
What I've been doing for the past month or so....(another BC report)


They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
Okay, as most of you know Mobius and I have been on the road for the past month. We just got back, so for all you who had to work for the past month, here's how the trip went down:

Mobius and I left DC on June 30, and rode the Snowshoe freeride park. It was dry and dusty, I didn't know what to do with myself. Anyway we saw Snowshoe Dave in Whistler so I'm guessing the Shoe is gonna be off the hook before too long.

Next stop was Denver, hung with Nocoastfreeride for a while, and then the 3 of us headed off to a place in CO called Monarch Crest. It's basically about 1000ft of climbing and 4000ft vert descending, starting out at a little over 11,000ft up so you're above the treeline for most of it. This was a bit of a lung test, to say the least. We pretty much rode along this ridge for about 3 hours, at the risk of oversimplifying things:

When we got done, we drove straight to Moab. On the way, we took a shortcut thru some abandoned railroad town, then apparently took a detour thru the moon. We stopped to chase some antelopes there.

Once in Moab, we did the Porcupine Rim trail. This is the view over the "rim" I guess. It looks like about 2000ft straight down off of a sheer cliff.

This is Team Turner in Moab. Mobius liked the 5-spot so much, he just HAD to buy one right then and there, so he did.

Then we rode the Moab Rim trail, I wrecked and broke my brake lever, so we called it a day.

Next up was Post Canyon, in Hood River OR. As I said in the other thread, check out www.gfra.org for the lowdown. We were sorta wandering around looking for a trailhead or something, when we come around a corner and see this:

So we hooked up with these guys, Allen, Chris, and Ryan, and they showed us around, threw it down PROPER, and were cool guys in general. The trails there RULE. The drops were pretty big, a few over 10ft and all of them had buttery smooth transitions to land on. The skinnies were tight, and gaps were large. I didn't bother with the camera for most of the riding we did there, so here's another pic of the road gap. No pics of me doing it, but I did. Mobius bitched out.

Next, we picked up SarahMaria in Seattle and headed up to Whistler. I needn't say much. I rode my ass off, cracked my RFX, snapped a handlebar, etc..... More pics of Mobius and I screwing around on A-line:

Hey Mobius, hottie on your right at 3 o'clock:

attempt at style:

faster than a speeding ticket:

Look right again:

After a little more than a week of that, we headed to Vancouver to ride the famed North Shore. We hit CBC and Corkscrew a couple of times on Saturday. Returned to my car to find that some scum had broken into it, smashing the window and grabbing my cell phone, and basically everything of value that Mobius had -- i.e. wallet, phone, passport, travelers' checks, cash, camera and lenses, even his coveted Abercrombie and Fitch belt. Bastards. We ghetto-rigged up a window with a trash bag and some packing tape, straight thug life.

We rode Oilcan the next day, it was pretty beat. Drops to flat are bad enough, Watershed-style. Add rock "armoring" to the landings, and you have a recipe for suckitude and harsh landings. I did the drops for a while, realized what was going on, and decided to take the wuss lines for the rest of the day. The wuss lines were a lot better.

After all that, we didn't do much riding. We mooched off my buddy JR in Vancouver, got wasted and scoped hot chix, and Mobius got owned RT-style by the Irish car bomb(s?). Then mooched a couple days off my cousin Maria in Seattle, camping with her and chillin on the beach, basically just relaxing. It was pretty nice.

We hit Northstar a couple days after that, but weren't really into it. Besides being TOTALLY beat from everything, the 'Star was stuff we really weren't used to -- the 3" deep dust was a bit to get used to, and some of the trails really used too much uphill switchbacks which tended to kill your speed. It was pretty fun but that basically whacked us out for good. Mobius and I both got owned, but we did manage to lay a major smackdown on the bathroom at Northstar. No pics from N*.

