
Whatever happenend to faith?


Feb 4, 2002
Flying Low Living Fast
I think it is real sad that people in this sport have little or no faith in winning anymore. This is why our sport is dominated by the French, Aussies, and Canadians. Almost everyone I know is down on some of the new pro's coming into the sport. I hear it all the time... how this person sucks or this person doesn't deserve to be a pro. Well to all you nay-sayers out there... thanks for nothing. I personally have had people TELL me that I should have never turned pro at 32 years old. That I can NEVER expect to win on a national level. I think this is what keeps american riders off the back. People don't have any faith that we can win a race. Because mountain bike racing is such a mental sport it stinks to have someone TELL you that you "have no chance" right before you get in the gate with Cedric. Come on you guys and girls give your local pro's some support instead of bashing them. Most of all the woman... My personal attitude right now is that I can win a race in time. Sure I need to work on a few things (such as jumping 25 ft doubles in high wind), but I will never give up my fight to be the best. I survived cancer because I believed that I could. Now 3 years later I believe that I can be the top U.S. pro, and nothing anyone says will keep me from doing it. It just drives me more!!! So next time you are at a race give us a little support about what we are doing... it's alot harder than you think.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Originally posted by dhtahoe
I can be the top U.S. pro, and nothing anyone says will keep me from doing it. It just drives me more!!!
Allright then..............



Hope that helps.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
I don't think there's anything wrong with you racing Pro. I wish I could but I get schooled by the guys your age who don't even race, I'll work on winning a sport class race before I personally go Pro. Who knows by the time I'm 32 maybe I'll have the money to pay entry fees, paid vacation, evenings and weekends to practice and I'll want to be a pro too. It takes a level of dedication to be a pro athelete, rather that means you're getting paid to race or you're just competing with those who do, I certainly am not at that point right now but I'm glad there are people who are. Seriously who does more for the sport, the hot shot kid who's winning races all over the world but doesn't build one trail or go on a ride with a group of boy scouts or somebody who's got a lot more responsiblity but just as much passion and nearly as much skill.

Don't get so down on yourself for what other people say, its guys like you that inspire me to keep going no matter how much my knee hurts or how hard it is to make it up that hill that I used to pedal all the way up with out panting. I'll be working on the 25' doubles too and who knows in 25 years we can both be competing in the over 50 pro class.


Mar 5, 2002
Hey I was once told by a kickass Dher from Cal State SLO way back in my Collegiate racing years that "asians don't have room in downhilling....another clueless asian." - I told him I'm actually half Spanish. :p

Mike, you said yourself, DH racing is a MENTAL thing. Don't let it get INTO you, like Luc...;) When I race, my goal is always the same and unaltered, go faster than the last race and suck it up!

I'll post your SO pic later tonight if that makes you less grumpy. :D

Curb Hucker

I am an idiot
Feb 4, 2004
Sleeping in my Kenworth
Originally posted by dhtahoe
Now 3 years later I believe that I can be the top U.S. pro, and nothing anyone says will keep me from doing it.
If you become the top US pro i will kill your family and anyone close to you. hows that for stopping you

J/K go for it mike, i'd like to see you as top worldwide pro over some canuk frenchie or auzie


Mar 5, 2002
Originally posted by ViolentVolante
you know why, because the USA is just damn better than canada :eviltongu
Canadians think they're better bec they think they're europeans! I think it's way better than being called a redneck I guess. :p

Islander!!! :D

Curb Hucker

I am an idiot
Feb 4, 2004
Sleeping in my Kenworth
Orven when you go looking for new avitar like this new one i like alot, do you just find one picture or spend hours searching through thousands of pics, because you need the right one :p


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
And for the 10% (or less) that aren't lazy, they get crap from the other 90% so they don't feel bad for being lazy.

I for one am lazy by nature. I try very hard to not be lazy, but it's not easy being unlazy. I wish I would have stuck with bikes when I first got started. I feel like an ass when I see guys I rode with and hung with back in the "good ol' days" still riding, racing and winning.

If your good enough to race pro, your good enough to win. That's all there is to it. Forget what the lazy poeple say and win.

