
what is "food cache" alex....


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
Hanging out for 8+minutes photographing a grizzly? That guy was an idiot.

While fishing on the Kenai Peninsula 20+yrs ago a grizzly came out of the brush on the opposite bank and snagged the salmon right off our line. I was gone before the rod hit the ground.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
While returning to the car after fishing on the Russian River 20 years ago my buddy was nowhere to be found. When he showed up 10 minutes after us he was white as a sheet and fishless. He says "Remember the foot bridge over the marshy area? Did you see Momma Gizz and her cubs? On each side of teh bridge?" Momma reared up at him and he had to distract her by throwing his whole catch at her...

The summer I left Alaska a black bear kiled some chick hiding from her on a cabin rooftop while he paddled for help across the lake. Only predictable thing about bears is that you cant predict anything about them.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
my dad went bear hunting in alaska while he was stationed there in the 60's.....the bear ended up tracking them for awhile...