes. Also, as already mentioned, good diet and good hydration before riding is essential.

Gatorade has poor nutritional value and I would definitely avoid it.