
what is your dream job?


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
well im sittin here in my lame ass waaaaaaaaay under appreciated and under compensated job thinkin about what i would do if i could have any job i wanted. now im speaking realistically here, not things like "gynecologist to the stars" or something but a job that is attainablke in some way or another and i have compiled a list of the jobs i would like most in no certain order really.

Property Management Company Owner
Expedition Climatalogist
Professional Adventure Photographer (that actually makes money)
Product R and D tester for some cool company that i like
Test Driver for Road and Track magazine

ok your turn now


How many posts til someone says gynocologist?

I don't know what my dream job might be. Cowboying was awfully cool when the weather and the pay was right. That didn't happen much though.

dh girlie

Well...I will admit to watching another reality show here...I forget what it's called, but it's similar to America's Top Model, but with dudes...I came across a marathon of it one day. Anyway...they were having them wear these ridiculous costumes...(they were trying to see their reactions to different situations they might be put in in the modeling world, as it was part of the judging) And this guy had tan lines like he wore board shorts but they were putting him in something shorter and someone had to apply makeup to his thighs to even out the tan...I would like that job...out of the 20 or so guys, about 16 of em were really hot...and guess what...catty as hell!


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
loco said:
How many posts til someone says gynocologist?
Not I, said the fly. Why ruin good fun by making it into a job? I'd think having to look at unattractive or sick ones all day would detract from one's desire to get close to them after duty hours had elapsed.

Myself, I'd love to own/operate a coffeeshop in Rotterdam. Then I could just moonlight as a Nieumarkt quality control agent for the Health Ministry. :thumb:


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
Stained Glass Artist
Children's Book Illustrator
Travelling Artist (illustrating for a Travel magazine)
Archeological documenter (drawing what they find)
Gigposter/ CD designer (would love to illustrate for bands)


llkoolkeg said:
Not much chica in this gorrilla, sistah!
Speaking of gorillas, there is this porn store in a field, where they just pulled in 18 wheelers and set up shop. I must take pics. Anyway, there is a giant blue inflatable gorilla out front. My friend said, they should put a strap on, on the big monkey. Just thought it was funny. I hope there is a thread with gorilla and field porn pics really soon.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
dh girlie said:
Well...I will admit to watching another reality show here...I forget what it's called, but it's similar to America's Top Model, but with dudes...I came across a marathon of it one day. Anyway...they were having them wear these ridiculous costumes...(they were trying to see their reactions to different situations they might be put in in the modeling world, as it was part of the judging) And this guy had tan lines like he wore board shorts but they were putting him in something shorter and someone had to apply makeup to his thighs to even out the tan...I would like that job...out of the 20 or so guys, about 16 of em were really hot...and guess what...catty as hell!
Let me guess, this was on Bravo...

dh girlie

loco said:
Speaking of gorillas, there is this porn store in a field, where they just pulled in 18 wheelers and set up shop. I must take pics. Anyway, there is a giant blue inflatable gorilla out front. My friend said, they should put a strap on, on the big monkey. Just thought it was funny. I hope there is a thread with gorilla and field porn pics really soon.
I was on the way to Big Bear one year and we stopped at this truck stop...we went in to use the bathroom and there was a little theater IN the truckstop showing porn...weird...


biggins said:
well im sittin here in my lame ass waaaaaaaaay under appreciated and under compensated job thinkin about what i would do if i could have any job i wanted. now im speaking realistically here, not things like "gynecologist to the stars" or something but a job that is attainablke in some way or another and i have compiled a list of the jobs i would like most in no certain order really.

Property Management Company Owner
Expedition Climatalogist
Professional Adventure Photographer (that actually makes money)
Product R and D tester for some cool company that i like
Test Driver for Road and Track magazine

ok your turn now
My brother has the last job you listed except for a different magazine, Automotive News, and that job is something that I would love to do.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
dh girlie said:
Don't hate on the hotties cuz they're hot...MOST of them seemed like regular guys that just got burdened with being really hot...couple of em were kinda weird...one dude that didn't make it was actually crying...it was kinda funny.
I wasn't. Lots of attractive men are masculine; in fact, I would think that should be a defining quality. The ones described above however, despite their looks, are not MEN.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
dh girlie said:
YES! Thanks...now I can go to their site and find out when it's on next...do you know what it's called?
Nope... I just remember seeing the add for it right after a 'queer eye' ad and laughing.

dh girlie

llkoolkeg said:
I wasn't. Lots of attractive men are masculine; in fact, I would think that should be a defining quality. The ones described above however, despite their looks, are not MEN.

Oh did you watch the show too? That's what made it kind of funny...they were actually just normal guys (MOST of them) but that's ok...this just further supports my 'guys are so catty' statement...HAHAHAHA!

Hello Kitty

Nov 25, 2004
i always thought that the guys that get to test drive Ferraris job would be cool along with being a race car driver or fighter pilot the guys that get to customize/hot rod cars sounds fun too but in reality...i think being a military officer would be a cool job not much money in it but to beable to be a leader would be cool and a marketing director for a bike company sounds like a cool job too.

after a 4 year hiatus from the brokerage business i'm restarting from scratch again i'm making less than half of what i did this same time last year however this same time NEXT year i'll be making triple the skys the limit as far as money goes if your will to work hard but the stress and lack of riding time sucks.

years ago i knew a guy who's younger brother worked for Vivid Productions in California they produce porn videos. you woulda thought WoW what a cool job being around porno hotties all day but the guy hated it and he was just biding his time till he could get a job working for a movie studio.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
neurosurgeon. or playing trumpet in a major symphony. but that would get boring, i think. being a wrc driver would be cool, too :D


Jul 5, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
Driving in Formula 1
Driving in WRC

R&D testing for Ferrari, Lambo, or any exotic car company

Basically any job that involves getting to play with big-boy toys. :)

I'd gladly test out the top speeds and reliability of motorcycles too! :beer:



Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
This job is kinda my dream job... but sometimes I hate the company I work for... but mostly I like my job.


Turbo Monkey
May 26, 2004
Megan Black's sex toy


Helisking/biking guide
Helisking/biking company owner
road and track editor/ test driver
WRC driver
professional downhiller (that gets paid, lol)


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Hello Kitty said:
after a 4 year hiatus from the brokerage business i'm restarting from scratch again i'm making less than half of what i did this same time last year however this same time NEXT year i'll be making triple the skys the limit as far as money goes if your will to work hard but the stress and lack of riding time sucks.
are you in the oil brokerage biz? a guy my bro knows works down in houston, told me he made $25MM this year. :confused:


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
dh girlie said:
Oh did you watch the show too? That's what made it kind of funny...they were actually just normal guys (MOST of them) but that's ok...this just further supports my 'guys are so catty' statement...HAHAHAHA!
Nah...I only watch Cowboys games on the tube. Me catty? Double nah. I just have very little patience and a selective filter for my civil pleasantries. I can be diplomatic when the situation calls for it, but why mince words when I have to type them? :p


Aug 14, 2002
dream job ideas:

bike shop owner/gear expert
road and track writer/car tester
brewmaster at a microbrew that I own
bed and breakfast in someplace spectacular (sort of a drewm for the finacee and myself, combined)

wow. I could go on, but ill stop....


Sep 6, 2004
Stavanger, Norway
An engineer for a leading bike company. (specialized maybe.)

A bike store owner that has several shops all over the world including whistler, utah, among others.

A guide at whistler bike park ;)

A mechanic/engineer for a racing team like F1.