From there, it was more or less a death-march home, although we stopped in Denver for another major mooch session with Mobius' uncle, which ruled. This is us camping in the Utah desert, apparently the only life forms for about 100 sq. miles:

The damage/destruction:
One RFX frame
One 5-spot frame
2 rear derailluers
2 hangers
2 SRAM shifters
1 chain
1 Fox shock
1 Super T
1 Titec handlebar
1 Hadley hub, sorta
1 521 rim
1 Maxxis tire, 1 Intense tire
1 Hayes m/c
3 sets of brake pads
10 cases of beer
1 pair of shoes
1 tire (4runner)
1 passenger window (4runner)
4 brake rotors (4runner)
1 bathroom, Northstar
1 speeding ticket, 1 warning

My favorite things about Whistler:
-that hot girl at the Amsterdam Pub
-Mobius getting owned in general
-all those "honey" beers, and Cubans
-whack style
-the RT
-the Turtle
-not getting robbed yet
-and it's all fun and games until.....


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
haha, nice stick pic there... what happened to those frames?


They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
I cracked my chainstay, and Mobius dented a rental 5-spot.... one hell of an expensive demo ride if you ask me :D I think the 5 is fine but the shop was pretty stuck on him dealing with it i.e. buying it. I'm pretty sure I can get a cheap crash-replace on the chainstay, so I'm not too concerned. Regardless, unless it's cheap as in under about $20, I can't afford to fix it yet...


They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
I did call you fool - check your voicemail!! I'd have called earlier but since my phone got nabbed I was a bit behind schedule.... ;)


Artisanal Tweet Curator
DßR said:
I did call you fool - check your voicemail!! I'd have called earlier but since my phone got nabbed I was a bit behind schedule.... ;)
Oh my god that was you!!! I know too many Dans. God I'm an idiot. I thought you were someone else that I wasn't too thrilled to ride with. Dammit. I remember now. I was up at northstar that sunday but I'm assuming that was the day after you guys were there. Man I'm so sorry I didn't realize that was you. I'm so pissed now. Northstar is about 10 minutes from my house and I was out kayaking that saturday.

I can't believe of all the places you guys went, BC was where some dipsh!t broke into your car. That sucks. Glad there's no injuries at least.


Apr 23, 2004
Silver Spring, MD
nice report and pics.

VERY jealous. so, i guess now you'll be able to ride the shed with your eyes closed on a fully rigid single-speed, no hands! :D


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
After seeing your destroyed items list, it looks like I got off light there with my one Joker swingarm(which was replaced FOC). I guess that's the difference between riding like a tourist and throwing caution to the wind! Glad to hear you guys did it up PROPER.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
sweet trip report dan. the gap over the car looks awesome. im there next year. are ya'll going back?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
It was nice meeting you guys up there! :thumb:

I still can't believe you broke your bars off at the stem and rode it out...


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC

Wonderful trip and ill be back in BC next season throwing down again. Look for northshore and RT influenced stunts in the MD area coming soon....


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
DßR said:
The damage/destruction:
Add to that list yet another set of FSA V-Drive cranks, an ISIS BB, and a saddle (snapped the Ti rails). I just tried putting the Banshee back together with a new BB and the cranks are definitely bent. It's not just that the old BB was shot. I'd have to file off at least 5mm off the crank arm before it'll clear the swingarm. :mumble: :mad: Time for some X-Drives or Profiles I guess.
Mar 29, 2004
Virginia Beach, VA
Hey dude,

Trip looks awesome. Man Monarch was a serious lung test. My buddy is coming out in Sept, he wants to do an Epic XC ride, I plan to take him there. Hell, i'm borrowing an XC bike, though.

I got your messages last night from your way back through. I had a little bit of a concussion and was laid out for a few days. Sorry about that man, but didn't have the phone near.

Glad you guys had a blast rockin' it up there in WHistler!



