
What is a progressive tax?


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Actually, way off Kevin. Half of my family (my birth mother's side) are poor farmers in the Mid-West, or living off of social welfare. The farmers are all full itme workers, busting their asses to make a living. This is the group from whom I learned my work ethic.
So you learned your work ethic from a group lucky enough to have been born into a family with assets (ie, land) that wouldn't be able to survive if it wasn't for sucking on the government teat that is farm subsidies....

Ummmmm, yeah. Where did you come from again?


Turbo Monkey
Jan 2, 2005
DC/Bluemont VA
I didn't mean to feed the haters here with my post. I think that heavy taxation in general is a bad idea, and a flat fee/flat rate tax system would almost certainly decrease the amount of revenue collected and would definitely reduce the compliance costs associated with the US tax system (which amount to completely wasted resources). So far so good.

However, Joker's chosen the worst way possible to sell the policy.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
So you learned your work ethic from a group lucky enough to have been born into a family with assets (ie, land) that wouldn't be able to survive if it wasn't for sucking on the government teat that is farm subsidies....

Ummmmm, yeah. Where did you come from again?
are you sure they weren't black sharecroppers?


Feb 23, 2006
Chinafornia USA
Depriving an adult of 16oz of water a day when they are consuming 80oz may go highly unnoticed… depriving a child of the same 16oz results in total dehydration and possible illness.

If we are going to carry the method of head taxation into the future, the rich need to be burdened much more than the poor. It should walk hand in hand with the failing system of 'trickle down economics'. If it was not for the poor workers of the world performing all the laborious tasks for the ultra rich, the ultra rich would not be in the position of great wealth that they currently bask in.

As it’s been touched on above, taxing a family that nets $2,000,000 at the 50% bracket means they don‘t get the 3rd golf course home in Palm Springs, taxing a family that nets $50,000 at the 20% bracket leaves them standing in line for food stamps with no milk in the fridge.

I have taken the hard road, and busted my ass to get where I am; why am I being forced to support those who have made the wrong choices, or are unwilling to work to correct their situation.
Most of the mega rich in my area do not work very hard at all for their position of great privilege, but the wanta-b rich and the poor do, constantly. The latter aforementioned will most likely go to their grave doing just that… working their ass off.
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resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
So you learned your work ethic from a group lucky enough to have been born into a family with assets (ie, land)
unless the family name is lipsh*tz and the land is in kansas.....he has a right to be bitter.
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sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
I find it interesting how our current tax system in reality is almost the opposite of a progressive tax, even though on paper it's a progressive system. In reality, those with the most money can afford to invest in tax shelters and move their money into non-taxable investments. The effective tax rate for many of the top income earners is far less than those of us more centered to the middle, which these days is probably 50-150K. It's sick when many of us pay a higher percentage than the top earners.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Oof. A Bernie tax system would hit me right in the pocketbook... and I'm ok with that. I'm not going to volunteer under this system to pay $X more but if everyone else in my bracket is paying the same then it's shared sacrifice.

I'd rather pay for single payer healthcare by just canceling the F-35 and littoral combat ship programs, though. Are those on the same order of magnitude? :D


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Something about calling me a hippie...

Oof. A Bernie tax system would hit me right in the pocketbook... and I'm ok with that. I'm not going to volunteer under this system to pay $X more but if everyone else in my bracket is paying the same then it's shared sacrifice.

I'd rather pay for single payer healthcare by just canceling the F-35 and littoral combat ship programs, though. Are those on the same order of magnitude? :D
Exactly. It would raise our taxes, but by cutting our $800/m (including HSA) healthcare bill, we end up positive. I think we'll get hit some on SS, but if that allows to bring the Rockefeller's, I mean Dimon et al, down some so that millions aren't homeless in retirement (if they can), so be it.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2006
If you made a flat income tax for everyone, no deductions, could I still find a loop hole to not pay as much as everyone else?