
what sports did you play.....


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
I don't really play any school sports, thinking of maybe track or golf next year...

Outside of school of course is cycling, snowboarding, and cricket with friends.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Football my freshman year (Frosh team).

Also ran JV track my freshman year. I discovered booze, drugs and chicks the next year so it was all downhill after that.


May 3, 2004
I played Golf, and Baseball in HS(on the baseball team ,one of my fellow players was Blair underwood).I also did running but not for school(church track team, did the mile).


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Played a little baseball but mostly football. I played football from 3rd or 4th grade until I got to college. Offensive line most of the time.

In all, playing football was one of the best things I've ever done for myself. By high school, it took up a huge amount of time and energy and I got the crap beaten out of me (I was the smallest person on the entire offense my senior year), but it was awesome.


blah blah blah
Mar 22, 2005
im in hs..a freshman..for another few weeks..i don't do anyt team sports
but i do all types of biking(hense why i'm on this site) skate snowboard surf dirtbike quasd offroad photography and all of that stuff..


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I played soccer until I was 16, then I had to play mininum wage jobs afterschool and had no time for organized sports.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
i wrestled in hs at 135# soph yr, 141?# jr yr. frosh yr i played 1st base. oh yeah, my hs im team won in volleyball and floor hockey...

outside of school there was biking, skiing, racquetball and sailing.

now, 7 yrs post hs-graduation, i still ski and sail, and play racquetball sporadically. i'm pretty burnt out on biking, tho, so the spin to the hospital on the roadie is all i do.


Feb 12, 2003
knoxville, tn
Soccer mostly. High school soccer in VA was bs, all the competition was in the club leagues. This is also where you got seen by college scouts and odp people. But the family wanted me to play a highschool sport.

I also got recruited by the football team my senior year. Guess what position? :rolleyes: I'll give you a hint....my white boy afro stuck out the ear holes of my helmet.

Nobody back home rode bikes. No bmx. I got into cycling by riding my bike on the trails that I ran on while training in the winter. I thought it was fun and I've been riding ever sence.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I didn't play HS sports. I would have loved to play football, but I was WAY too small (5'2", 120 until my senior year).

I played baseball and deck hockey while in HS, but they were rec leagues, not HS leagues.


I Are Baboon said:
I didn't play HS sports. I would have loved to play football, but I was WAY too small (5'2", 120 until my senior year).

I played baseball and deck hockey while in HS, but they were rec leagues, not HS leagues.
Damn dude - maybe you should think about I Are Chimp. :think:

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
loco said:
Damn dude - maybe you should think about I Are Chimp. :think:
I grew 9 inches and gained 40 pounds in about a year and a half. :dead: And my doctor couldn't tell me why my joints ached. :rolleyes:

It was funny...at the start of the school year I could not reach the top shelf of my locker without using the inside of the locker as a step stool, but I had no problem reaching it by the end of the year.
Football, center and inside linebacker, Lacrosse, started playing defence finished at attack. Tried my hand at wrestling 189# class, I sucked. I coached middle school lacrosse for two years in the mid 90's and now coach my two oldest kids (7 & 9) in soccer and baseball.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Football = Ironman...Right Defensive End & Left Offensive Tackle
Basketball = Center (6'7" by the time I was 15....then I started drinking coffee....it's Seattle, shut it....)
Baseball = 1st Base

Didn't start riding until I graduated...I mean I had a bike when I was younger, but once I got my license, it just stayed in the garage...then I bought my first dually...the rest is history.


May 3, 2005
Walking the Earth
Football...Wideout, Corner, Kick Returner (sub 5 speed in the 40 in my day, pretty good for VT ball)


I put on 20 lbs after I graduated HS and played a little lax at UConn before ACL tear #1. I never skied until after I graduated college and didn't own my first MTB until about 4 years ago.

Yeah, I was late to discovering the truths...


Nam I am
I Are Baboon said:
I grew 9 inches and gained 40 pounds in about a year and a half. :dead: And my doctor couldn't tell me why my joints ached. :rolleyes:

It was funny...at the start of the school year I could not reach the top shelf of my locker without using the inside of the locker as a step stool, but I had no problem reaching it by the end of the year.

My sophmore year they gave me a locker on the top row . I had to get it changed cause I couldn't reach it .


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
9th - XC, wrestling, outdoor track
10th - indoor track, outdoor track
11th - indoor track, outdoor track
12th - lacrosse