
What would you do?


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
moff_quigley said:
Sanjuro and Westy for the win. The guy will get his eventually. Be the better person.
News flash - Life does not work like a Dinsey Movie. Bad guys win in real life.

Kill him and sell the car for bike money.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Slugman said:
News flash - Life does not work like a Dinsey Movie. Bad guys win in real life.

Kill him and sell the car for bike money.
I disagree. You can fantasize as much as you like about revenge, but doing anything but talking and yelling is a crime.

As most people know, I get into more than my share of arguments and confrontations. I think the only thing which separates me from the psycho in the back of the police cruiser is that no matter what happens, I walk away at the end of it all.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that occasionally that I do confront some nut who I do feel my safety is at risk. I obviously think those guys are psycho and reprenhensible. While my actions might only differ in semantics, I don't have to hide my head in shame for the crap that I have done.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
fluff said:
Leave a note on his car offering a silly amount of money for it (for some reason; it's exactly what you want/you like the license plate/it was your first car) and leave the number of a sex line or similar.
Ohhh That's good!


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
My vote is for taking any bar ends / caps of your bike's bars, droping some thing as you ride past his parked car, stop, 'gently lean' your bike up against his car, retreive said item and pedal away.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
sanjuro said:
I disagree. You can fantasize as much as you like about revenge, but doing anything but talking and yelling is a crime.
First off - I agree. I personally would have sat there and bitched the guy out some more. If he acted like it was my fault I would have broke out a paper and pen and drawn it for him. I have no problem yelling at some moron, but once you walk away it's over.

My comment was directed at moff_quigley's comment that "the guy will get his". I'm sorry, but that's just plain stupid.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Jeremy R said:
I would go to his car with a big jam box, and wait until you can see him approaching after work.
Then, I would strip naked, push play, and hop on his car hood, and do the entire dance scene from a Whitesnake video.
Dry humps and all.
did no one else see this..... this is freakin' hysterical.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Slugman said:
My comment was directed at moff_quigley's comment that "the guy will get his". I'm sorry, but that's just plain stupid.
I actually agree that "this guy will get his". If you drive like crap, you will get into an accident eventually.

If you spout off with no regard, you will meet someone who likes to pound first and ask questions second.

Frankly, I have to consider that running my mouth, even in response to asshat behavior, will put me into hock one day...


Feb 7, 2005
Break up with your gf for not calling you to tell you plans changed and drive more often to keep your skills sharp. All those troops in Iraq are fighting for YOUR gas. Use it.

Or, rent a car, buy all of the insurance coverage and try to duplicate the situation except this time, ram him. Then back up and ram him again then drive away.

Burly has a solid suggestion though.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Qman said:
Break up with your gf for not calling you to tell you plans changed and drive more often to keep your skills sharp. All those troops in Iraq are fighting for YOUR gas. Use it.
Approved! :thumb:


Nov 29, 2004
I would probably do nothing but...remember the movie "Grumpy Old Men?" I have always wanted to pull the "fish in the car" trick on someone. This would be a good one, except that you would have to go get a fish and then hope the car was unlocked.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
riverside73 said:
I would probably do nothing but...remember the movie "Grumpy Old Men?" I have always wanted to pull the "fish in the car" trick on someone. This would be a good one, except that you would have to go get a fish and then hope the car was unlocked.
Or, you could do what they did in "That 70's Show" and put the fish in the hubcap.
True story:

There was a pretty dumb fellow we'll call DF who worked at Draper Labs; he drove a VW bug. My buddy TS ran a wire from one plug to the driver's seat, then managed to be hanging around when DF came out to go to lunch. He got in the car, tried to start it, hit the roof, and jumped out.

TS to DF: "What's wrong?"
DF: "I got a shock!"
TS: "Oh, that's static electricity,probably gone."

DF gets back into car, tries to start it, hits roof, jumps out.

"I got shocked again!"
"Sometimes it takes a while to drain down. you need to crank it longer."
"You sure"

DF gets back in car, holds the key on while he's bouncing off the roof, gives up, jumps out, goes back in building to call a mechanic.

TS removes the wire.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
johnbryanpeters said:
True story:

There was a pretty dumb fellow we'll call DF who worked at Draper Labs; he drove a VW bug. My buddy TS ran a wire from one plug to the driver's seat, then managed to be hanging around when DF came out to go to lunch. He got in the car, tried to start it, hit the roof, and jumped out.

TS to DF: "What's wrong?"
DF: "I got a shock!"
TS: "Oh, that's static electricity,probably gone."

DF gets back into car, tries to start it, hits roof, jumps out.

"I got shocked again!"
"Sometimes it takes a while to drain down. you need to crank it longer."
"You sure"

DF gets back in car, holds the key on while he's bouncing off the roof, gives up, jumps out, goes back in building to call a mechanic.

TS removes the wire.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Next time give him a wink, blow him a kiss, and prance away.


Nam I am
I would just forget it and move on .

but if you must!
here are some sugestions

1) Remove all the lug nuts

2) Rocks in the hub caps ( oldie but a Goodie)

3) Youll need a 2nd car. Park on both sides of him with in inches of his car , so He can't get in to the car from either side . Then procede to ride your bike home.

4) Put a Whistle Pipe on the tail pipe.

5) remove the balancing weights from his tires

6) black shoe polish on his head lights

7) take his windsield wipers


Why don't you have a seat over there?
Jan 27, 2005
Slugman said:
<snip> but once you walk away it's over.
There you go. Echo chose not to escalate this situation further and walked away. If he really wanted to do something about the guy's lack of driving skills and lack of comprehension of said skills, right then and there would have been the place to do it. Anything after the fact is satisfying some twisted sense of "I sure showed him" type mentality.

Woot! I'm plain stupid. My first flame on RM. :love:

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Lessee... I came to this thread late but... how about you ride to work early and park you and your bike in "his" space. Refuse to move and force him to find an alternate location to park his vehicle. When he gets out of his car you can verbally taunt him while manualing in a menacing manner. :)


Jun 16, 2006
Flagstaff, Az
im all for being the better person, really! And i would suggest forgeting about it, as it seems you will..... however, if you wanna let the air out and want to be quick and sly about it, take a pair of pliers and grab on to the valve stem and give it a yank... or use the wheel for leverage if you dont mind scrathing the wheel... super fast and you could have all four tires done in like 12 seconds! im just saying that is a good way to quickly let the air out, not saying that you should do anything to ths guys car... i know for a fact that i have pissed someone off when i was in a badd mood and they could have easily done something... give him the benifit of the doubt... what if he just broke up with his chick???


Turbo Monkey
Feb 28, 2005
Pa. / North Jersey
Go around town with your car and collect as many bits and pieces of road-kill as you can find with a shovel and a plastic garbage bag.

Put the larger, sloppy pieces into individual garbage bags and then hide them on your person inside a coat, jacket or backpack. Bring gloves.

Early in the morning after he parks show up and then surreptitiously slide under the vehicle out of sight.

Inside the engine compartment duct tape and zip-tie as many of the dead animals as you can to air hoses, braces, and other obtrusive objects. Make sure to keep them away from any moving parts or the steering.

Now slide out, take all the little bits of road-kill and stuff them into the frame rails.

Go to work and laugh like a lunatic.
