
What Will A New Fork Do For YOu?


Jul 8, 2008
Ok i am thinking about buying a new fork and i was looking at the argyle 318 (if you have other offers or suggestions go for it). What will this new fork offer for me that will make me a better rider?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Ok first off, what fork are you currently riding? What are the differences between what you're currently riding and what you want to get?

Personally, I don't think that any particular component will make you a better rider. Yes, having something that is high performance over something that is broken, or was just a giant turd from the get-go helps. But if you want to be a better rider the only way to really do it is by riding. Then riding some more. And after you're done riding, go ride again. Practice yo!


Feb 3, 2008
First of all only get the 2008 models and up because the later ones have crom steer tubes are more prone to bending then the new aluminum ones are to cracking. I would also look into the Pikes as well. Maybe some of the used Foxs. It all depends on your budget and riding style


Turbo Monkey
Mar 28, 2007
I would say that in disciplines like downhill a better fork is more apt to actually improve your riding.

Here your running forks stiff as hell anyway, the main thing is whether it snaps or not.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I would say that in disciplines like downhill a better fork is more apt to actually improve your riding.

Here your running forks stiff as hell anyway, the main thing is whether it snaps or not.
this is true as well. Many of the people I know who have suspension forks on street/dj whips have also reduced the travel.

PS defenstrated i just realized you have a municipal waste avatar. That is AWESOME!! :rockout::beerjam:


Nov 28, 2007
Oh dude, forks are the bomb. They do soooooo much to make you a better rider. They'll get you up early to ride when you don't feel like it, they'll help you eat better and drink lots of water, they'll counsel you on proper techniques, they'll get on the stairmaster or road bike to build your fitness. Man, they'll do everything for you if you find the right one. I even had one pimp fork that worked 9 to 5 for me and paid my bills so I could ride all the time. It even went so far as to go to the gym to lift and make me stronger. Yeah. Get a great fork and it will make you a better rider. :)

.Pit Steelers.

Jun 18, 2006
Oh dude, forks are the bomb. They do soooooo much to make you a better rider. They'll get you up early to ride when you don't feel like it, they'll help you eat better and drink lots of water, they'll counsel you on proper techniques, they'll get on the stairmaster or road bike to build your fitness. Man, they'll do everything for you if you find the right one. I even had one pimp fork that worked 9 to 5 for me and paid my bills so I could ride all the time. It even went so far as to go to the gym to lift and make me stronger. Yeah. Get a great fork and it will make you a better rider. :)



Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Oh dude, forks are the bomb. They do soooooo much to make you a better rider. They'll get you up early to ride when you don't feel like it, they'll help you eat better and drink lots of water, they'll counsel you on proper techniques, they'll get on the stairmaster or road bike to build your fitness. Man, they'll do everything for you if you find the right one. I even had one pimp fork that worked 9 to 5 for me and paid my bills so I could ride all the time. It even went so far as to go to the gym to lift and make me stronger. Yeah. Get a great fork and it will make you a better rider. :)
My sarcasm alert meter just went to defcon 4!



Feb 3, 2008
main things to look for in a fork:

weight (av. is around 5lbs for DJ fork)
travel (can it be lowered)
steer tube length (not too short if used)
drop outs (perferably 20mm or 3/8)
air vs. spring
adjustments (do you really need them)
stiffness and feel (Probly really stiff for street)
other rider reports

pretty much sums it up