
What do you eat before a ride?

Had a bit of a debate over the weekend regarding this topic. We've been doing 3-5 hour rides lately, ride-up, ride down, repeat. I usually don't eat much before the ride as it makes me feel ill; acid reflux, bloated stomach feeling, etc. So. I usually bring a few pack of Gu, maybe a piece of fruit and/or a power bar and LOTS of water. Would it make a noticeable diff. if I ate someting more substantial earlier, before the ride, and if so, what should I be eating?



Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Originally posted by surfinguru
Had a bit of a debate over the weekend regarding this topic. We've been doing 3-5 hour rides lately, ride-up, ride down, repeat. I usually don't eat much before the ride as it makes me feel ill; acid reflux, bloated stomach feeling, etc. So. I usually bring a few pack of Gu, maybe a piece of fruit and/or a power bar and LOTS of water. Would it make a noticeable diff. if I ate someting more substantial earlier, before the ride, and if so, what should I be eating?

Everybody is different. But I do know that eating before a ride can only be better for you than not eating. I mean, it's fuel dude!

I eat at least 2 hours before I ride, that way it has gotten pretty far in the digestion process and I don't get acid reflux or a bloated feeling stomach. I'm weird so I eat weird stuff. :D

jon cross

Jan 27, 2004
Banner Elk, NC
if you don't like having food in your stomach during the ride (which I and lots of my buddies don't) you should try something liquid. Endurox and Accelerade are both high-calorie sports drinks available through your LBS that will give you the energy (and electrolytes, amino acids, and protein) that you need during exercise. You will REALLY want to get that energy one way or another, as you will feel much better during and after the ride as well as be able to go out again fresh the next day. I will caution you though on these two drinks, they are great, but some people are rather sensitive to low quality Whey Protein. Both of these drink mixes are a 4:1 carb/protein mix, and to keep prices down, they really don't use the best whey out there. It's never bothered me, but I know some people who get a little queezy off it. I would still recommend at least giving it a shot first. If it doesn't work out, email me at crossjj@lmc.edu and I'll give you another idea that will really rock, but is supposed to be kind of hush-hush for now. Later


Mar 19, 2004
conyers, ga
well the first and last time i drank a sports drink on a ride i hurled. but everyone is dif. but what heidi said is good eat 2 hours or at least 1 hour before so as you won't get that feeling. the bad thing for me is, i usually ride right after i get out of school so i end up eating only like 15-20 minutes before riding.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
I'll assume you ride hard - for this you need fuel - no doubt. If I am doing a short effort of two hours or less I eat one serving of oatmeal, one TBS butter and some maple syrup. For efforts over three hours I'll double the portion.

Now if I am doing an ultra type endurance event I will have carbo loaded for a full day while restricted fiber intake - in that case I'll have a small serving of shredded wheat, one banana and a cup of half and half. Then I will eat about two hundred calories per hour for the entire event.

For me the fat in the butter and half and half is key to keeping my stomach occupied - if I skip it my stomach becomes finicky and troublesome.

Everyone is different - experiment until you find what works for you.


Jan 29, 2002
I honestly don't know anymore.
I've trained myself to be able to eat anything before riding/running/PTing, whatever. Chug a quart of milk just before you exercise hard. For the first couple weeks you'll puke every time, but eventually you won't. Then you can eat anything you want and you won't feel bad when your exert yourself.