Jul 28, 2004
Chapel Hell
farris here

cool to run into some mid-alantic cats cross the country in whistler.
here's the photographic evidence: http://www.obscure.org/~v0id/
also: http://homepage.mac.com/andrewfarris/PhotoAlbum4.html

also, i'm pretty sure I've got helmet cam video of both mobius and dBr. i'll post it up when i get it edited to a reasonable size

i think we can one up your theft. althought we were in downtown Van, in happened immediately after riding Fromme, so the echo is somewhat eerie. we lost 4 bikes, including my M1 and Stinky. fourtunately, they were all insured and it happened the day before I was scheduled to leave. still, a downer.

still got my DJ bike, looking forward to riding 495 next time i'm up there


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
meatboot said:
farris here

i think we can one up your theft. althought we were in downtown Van, in happened immediately after riding Fromme, so the echo is somewhat eerie. we lost 4 bikes, including my M1 and Stinky. fourtunately, they were all insured and it happened the day before I was scheduled to leave. still, a downer.

still got my DJ bike, looking forward to riding 495 next time i'm up there
What's up with the fvcking thieves up there?! Not sure I want to bring my bike when I go next year.



They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
holy sh*t farris - that sucks. What else got nabbed? I imagine that M1 will result in a pretty fat insurance check though, on the bright side....

Eric - how'd you get a concussion? You okay? No worries about missing us; we were too broke and too beat to ride anyway...


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
Damn farris that sucks but you get a nice fat check and plenty of new promising bikes to pick from.

The bike theft up there is huge because of people knowing what is up and knowing they can get a market. The theft for us in north van is partially my fault and partially dbrs and partially well mostly the crack epidemic up there.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Vancouver is the Amsterdam of the Western Hemisphere; it only stands to reason that incidence of bike thievery should be on par.

***Dutch Police to Use GPS in Bicycle Theft Crackdown***

"AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Amsterdam police will use bicycles equipped with hidden GPS receivers and transmitters to bait thieves and track them down in the latest effort to stamp out rampant bike theft, a police spokesman said Tuesday.

Cycling is a way of life in the pancake-flat Netherlands, which boasts more bicycles than its 16 million inhabitants, and in Amsterdam alone an estimated 80,000-150,000 bicycles -- over one tenth of the total -- are stolen every year.

"It would be great to get hold of the organized bicycle thieves, to track the whereabouts of stolen bikes and see if any end up in an official bicycle shops," Amsterdam police spokesman Rob van der Veen said. "We just want to do everything we can to combat bicycle theft and are going to use new GPS technology," he said.

In a campaign starting in spring, police will leave locked bikes with secret GPS emitters in Amsterdam's bike theft hotspots such as the historic city center.

GPS, the worldwide radio-navigation system used for shipping and military purposes, enables users to pinpoint the position, speed and time to locate themselves or an object.

Bike theft is so widespread in the capital that rental shops won't let customers leave without giving them a crash course on bike locking -- attaching both wheels to the frame, and chaining the bicycle to a fixed object, such as a bike stand.

Van ver Veen said the initiative targeted professional bicycle thieves, those who scour the city at night and steal several bikes at a time putting them in vans or trailers.

According to a Web Site campaigning against bike theft in Amsterdam (www.fietsendiefstal.nl), 40 percent of bike thieves are professionals while 30 percent are drug addicts who sell stolen bikes as quickly as possible to pay for their next fix. The remainder are usually impulsive thieves, sometimes students or youths -- and very often drunk -- who steal a bike to get home after their own was pinched."


I'm normal
Oct 2, 2001
Northern Va.
Had a great time! Good booze good riding what more can you ask for!

Oh, and you can add to the list of parts

Another set of break pads
1 Rear tire
1 BB
1 cracked handle bar
1 dented rim
1 riding ego

Farris, that sux man about your stuff! I hope all the insurance stuff works out


Mar 24, 2004
SDH said:
Had a great time! Good booze good riding what more can you ask for!

Oh, and you can add to the list of parts

Another set of break pads
1 Rear tire
1 BB
1 cracked handle bar
1 dented rim
1 riding ego

Farris, that sux man about your stuff! I hope all the insurance stuff works out
and while you're at it, throw in:

1 rear wheel that had to be rebuilt (spokes all fubared)
1 front brake
1 derailleur hanger (technically it was bent, not broken, but still)


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
And while your at it throw in

2 spokes on my rear wheel
3 zip ties
1 pride

and the fact that my bighit is in pieces since the heckler has the super t on it now.