
What is best way to suck oil from fork?


Aug 25, 2003
hey all,

i put in some heaver weight oil in my zoke super T but now it is a little too stiff - where can i get some sort of syringe to suck out half the oil to replace with a lighter weight?

or is there a better way to do this?


El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
Originally posted by jingledell
hey all,

i put in some heaver weight oil in my zoke super T but now it is a little too stiff - where can i get some sort of syringe to suck out half the oil to replace with a lighter weight?

or is there a better way to do this?

Cheap and easy solution:
Take a drinking straw, stick it in there. Put your finger over the open end of the straw and then lift the straw out of the oil. Depending on how deep you stick the straw, you can withdraw up to a couple cc's per dip.

a syringe works too if you have one, but not everyone has access to a syringe.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 5, 2001
North Van
Most pharmacies carry syringes for dispensing meds to babies. No needle on them, graduated in cc's and a brake bleed kit hose slips on the end to extend the reach. I got my syringe free when I explained to the pharmacist why I needed one.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
Originally posted by jingledell
Good tip - thanks!
Its faster/easier to take of the lower acorn nuts, remove the lowers and let it drain into a tub of some sort. You will not be able to get anywhere close to all of the oil out if you try to suck it out throught the top. Even sliding the lowers down will not drain 100% of it, but it will get out most of it. Not a big deal if the oil is fairly new. You should take the carts out so that you can pump all of the old (bad?) oil out. It isn't very difficult. And remember to cycle the fork as you put oil back in to get all the air out.


Jan 25, 2003
Bay Area, California
You could also go down to your local grocery store and pick up a turkey baster, slip a piece
of tubing over the tip and suck the oil out. The cool thing about this is you can also use it measure how far the oil is from the top of the fork. There are some motox tools for doing the same thing, but they cost $$$. The baster does the same thing for a couple of dollars.