I don't ever post in your guys political or religious area as its none of my business what you yanks do to your own country.
But some of you might be interested in this video.
Its by an Australian hip hop act called The Herd. Its a remake of a song from a few years ago about the Vietnam war, its more of a folky type song, not like their usual stuff but good none the less.
Thought i would post it up as its relevant seeing the ungodly mess the US, and Australia to a lesser extent, is in Iraq at the moment, sending alot of our countries youth of to die as cannon fodder, just like Vietnam.
Watch the video and post up what you think about the images / feelings it congures up.
right click > save as > 20mb
But some of you might be interested in this video.
Its by an Australian hip hop act called The Herd. Its a remake of a song from a few years ago about the Vietnam war, its more of a folky type song, not like their usual stuff but good none the less.
Thought i would post it up as its relevant seeing the ungodly mess the US, and Australia to a lesser extent, is in Iraq at the moment, sending alot of our countries youth of to die as cannon fodder, just like Vietnam.
Watch the video and post up what you think about the images / feelings it congures up.
right click > save as > 20mb