
What limits on free speech in public libraries?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
OK, so pr0n is bad to have where there are children, some agree.
but, again the display of the American flag is questionable? This happened in boulder, co a couple years back (link - be sure and click "Library by the numbers" link as well), and the other day near philly (link).

Anybody want to chime in on why the ACLU is absent when it comes to defending the right to hang the flag in a public library?

to be rediculous (although consistent w/ the philly librarian) what if i'm uncomfortable with signs reading "No Food, No Smoking", or gender specific signs on the WC?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Originally posted by Tenchiro
People are getting way too sensitive about everything...
especially this guy
as reported in Boston.com

It was the first time [Wesley] Clark had voiced a public opinion on the proposed amendment, and it was news to some of his aides--who quickly said the position was an emotional response.

"The flag is something that is very deep and personal to him, as he has led men into battle and combat under the flag," said Chris Lehane, a Clark communications strategist. . . .

Matt Bennett, Clark's communications director, said Clark saw flag-burning as a "very, very, very particularized form of dissent that he simply can't abide. I guess he is carving out a little bit, but not very much. For the most part he is a very strong proponent of civil liberties."


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
My local library system has been involved in a flap over porn access on the 'net computers. The fist plan was full access (unfiltered) to all clients.

People with kids were not happy with that so then the library system said okay, if you don't want your kid to have full access let us know and we will filter their service. That sounded reasonable to me, but still some people were not happy, so now minors by default have filtered service and can get full access with parental permission. Adults have full access.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Originally posted by ummbikes
That sounded reasonable to me, but still some people were not happy, so now minors by default have filtered service and can get full access with parental permission. Adults have full access.
Haha, who goes to the library to look at porn?!?


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
i have seen many a perv at the u of m library looking at porn. it really is sick and creepy.



Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
At the public hearing there was a convicted sex offender who admitted to being at the library (apparently against his parole agreement) and saw another convicted sex offender surfing the 'net for porn. Who knows if this was true but it sure got people fired up.

I don't let my kids go anywhere unsupervised especially the library.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
To quote Mark Rothko - Silence is accurate.

Originally posted by $tinkle
OK, so pr0n is bad to have where there are children, some agree.
but, again the display of the American flag is questionable? This happened in boulder, co a couple years back (link - be sure and click "Library by the numbers" link as well), and the other day near philly (link).

Anybody want to chime in on why the ACLU is absent when it comes to defending the right to hang the flag in a public library?

to be rediculous (although consistent w/ the philly librarian) what if i'm uncomfortable with signs reading "No Food, No Smoking", or gender specific signs on the WC?


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Itemized to make sure I hit all the issues:
Flags: any public building should be able to freely fly the American flag, as well as the great seal, or any other official symbol... federal, state or local. If it is a government building it can have government symbols. Duh.

Porn: I tend to agree that all minors should have restricted/filtered access automatically, with the option to request specific access. Adults should have unlimited access, but there's nothiing wrong with monitoring them (in a PUBLIC library, not their homes) to see if they are doing anything illegal (kiddie porn, wanking it - indecent exposure, etc.)

Damn, I think I fell on the right side of the fence with this one. How the hell am I going to climb back over to the "good" side now?


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Originally posted by ohio
Damn, I think I fell on the right side of the fence with this one. How the hell am I going to climb back over to the "good" side now?
Even some of the hippy commie types were for default filtered for minors and unfiltered for adults.


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
Originally posted by TN_Fred
i have seen many a perv at the u of m library looking at porn. it really is sick and creepy.

Yeah me too. This is absurd. I like porn as much (or more) than the next guy, but there's a time and place for it.

Since when did common sense get completely abandoned in the name of free speech?


Oct 17, 2002
How can porn at the PUBLIC library even be an issue? Can children go to an X-rated movie theater? Can kids go to strip clubs?

Seriously? How is this NOT B&W?

No porn should be allowed in a public place by anyone of any age for the simple fact that a child may walk by. Now, if the library wants to have rooms where only adults may surf the web -- for porn or just to not be interupted by kids -- then cool.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
If my liberal upbringing has taught me anything, is that we must be sensitive to the needs of perverts, even if that means subjecting our children to pornography during the puppet show hour or the summer reading program. :rolleyes:

New monkey rule, if you catch someone surfing porn in the public library you vow to a) punch them in the head a couple of times and/or b) whack them upside the head with an encyclopedia, preferably a thick one.


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by Tenchiro
New monkey rule, if you catch someone surfing porn in the public library you vow to a) punch them in the head a couple of times and/or b) whack them upside the head with an encyclopedia, preferably a thick one.
fvck yea!


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
Originally posted by Tenchiro
If my liberal upbringing has taught me anything, is that we must be sensitive to the needs of perverts, even if that means subjecting our children to pornography during the puppet show hour or the summer reading program. :rolleyes:

New monkey rule, if you catch someone surfing porn in the public library you vow to a) punch them in the head a couple of times and/or b) whack them upside the head with an encyclopedia, preferably a thick one.
I like the idea better where you stand next to the pervert and point and yell "THIS GUYS SURFING PORN!!!! HEY EVERYBODY, LOOK, A PERVERT IN THE LIBRARY!!!"

I'll do it, only I never go to the library.....:monkey:


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by pnj
I like the idea better where you stand next to the pervert and point and yell "THIS GUYS SURFING PORN!!!! HEY EVERYBODY, LOOK, A PERVERT IN THE LIBRARY!!!"
fvck yea!


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Originally posted by pnj
I like the idea better where you stand next to the pervert and point and yell "THIS GUYS SURFING PORN!!!! HEY EVERYBODY, LOOK, A PERVERT IN THE LIBRARY!!!"

I'll do it, only I never go to the library.....:monkey:
Then you thump him?


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
So the agreement is:

Originally posted by pnj
I like the idea better where you stand next to the pervert and point and yell "THIS GUYS SURFING PORN!!!! HEY EVERYBODY, LOOK, A PERVERT IN THE LIBRARY!!!"
Then when they leave:

Originally posted by Tenchiro
New monkey rule, if you catch someone surfing porn in the public library you vow to a) punch them in the head a couple of times and/or b) whack them upside the head with an encyclopedia, preferably a thick one.
Post it in the Rules Thread.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Originally posted by BurlySurly
Yeah, right dude.

The only reason i go to the library is to pick up 6th graders.
Why I oughta..........:mad: :rolleyes: ;) :D ....sh*t...that's right we're being civil to each other....hold on, I'm scouring my hard drive for a picture of the Olsen twin;) :D