Why does America as a nation not dominate ANY sport (other than sports that only we play like football)? Because we are lazy! There is no reason why we can't dominate any sport we try if it wasn't for the fact we are lazy.

With that in mind, race hard my brother. Race on with all that you are. F@ck the lazy bastards that say something negative to you about racing pro (or racing at all on any level). F@ck them in thier stupid asses!

I have chosen to make a try at Sport Class DH this year. I am starting with sport because I want to try very hard. I may find myself getting whooped very much badly, but I am putting in the effort none the less. If I win, hot damn!!!


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Originally posted by dhtahoe
I think it is real sad that people in this sport have little or no faith in winning anymore. This is why our sport is dominated by the French, Aussies, and Canadians. Almost everyone I know is down on some of the new pro's coming into the sport. I hear it all the time...
It's also sad how mountain biking only seems to mean "racing" to some people. I like the fun little competition between a group that you are riding with on any particular day. I do races occasionally, but it's not my life, nor will I ever try to make it be. I've done good at XC and DH races, but it's never captivated me and made me want to "train" all the time and "race" all the time.

I think that as a population, we get more educated with time as we move forward and get bombarded with exponentially increasing amounts of information. I don't think of it as "detaching" or anything, but I think that people are getting "wiser" as this all happens. Maybe not at some huge rate, but I think advertistements for all sorts of products will become largely innefective, at least in terms of the money gained from increased sales vrs the money spent advertising. I think that people will eventually become less and less interested with "sports" and what "other people" are doing in those sports. Take the tour de france. Yeah, it's cool if lance wins for a few reasons, but in the end, does it make my mail get delivered faster? No, and people are going to start seeing through this stuff. Does it mean that the bottom bracket on Nathans bike is the best and that we should buy it? Absolutely not, it may "hold up" to racing, in the same way that the bikes are almost completely rebiult after each race. How about advertisements on nascar. Does drinking bud light make me a better race-car driver? How about using anything that is painted on their cars? No.

Now, races should probably still exist in a local sense, to "get together and have fun", but I'll never care who takes the WC DH races or what products they use. I'm sorry, but I don't see a point to it.

I don't think it's about "faith", I ride with a lot of riders, a good amount of downhillers last weekend (it was a blast!, 4300vert runs), but I just think that they don't "care" about it, not a matter of faith.


Feb 4, 2002
Flying Low Living Fast
Originally posted by Orven
Hey I was once told by a kickass Dher from Cal State SLO way back in my Collegiate racing years that "asians don't have room in downhilling....another clueless asian." - I told him I'm actually half Spanish. :p

Mike, you said yourself, DH racing is a MENTAL thing. Don't let it get INTO you, like Luc...;) When I race, my goal is always the same and unaltered, go faster than the last race and suck it up!

I'll post your SO pic later tonight if that makes you less grumpy. :D
Really I'm not grumpy. I just heard alot of TALK on stiks thread about how alot of the new pro woman suck. I had a great weekend at SOC. I left having the knowledge that I have improved greatly over the winter, and that I CAN compete against "the boy's". It was quite loud when I came down the course (nice to have the NOR-CAL crowd their to cheer me on, and make me go that much harder). The bashing of riders like Mellissa Buele is what kinda got to me. I'm doing great Orvin... life is great right now, but you can still post that pic. It will make my day EVEN better!!!


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Originally posted by dhtahoe
The bashing of riders like Mellissa Buele is what kinda got to me. I doing great Orvin... life is great right now, but you can still post that pic. It will make my day EVEN better!!!
Dude, why the hell is it bashing if I said she wasn't that fast? What the heck is wrong with the truth? jesus, do you know how many people are faster than me? Don't let people get you so easy...:rolleyes:

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Originally posted by Jm_
It's also sad how mountain biking only seems to mean "racing" to some people.
Thats more the So Cal tude. I can personally give rip about racing and racers, I ride to have fun and hang out with friends. Who cares who's gets down the hill the quickest. True, I will never be able to ride at that level, but at almost 38 years old who gives a sh*t.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
When you tell a small kid to run over there and tackle a tree.
At first he thinks he can do it because an adult told him to.
He has faith.
After he knocks the breath out of himself a few times and the tree is still standing tall, he starts to lose faith.
And then eventually he has none.

