
What Reverend Al?


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.

He is always getting grief for a double standard.... It's an interest approach.

The Rev. Al Sharpton, who has challenged the entertainment industry on denigrating lyrics, on Monday supported a state senator's idea to pull public investments from companies that won't clean up their act.
Roughly $3 billion from New York's state pension fund is invested in the entertainment industry, according to state Sen. Antoine Thompson, who requested an inventory of entertainment industry investments from the state comptroller earlier this year.

Thompson suggested leveraging the investments to open dialogue with industry executives.

"We just want to have more responsible entertainment where we're not using language that's offensive to anybody," the Buffalo Democrat said.
In April, hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons said the recording and broadcast industries should consistently ban three racial and sexist epithets from all so-called clean versions of rap songs and the airwaves. Expressing concern about the "growing public outrage" over the use of such words in rap lyrics, Simmons said the words "bitch," "ho" and "nigger" should be considered "extreme curse words."
"I remember many years ago when I would come to Buffalo, we dreamed of days of black empowerment," Sharpton said. "Now we have to make sure the conduct of our black citizens complements that achievement. We cannot undermine them with the conduct of killing each other, selling drugs to each other and really celebrating a culture of depravity and decadence."


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
The Reverend can suck my dick. Or, as I like to call it, Jesus Christ. (I know it's an odd pet name for a body part, but what are you going to do?)

Antonie Thomson can suck on Jesus too. Jesus likes to get double teamed...