
What is with azzhole people?!?!


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Man, I have ranted about this chick on here before, but she continues to piss me off. Its the Boss' seceratary. Normally she gets on my nerves by trying to boss everyone around and acting like the knows everything about the business and never makes a mistake. Note, she has been here maybe 7 months and always fuks up everything while talking down to people that have been here for 10 years. She also has this irritating super loud cackle that she will break out at every possible moment. She gets everyone into trouble by being so much of a kissass that she doesnt ever ask questions to her boss, she just says "YES SIR" and then goes an tried to figure out WTF he was asking her, while usually wasting people's time and making other people ask him the questions she should have asked him in the first place.

Okay, now on to today. Some chick that I have never met had a sister that died and a pool was going around for everyone to put up money to buy her something, well I wasnt able to chip in yesterday because I had to spend all my cash parking at the district courthouse (a whole other story). Anyway, so today she comes parading down the hall with this huge arrangement of flowers saying thanks everyone for your donation, she made a godamn point to pause at my office door and actually make eye contact with me while she said "thanks everyone [pauses at door and looks me in the eye] FOR THOS OF YOU THAT CHIPPED IN"... WTF?!?! This chick has a twig permanently jammed up her anus. Never in my life has a coworker continually pissed me off to the point where I'd take pleasure in seeing them get canned!


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
korked7 said:
he totally does... that rough pissed off kind of banging... thats gross... i bet shes ugly too
Oh yeah, real nasty. White chick that says "aight" with super wide man nose, pudgy with a square ass and medium sized saggy boobs. Really rough hair, bleached sand blonde. Voice like nails on chalkboard, laugh that could wake the dead, an attitude. Knows it "all. Also has 2 kids.

Yeah... I want her bad :rolleyes:


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
chicodude01 said:
Dispose of her.....NOW!
Wish I could... she just came in and lectured me abouyt the tidyness of my office out of fuhking nowhere. To which I repled "what do you care"? I've never said a godanm thing about her office so WTF is she coming into mine and lecturing me? Besides, Being the designer of a big azz company, I deal in paper day in and day out... printing more in 1 week than the entire company does in a month. I have shelves with 20 different types and sizes of paper... Really I SHOULD have of paper ALL OVER my office, not just a few stacks here and there. I am getting increasingly "short" with her, one of these days I'm going to lose it and fly off the handle at her.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
golgiaparatus said:
Wish I could... she just came in and lectured me abouyt the tidyness of my office out of fuhking nowhere. To which I repled "what do you care"? I've never said a godanm thing about her office so WTF is she coming into mine and lecturing me? Besides, Being the designer of a big azz company, I deal in paper day in and day out... printing more in 1 week than the entire company does in a month. I have shelves with 20 different types and sizes of paper... Really I SHOULD have of paper ALL OVER my office, not just a few stacks here and there. I am getting increasingly "short" with her, one of these days I'm going to go off on her.
Dude. Don't get fired over it.

Or maybe do.......... you could move out of OK. :thumb:



Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
golgiaparatus said:
Wish I could... she just came in and lectured me abouyt the tidyness of my office out of fuhking nowhere. To which I repled "what do you care"? I've never said a godanm thing about her office so WTF is she coming into mine and lecturing me? Besides, Being the designer of a big azz company, I deal in paper day in and day out... printing more in 1 week than the entire company does in a month. I have shelves with 20 different types and sizes of paper... Really I SHOULD have of paper ALL OVER my office, not just a few stacks here and there. I am getting increasingly "short" with her, one of these days I'm going to lose it and fly off the handle at her.
Just go to her office and start griping about small 'imperfections' that would annoy her. or atleast do it in a tone that makes it sound demeaning to her...


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
golgiaparatus said:
Doubtful. Ill probably go off on her and immediately go to the presidents office to complain about her and possibly to report how much time I have spent bailing her sorry ass out of trouble (though thats not exactly my style).
Don't bother complaining about her, just stop bailing her sorry a$$ out, and let her been seen for what she is. Then, just ignore her the rest of the time, if possible. No matter where you work there will be people similar that piss you off. The world's full of them. :nuts: