
What exactly do you think I did to myself?


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Bellingham, Washington ~ U.S.A.
So this morning I went dirt jumping. Hit the big tabletops, and on the last one I didnt have enough speed and had too much nose. So, naturally, I nose-cased it and flipped, falling five feet or so to the ground. Hit my helmet pretty good (full faced saved me once again!) took a lot of skin off my right shoulder, etc. My knees hurt from the landing, hard to sit and stand now :( . I got a ride home with a friend and went to work where my wrist started to hurt (this is an hour or more after I fell). I iced it when I got home. When I went back to work dinner (dining hall near my house :cool: ) the wrist (left wrist) was really hurting. A few EMT's are in charge of the dining room, so I got a thing for my wrist to keep it in place (It is also swollen a bit). I hurt too much to work so I was let go home and now I wanna know what you think I did? Not broken I dont think, because it didnt hurt at all for the first hour or more.... torn something? What? I wanna go ride but it hurts! Took me a long time to type this with one hand too. :(


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
That doesn't sound good dude. I'd give it a few days and if it doesn't improve at all by then then defintely seek out medical attention. Wrists are most certainly things you don't wanna mess with.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
ridetoofast said:
the wrists are a tricky thing, lots of small bones, tendons, ligaments. don't f'around. get medical attention.
for now
good luck
keep us posted
Get your ass to a doc.

I smashed my wrist up bad when I broke my hand punching something. (long story)

I didn't follow up on it with the doc after it "healed" and ended up with some crunchy bones and pinched nerves in the back of my hand. Like having a super sensitive funny-bone in my hand at all times - if I bumped it at all my hand and arm would get kinda numb.

Get it looked at.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
dwaugh said:
I wanna know why it slowly started to hurt after a long time.... :confused:

Hmmm, I should probably get some ice now, only iced it once for 20 minutes. i'm not used to getting hurt. :rolleyes:
Cracked bone?

Who knows - get it looked at.

As far as doctors go, the Ridemonkey web site is a total quack. See a real one and stop asking us.



scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...

i shattered my hand back in 03 and it didnt hurt for hours afterwards but i also had a nasty concussion. you did mention that you dinged your mellon too...

seriously dude, don't f'around get to a doc. take some aleve for now, ice it in 20 min intervals with mild pressure (lightly wrap it with ace bandage) keep it elevated AND GO SEE A DOC!!!!!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
I had the same type of thing happen to me a few months ago, although not as painful it seems. I just let it be and after a few weeks it was fine.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
dwaugh said:
Maybe. We know some doctors who live nearby. :D

My mom's not gonna be happy when she learns about this.

I should stop typing with that hand now...... :(

I'll keep everyone up-to-date.
Go to the doc... tell your mom it was a tragic masturbation accident. This way she won't take your bike away.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
dwaugh said:
I just hit the side of my helmet, but I was there for everything, saw everything in slow-mo. :eek: didnt get knocked out, just a bit dizzy.
You don't need to get knocked out to have a mild concussion. One of the symptoms is not remembering common sense things like SEEING A GODDAMN DOCTOR AND TO STOP ASKING WHAT PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET THINK.



Mar 14, 2005
get you a$$ and your wrist to a doctor asap. you might even want to get to an emergency room for them to take xrays depending on how bad it is swelling or if its brusising badly. dont play games. the sooner you deal with it correctly now the sooner your on your way to recovery


May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
most like adrenelin is why you didnt feel it right away. Go get it checked out. I shattered my wrist 4 years ago and I still f'n hurts to ride


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
dwaugh said:
I just hit the side of my helmet, but I was there for everything, saw everything in slow-mo. :eek: didnt get knocked out, just a bit dizzy.

You don't have to lose conciousness to have a concussion. Dizzyness and nassuea are signs too. See a doc. As for the wrist it just takes time for it to swell and the swelling to start pressing on the right nerves. If you have finger weakness, you need to see a Doc.


May 2, 2005
i did something similar while dirt jumping back in april. i nose cased a landing and took it all on my left arm. i just kind of shrugged it off, but about an hour later my hand started hurting really bad and got a little swollen. i never saw a doctor about it, but it still hurts if i put my weight on it or hit it in a weird way.


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Bellingham, Washington ~ U.S.A.
I'm thinking it may be a bad bruise. :think: Although it hurts to twist that arm, I can move it and lift up light things. :) Feels way better too today, although I hardly slept last night. Doctor appointment at 2:30.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 29, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Rock on, when I broke my wrist it was no fun at all. It did hurt directly afterwards, I had to puke, and my wrist was bent about 20 degrees 2 inches up from the joint- I knew it was broken. Both bones were fooked, but 7 weeks in a cast later and I was okay. That was 4 years ago, and I still wear a wrist brace whenever I ride.

Good healing to ya, and be sure to take it easy.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
dwaugh said:
Right.... :think: I just get lucky a lot. I probably should have broken more bones by now. But I usually just get a bad bruise. :D
That is because your a young'n. Sooner or later they'll start breaking.


Apr 26, 2004
the dirt jump park huh david...
its not like i havent ever been hurt there either, broke my wrist there and then couple months ago broke my arm and dislocated my wrist which involved a 5 inch metal plate and 6 screws to fix but that place is still great fun