This is the same situation that is going on in DH Racing.
You can only get your azz handed to you so many times is a row
that is stops being about faith, and it is more about reality.
You need to look at a from a different viewpoint.
Dh Racing is an individual sport.
If you train as hard as you can, and are prepared to do your best at the races, then that is all you can ask for.
Just pin it and do your best and don't worry about what the smelly foreigners do.
I like racers on a individual basis anyway. Like Peaty and Hannah and Minaar. I could care less what country they are from.

Dingus McGee

Originally posted by jimmydean
Why does America as a nation not dominate ANY sport
Because America dominates Hip-Hop and Punk Rock.

That's all we really need besides the Tour de France.

Who gives a shixnitz what America 'dominates'.

Keep Domination in the bedroom.

Oh, and why can't DHTahoe dominate the NCS in a Lance-like
style? Have faith! Go for it. Pin it stay off the brakes!!!!!
I'm rootin for you!
Mar 27, 2004
baltimore and boulder
While not a downhiller... baltimore local Jeremiah Bishop is kicking some serious ass in XC. At the first national he beat world champion Roland Green as well as Ryder Heshedal(sp?), and a pack of other euro riders. Just two years ago he was a local pro riding the mid atlantic races for trek east coast, and even let my slow ass ride with him a couple times that summer, so go Jeremiah. Hehe... by the way his real first name is Tyrone not Jeremiah... seriously.

Theres nothing about europeans or canadians that makes them predisposed to being faster, it is purely support. In the US you cant even get a real sponsor unless you are a ruthlessly self promoting expert or higher, and forget about getting any cash unless you are pro. Junior cant get much help except daddy sponsorship, and theres alot of talented riders that simply can't afford to get serious about racing. Nationals dont offer prize money, not that I think it should be about the money but a 17 year old kid working a bike shop job should at least be able to win his gas money back if he wins a national.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
First, I love your sig- The Q/A part.

I do agree about the attitude thing. I guess I am lucky to be surrounded by the riders I am. I know 2 women who just got their pro DH licenses, and my gf has enough points to get her pro xc license. She is also excited to upgrade to exp dh. The one thing that they all have in common is that they bust their (cute) asses and would rather lose to 50 fast people than beat 100 average riders.
Its nice when people just strive for the top in the name of having fun.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 22, 2004
vancouver eastside
Originally posted by phillyvanilly
Theres nothing about europeans or canadians that makes them predisposed to being faster, it is purely support. In the US you cant even get a real sponsor unless you are a ruthlessly self promoting expert or higher, and forget about getting any cash unless you are pro. Junior cant get much help except daddy sponsorship, and theres alot of talented riders that simply can't afford to get serious about racing. Nationals dont offer prize money, not that I think it should be about the money but a 17 year old kid working a bike shop job should at least be able to win his gas money back if he wins a national.
good points. cycling is to france what baseball is to the us - if the top downhillers were making half the money ball players were, the us would most likely dominate the sport. its not that the country lacks the gene pool of kids capable of being competitive @ the highest levels of the sport, its just that the sport is on the fringes of public recognition / popularity & support.


Apr 20, 2004
I love your sig too, The Q/A part.

I would rather lose to 50 fast people than beat 100 average riders anyday! It's nice when people just strive for the top in the name of having fun.
Here here!


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Originally posted by xy9ine
good points. cycling is to france what baseball is to the us - if the top downhillers were making half the money ball players were, the us would most likely dominate the sport. its not that the country lacks the gene pool of kids capable of being competitive @ the highest levels of the sport, its just that the sport is on the fringes of public recognition / popularity & support.
I would tend to disagree. It's not about money, it's about heart. We pay big bucks for baseball players, but american baseball players aren't the only good baseball players. In Japan, they don't make the kind of dough we do over here, but yet they can beat us on a good day.

Why? Because they have heart. They play for the love of the game. We don't compete on the smae level because Americans (not all, but too damn many) lack heart.

