
What? Like these d00ds don't make enough $'s already???


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
not be an apologist, but coaches make a fraction of the star players' salaries (but plenty to get by).

aren't there any golden parachute or insider stories of greater interest? the generel counsel of biogen IDEC seems to be in a bit of hot water recently. from my perspective, he looks pretty guilty.

dh girlie

Jeez...what a jackass...Whether or not he makes as much as a player is irrelevant. He makes more than the general population, and the few thousand he made on the tickets ain't gonna make him or break him.

He coulda totally done something cool like give the tickets to some poor kids that live in the projects that get good grades or something...prick.