
What up with the hate?

Mar 9, 2006
behind you !!! ARRRR...
I recently sent out a message to all the local folk, about a new trail system in the area. And mentioned group rides/races on Friday nights. The leader of the local bike club frowned about my message, saying I am trying to compete with his Friday night group rides Huh? I did not even know about them. He also stated it would not be good to have more than one ride on Fridays. Whats up with that ? Can't we all just shut up and ride? Why are people so concerned with their image, mountain biking is not supposed to be like that....F#$@ the man. :cheers: :banana:


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Lets see the message...

But I can say one thing about "ownership": when you sent out a message to the "local riders", I assume it is an existing club or mailing list.

This organization might have taken some time and effort to develop, and while this was not your intention, by mailing to this list about a competing ride, you are in effect hi-jacking the efforts of others.

Now, there are alot of ways to say, "Thanks, but no thanks", but I would like to see what the club prez had to say...
Mar 9, 2006
behind you !!! ARRRR...
I think I can do that, I will try. I erased the message but I bet it is still in my deleted messages.
As far as hi-jacking his list.....nope. I have been deeply involved in the bike scene in my area forever. It is a list myself and my wife (soon to be ex) have developed over the past few years.
Mar 9, 2006
behind you !!! ARRRR...
After reading his message again, I do not feel it would be appropriate to post his message. Being it mentions his club's name. And his name. I may talk a little crap, but I do not want to really make this guy look bad. I am sure he is a good guy. And his club does promote cycling so he can't be that bad......
Even though he may be a little bit of a snoob and stick things in his anus.:rant:


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I think I can do that, I will try. I erased the message but I bet it is still in my deleted messages.
As far as hi-jacking his list.....nope. I have been deeply involved in the bike scene in my area forever. It is a list myself and my wife (soon to be ex) have developed over the past few years.
Sounds like the probe is too far up his anus...


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
I don't see why there isn't room for two groups rides on the same night. Different locations, personalities, speed of group...why not? I suspect the guy has micromanagement issues and is getting all huffy that if a second ride is started, he won't be able to control the local bike scene. Maybe he's afraid of being alone if there are other options....


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
my 2 cents:

He's a little sensitive because he doesnt get the number of riders showing up that he wants, so anything that could take away from the already (in his mind, small) turnout, must be a bad idea

Personally, I say the more rides, the more places to ride, the more people riding, the better
Plus, these 2 Friday ride locations are an hour drive apart!

Lets look, mr. leader of the local bike club and his buddies do Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday and a bunch of Monday rides...not many days left??

AND maybe if ALL these rides werent at the same location he'd get better turnouts???

but, yeah I agree, overall mr. leader of the local bike club is a good guy


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
He leads a recreational ride, I just go really really fast. :biggrin:
IMO, he's just being territorial and insecure.

When someone is in a leadership role in a club, they should focus on the greater good: would it beneficial for the club to have two different rides on the same night? Would it serve more of the biking community?

Whining about encroaching on his turf doesn't sound to me like a way to benefit riders.

Of course I'm not where you are, but I am involved in local mtb club leadership, and I wouldnt' get all huffy about a different ride on "my" ride night.... jeez....
Mar 9, 2006
behind you !!! ARRRR...
my 2 cents:

He's a little sensitive because he doesnt get the number of riders showing up that he wants, so anything that could take away from the already (in his mind, small) turnout, must be a bad idea

Personally, I say the more rides, the more places to ride, the more people riding, the better
Plus, these 2 Friday ride locations are an hour drive apart!

Lets look, mr. leader of the local bike club and his buddies do Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday and a bunch of Monday rides...not many days left??

AND maybe if ALL these rides werent at the same location he'd get better turnouts???

but, yeah I agree, overall mr. leader of the local bike club is a good guy
I just messing around with him. I have no ill will towards the man.
I think. But if wants trouble, he's got it mutha' f#$@er