We got beat in an eating contest becuse of the size of that kids heart, not our fat guts.
Mar 27, 2004
baltimore and boulder
There are a FEW japanese baseball players who can compete in the MLB, but there have been several japanese star players who came to the US and were only mediocre (that said, Hishiro kicks ass). That kid won the eating contest becasue his life is meaningless... I think the statement that americans lack heart is not only a gross generalization, but just not true. More americans play soccer at the little league level than any other natioanality, why do we still suck compared to europe and south america? Becasue once players get past the high school level they are forced to play for club sport level collegiate teamsor maybe get a low paying spot on a "professional" team. Personally I think the probelm with america is horrible taste in sports. NASCAR thrives, while F1 and world rally have virtually no american drivers. Football is retardedly huge, while real football (thats soccer) is barely noticed. Schoolbus demolition derbies are on ESPN2 while moutaincross and downhill are nowhere to be found. I can understand the complaint that road and XC are too boring for television, but mountain cross? Its 30 seconds long, involves speed, jumps, contact, and carnage... should be right up americas alley. Maybe if we did it naked on harley davidsons with lava under the doubles and scantily clad women lining the course americans would tune in.... retards:mad:


Oct 4, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
Originally posted by Jm_
Dude, why the hell is it bashing if I said she wasn't that fast? What the heck is wrong with the truth? jesus, do you know how many people are faster than me? Don't let people get you so easy...:rolleyes:
Be honest now!

I've seen both of you ride, on and off a race course, 4x, slalom and bmx track. Just cause you've seen her on a couple of trails at South Mtn. don't mean ****. She rip's, and deserves exactly where she is, and is a hell of alot faster than you think.

Do you think we train at anywhere near race pace?!? Especially on those trails.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
that was at the spring fling when she was supposed to be showing everyone how to ride...at least that was how it was hyped up to be...

that wasn't the only time I'd ridden with her either, heck that was the only time she was in front of me, about 10 feet too, I've gotten slower, I don't train much, doing more freeride and epic trailrides than downhill.

She doesn't suck compared to other women, that wasn't the point. The point was that there is a big gap between womens and mens sports. Anyone who doesn't believe this is living on mars (or venus as it may be)...


Oct 4, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
Yes, there is a big gap, but I'm saying don't talk **** when you've never even seen her on a race course. Beside's her game is 4x and as a National Champion I think she's done pretty well in the little time she's been on the circuit. She is a good downhiller but a excellent BMX and 4x rider, she has the explosive power coming out of a gate that you can only dream of.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Originally posted by ssaddict
Yes, there is a big gap, but I'm saying don't talk **** when you've never even seen her on a race course. Beside's her game is 4x and as a National Champion I think she's done pretty well in the little time she's been on the circuit. She is a good downhiller but a excellent BMX and 4x rider, she has the explosive power coming out of a gate that you can only dream of.
Well, like I said, I've ridden with her on several occasions, I guess she was riding at a non-race pace...as was everybody. It gets kind of rediculous. I don't dream of 4x explosive power.


Dec 14, 2001
Durango, CO
I got faith americans will be on top. I got faith you can be right up there too if you want to put the time in to do it. Hopefully Ill be up there someday as well.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Originally posted by Orven
I'm in love with Aaron Chase.
No I think you TRULY want to be Luc's wife. You are obsessed with him.

I'd be willing you wager you are abducting people and are making a "Luc suit" out of their skin.

"It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again"...

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Originally posted by MMike
Everywhere you look around?
Love is in the air
Everywhere I look around
Love is in the air
Every sight and every sound

And I don't know if I'm being foolish
Don't know if I'm being wise
But it's something that I must believe in
And it's there when I look in your eyes

Love is in the air
In the whisper of the trees
Love is in the air
In the thunder of the sea

And I don't know if I'm just dreaming
Don't know if I feel sane
But it's something that I must believe in
And it's there when you call out my name

Love is in the air, Love is in the air, oh, oh, oh...

Love is in the air
In the rising of the sun
Love is in the air
When the day is nearly done

And I don't know if you're an illusion
Don't know if I see it true
But you're something that I must believe in
And you're there when I reach out for you

Love is in the air
Every sight and every sound
And I don't know if I'm being foolish
Don't know if I'm being wise

But it's something that I must believe in
And it's there when I look in your eyes

Love is in the air, Love is in the air, oh, oh, oh...