
What is up with RM?


BS is not a bitch.
Feb 14, 2003
finally transplanted
I don't know if I'm the only one noticing this, but RM is getting slower and slower ever since the change over. I love this place and always want to hang out here, but lately I have been coming back less and less, ever since it's become so slow! I want to stick around and add more to this forum, but it's hard to when it takes forever to look threw posts and then reply. :confused:

Hopefully it's just me, then it's probably just my connection or something, but from a few other people I have talked to they agree. Hope it picks up a little bit soon :thumb:

Thanks for the cool site and doing what you can anyways RM guys! :D


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
I agree, the site has definitely slowed down, and its not my connection speed either. I just moved up from dialup to DSL a week ago and its still slow. Which means that in turn I post a lot more on mtbr since its faster. lol. I dont know why its slowed down so much over here. :confused:


Aug 6, 2003
Seattle, WA
It seems to be running really slow today, like their server is bogged down. I am on a really fast corporate connection, and its just chugging.


BS is not a bitch.
Feb 14, 2003
finally transplanted
MMike said:
It's especially brutal today.

I've hardly looked at it because it's taking close to a minute for a page to load. (at work on a T1 line)
T1 here too! (just wondering if our line is having issues) but doubt it because we actually have.... get this.... 5- T1 lines running in here... HAHA... Don't ask... that's just the way they wanted to do it.

Hey if there is anything I can do to help I'm more than happy to, I know you mods on here probably have your hands full, and I dont' want to just complain with out being willing to try and help!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
I thought things had been fine, then all of a sudden this afternoon things bogged down. I get about a 15second delay before the page starts to load. Once it does, speed is fine, but the delay is annoying. Almost like my browser hung.

FWIW... I'm running XP Pro and IE6.


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
Which means that in turn I post a lot more on mtbr since its faster. lol
It's not THAT slow. :eviltongu

As of 9:30pm EST 6/25 it is still really slow loading pages. I thought there was a problem with the T1 at work today, but I'm having the same problem at home with cable. It's taking 15 seconds for a page to load. I checked my connection with Speakeasy, and I'm getting 2639 down / 228 up.

Who-hooo! Above the 2 mbit barrier! :dancing: :D