
What no official Mont Sainte Anne WC thread yet?


Oct 17, 2001
New York
you guys watch way too much reality TV... trying to find drama where there is no drama

Sam has to win here... and his preparation will be focused on nothing else. pretty simple really.
Huh? Watch too much tv, looking for drama...what are you talking about?

It's pretty intriguing to hear that the star of the sport has possibly pushed his teammate aside (when it comes to practicing together, sharing lines, learning from each other's experience on the track). I mean all things mentioned in prior sentence are what a teammate is for, no? As a fan of downhill racing that's something I'm interested in learning about, what's going on with the athletes. Sure, maybe you're spot on, it could have to do with the fact that he's 100% focused and working together with his teammate might be a distraction. But I don't know that, that's why I asked. It's damn interesting if you're right and makes tomorrows race that much more intense to know that Hill is that zeroed in right now.


Apr 12, 2005
San Diego
I think Sam is definately feeling the pressure get a win this year with a new sponsor that is paying big $$$ for results. This pressure may have played a role in him blowing up at Andorra. Anyway what I'm getting at is that he's focusing a 100% on a win this weekend and anything less is a disappointment and maybe the best thing for him was to isolate himself from everything and focus on this one race by himself.

It's obvious Brendan and Sam share lines (proof is in the La Bresse when they were the only ones to take a middle line in some off camber stuff)


Apr 12, 2005
San Diego
That looks like Team Monster practicing together to me. Maybe everyone is caught up in the Tour de France "Armstrong vs. Contador" dual haha!


Nov 15, 2004
You guys are high. The Monster bullet train is still in full effect, don't believe the hype.

Good to see, basically I heard a rumour from a friend of mine who is racing in MSA that Sammy was just busting out the runs on his own this weekend, so I asked for someone else in MSA to set me straight and Fraser has just done that, he didn't even have to accuse of being a crazed reality TV fanboy! xoxo Fraser!


Oct 18, 2007
Gwin is riding clips now!?....
Gwin seems to switch between clips and flats quite a lot. If I remember correctly, at La Bresse in practice he was on flats but then during the race he was clipped in. Not sure why he does it, but whatever it doesn't seem to affect him, he's super fast no matter what! I hope he podiums this weekend!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 26, 2007
Gwin seems to switch between clips and flats quite a lot. If I remember correctly, at La Bresse in practice he was on flats but then during the race he was clipped in. Not sure why he does it, but whatever it doesn't seem to affect him, he's super fast no matter what! I hope he podiums this weekend!

ive messed around on clips for a few days and actually did 1 race with them. i have no problem switching back and forth. it really depends on the track your racing on. diablo its very rocky so clips would do very well there and keep your feet on the pedals. since MSA is so fast and breakin bumps every where i could see him running clips for a reason....


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Gwin seems to switch between clips and flats quite a lot. If I remember correctly, at La Bresse in practice he was on flats but then during the race he was clipped in. Not sure why he does it, but whatever it doesn't seem to affect him, he's super fast no matter what! I hope he podiums this weekend!
Maybe he would be doing better if he stuck to one format of pedal??? Switching pedals all the time does not help the situation, for most people anyways.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 26, 2007
Maybe he would be doing better if he stuck to one format of pedal??? Switching pedals all the time does not help the situation, for most people anyways.
its only pedals, it doesnt make that much of a difference. if he is switching back and forth, there is a reason for it and it doesnt seem to be slowing him down. people like him on that level of riding wont get slowed down by what pedal they use. he is on a proven bike/set up now its up to him to not make mistakes and hold/carry speed thru sections. he is very new to the sport and still learning everyday. he will get his glory sooner or later, no matter what pedals hes on.

on a side note i heard he taco'ed wheel in the top section in quali's and rubbed thru 2mm on his fork.


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
people like him on that level of riding wont get slowed down by what pedal they use.
I will pull an O'reilly and go with 'you are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine'. Nevermind the fact the 20 riders I could name right now that could cite pedal choice as one of the factors in a lack luster performance.

I wish Gwin luck tomm, seems MSA is his kind of place (10th place debut last year!).


Oct 18, 2007
I will pull an O'reilly and go with 'you are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine'. Nevermind the fact the 20 riders I could name right now that could cite pedal choice as one of the factors in a lack luster performance.

I wish Gwin luck tomm, seems MSA is his kind of place (10th place debut last year!).
couldn't have put it better myself :D


Feb 10, 2006
Rotorua, New Zealand
Maybe he would be doing better if he stuck to one format of pedal??? Switching pedals all the time does not help the situation, for most people anyways.
I think people should just stick with one pedal but a few guys seem to switch back and forward between the 2 with no problems. Justin Leov has been changing pedals quite regularly in the last 2 seasons and he's been getting his best results ever.

Also I seem to remember Gwin was riding clips at the first few races he did last year.

A lot of guys ride flats in the off season or for photo shoots etc so most of the fast guys are pretty used to them, even though you always see them on clips at races.


Mar 5, 2002
I got lost between fixed gear DH and clipless pedals talks. Is there a live feed from MSA thru Freecaster for the finals??


Jun 25, 2007
What's happening with freecaster? it takes over an hour for any of their vids on the site to load. It's been like this for a couple of months. I know it works Ok for you guys in the states, but I have had this in the UK and now I am in Slovenia, so that is both sides of europe and it works in neither. Surely freecaster know about this as they are based in Belgium?
Just spent last 15 mins downloading 10 secs of freecaster video and realised it's now in HD. Have they recently switched to HD? as I am sure it was not a couple of months back? I am guessing this is what is slowing it down. My connection is 2MB max, and that isn't fast enough for live HD streaming. Their player used to detect if video's were taking too long to buffer and then down quality, but it can't do this with HD. Should'nt there be a normal player also? a lot of people's connections aren't fast enough for HD streaming. Will the world cup be streamed in HD?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 15, 2008
I just watched the Quali video and I have one question. Did Danny Hart travel to MSA in a Yellow Submarine or what?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
I gotta hand it to Dirt... the filming is top notch and the editing is excellent... you guys are the shiznit... I'm so stoked for the race today, too bad I'll be riding my bike instead! I'll be looking forward to the replay on Freecaster though...


Oct 18, 2007
I gotta hand it to Dirt... the filming is top notch and the editing is excellent... you guys are the shiznit... I'm so stoked for the race today, too bad I'll be riding my bike instead! I'll be looking forward to the replay on Freecaster though...
Cheers, is "shiznit" a good thing?!:)


Terrified of Cucumbers
Nov 12, 2006
The old world
I gotta hand it to Dirt... the filming is top notch and the editing is excellent... you guys are the shiznit... I'm so stoked for the race today, too bad I'll be riding my bike instead! I'll be looking forward to the replay on Freecaster though...
I second that motion, really excellent work by the Dirt crew.
The freecaster qualifying interview was quite interesting as well, especially the odd pairing of Palmer and Hill at the end "playing the rain game".


Feb 3, 2009
Yeah that wasn't doing much for me. I thought Palmer was quality at the end though. Fingers crossed they have cameras at good points in the course and the live feed is good.