
What is it about John Kerry?


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I just don't trust him. He doesn't ring true. I really think his Campaign/DNC/handlers are behind all the bad press Howard Dean and Wesley Clark(not that they are helping things) are getting lately. I predict he will suddenly become the new Media darling to replace Howard Dean. If the Democrats had any sense of a unified platform....well they would still be laughable....but they might have been able to give the Republicans a run for their money this time out... Instead they are just giving the Republicans fodder to use against them. Silly Democrats are their own worse enemy.......jdcamb


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Watched him speak up here on Saturday, and was very impressed. The man knows his policy, and speaks intelligently. His record is pretty amazing in its consistency... probably as consistent as any congressman I can think of. Strong on environmental and education issues. Waffled a bit on foreign policy and the war, but does a good job of explaining himself. He's a multi-tour vietnam vet, and is one of the few candidates to actually pay attention to veterans.

Coming out of congress hurts him, and I didn't previously think he could win anything in the South... having seen him, I think he'd be about as strong in the South as either Clark or Edwards. Not that ANY of them have a real good chance of winning those states.

He's also a little too slick for his own good. That much time in DC will do that to a person... Edwards is in the same boat, IMO.

For the NH primary, I'm personally debating between Clark and Kerry. I'd love to see them run together, and nail Bush to the wall on his "service" in the armed forces.


Jan 29, 2002
I honestly don't know anymore.
If it comes down to Bush v Kerry, I'll vote Kerry over Bush for one simple reason: Military record. I don't mind President Bush, but the Commander in Chief of our armed forces (which will include me in a little bit) shouldn't have the military record that our current president has.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Originally posted by ohio

He's also a little too slick for his own good. That much time in DC will do that to a person... Edwards is in the same boat, IMO.

Edwards has only been in Washington for 1 term in the Senate and prior to that had not been in politics at all.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by DRB
Edwards has only been in Washington for 1 term in the Senate and prior to that had not been in politics at all.
Sorry, I meant he's in the same boat in terms of being "too slick for his own good." Poor use of punctuation on my part.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Originally posted by ohio
Sorry, I meant he's in the same boat in terms of being "too slick for his own good." Poor use of punctuation on my part.
Ah. That slickness comes from his lawyer background. I definately like him better than Kerry but that probably has to do with the accent.

North Carolina is weird in that he was able to win over a Jesse Helms look alike (Lauch Faircloth) fairly easily. Polls were also indicating before he announced his run for President that he would win easily in a re-election to the Senate. But after his announcement the polls showed that he would lose badly to Bush.

HOWEVER, recently his numbers have improved drastically here. After Iowa, I think Edwards is in a watch this space mode. If he does well in New Hampshire he could be difficult to beat in the Southern Primaries.

Opps we were talking about Kerry.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
doing the most mild intelligence gathering on kerry (comprised of barely more than reading tea leaves, looking for broken twigs & doing some contrail analysis), it looks like the Right is trying to brew up a "shock & awe" for late summer. But, much like this past march w/ the "real" shock & awe, it's probably just posturing.

i say all that to say this: i won't put much long term stock in jfk, although - as stated previously here - he has gravitas & makes more sense than the others. He'd be best complimented by edwards - not clark.

i just know somebody's holding pictures somewhere...