
What is it with the people that I work with?!?


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
We got a shipment of biometric jump drives recently, and I got a call from the "Compliance Officer" here who asks me for help installing the drivers for it. So I logged into his PC ran the installer as a administrator. It took a few seconds and that was that.

So a few weeks later I find out that this guy complained to my manager because I installed the drivers for this drive on his PC. After hed had specifically called me and asked for help doing just that...

WTF?!? :confused:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Tenchiro said:
We got a shipment of biometric jump drives recently, and I got a call from the "Compliance Officer" here who asks me for help installing the drivers for it. So I logged into his PC ran the installer as a administrator. It took a few seconds and that was that.

So a few weeks later I find out that this guy complained to my manager because I installed the drivers for this drive on his PC. After hed had specifically called me and asked for help doing just that...

WTF?!? :confused:
Did he enter the request to the Help Desk? If so, don't sweat it. If not, he might be trying to railroad you. :p


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
BikeGeek said:
Sounds like in the future, all requests should come via email so you have documentation.

Especially for a compliance officer. I would have suggested he call the helpdesk for a ticket / case / CRM to get the drivers installed. Someone in his role should understand full-well about following procedure. :rolleyes:


Mr. Ho Jangles
May 9, 2003
log back in to his machine when you get the chance and uninstall the drivers. Then when he calls you because the drive no longer works tell you need him to go through the correct help desk procedures and send an email CC'ing your supervisor, your supervisor's supervisor and your pet monkey.
Morryjg said:
log back in to his machine when you get the chance and uninstall the drivers. Then when he calls you because the drive no longer works tell you need him to go through the correct help desk procedures and send an email CC'ing your supervisor, your supervisor's supervisor and your pet monkey.
Umm... No. Tenchiro, do you think he was trolling to see whether you would respond to social engineering?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Uhm, sounds like there might be more to the story?

I mean, if the drivers simply existed on his computer, he'd have no cause for complaint. Even if he's an idiot, surely your manager would see that.

Was he complaining that his computer is now slow because of it? Are the drivers not working properly?

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
binary visions said:
Uhm, sounds like there might be more to the story?

I mean, if the drivers simply existed on his computer, he'd have no cause for complaint. Even if he's an idiot, surely your manager would see that.

Was he complaining that his computer is now slow because of it? Are the drivers not working properly?
We have people here at my office, that if you touch the "L" key on their keyboard, they'll complain that the copier isn't running as fast as it was yesterday....


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Apparently, he thought that by me logging in remotely and doing it for him that I was giving him the administrator login and password. :rolleyes:

And for a bonus, in a brilliant managerial move this department (within IS) is no longer allowed to install software because of this siuation. Even though it was explained what happened, and this was a misunderstanding.

I can't wait until this contract ends, that is the light at the end of my tunnel. :help:


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2004
In a Van(couver) down by the river
Secret Squirrel said:
We have people here at my office, that if you touch the "L" key on their keyboard, they'll complain that the copier isn't running as fast as it was yesterday....
I've run into that problem. Just tell those guys to hit "B-I-T-E-M-E" until the old speed is restored.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
SkaredShtles said:
Did he enter the request to the Help Desk? If so, don't sweat it. If not, he might be trying to railroad you. :p
I work here as part of a contract to upgrade all of their computer systems to Windows XP and to migrate them off a Novell based network to Microsoft..

Unfortunately for me, I got moved from the actual deployment to filling in inside their IT department and for now I am helping the Helpdesk because of the increased call volume.


Tenchiro said:
I work here as part of a contract to upgrade all of their computer systems to Windows XP and to migrate them off a Novell based network to Microsoft..

Unfortunately for me, I got moved from the actual deployment to filling in inside their IT department and for now I am helping the Helpdesk because of the increased call volume.
So you don't have an apple, huh???


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Ya gotta love tech support.

I tell my LUsers tat I do no work without a ticket. Period. Don't care who you are or what the issue is.

Tenchiro said:
Unfortunately for me, I got moved from the actual deployment to filling in inside their IT department and for now I am helping the Helpdesk because of the increased call volume.
I am soooo glad that my help desk days are over. It's an awful, thankless job.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Ciaran said:
I am soooo glad that my help desk days are over. It's an awful, thankless job.
I hear that. I have escaped a few times but kepp getting drug back in. Usually for these god awful contract jobs.