
whats been going down



For the last week I’ve been keeping my mouth shut on here about WG for reasons. Last week I lost my job at OOB’s because I was said to be talking bad about WG’s mountain biking program on this forum. Well from what I remember I was being honest but then backing up WG and trying to keep everyone here still interested in ridding this summer. Well they didn’t think so, and im guessing that they think because I work on the mountain and talk on ridemonkey I was against WG like a lot of you. But really do you think I would be against the place I worked at? And started to help work on trails, Do you think I would down my self? I could quote myself many times from past posts and prove that I didn’t say anything bad, and I was supporting WG all and all. But im not going to bother cause what done is done. I have a new job now and im making WAY more money than I ever did there. But I do hope next time upper management will do the right thing, and when a problem comes up, and they are getting pissed tell the employee, don’t wait to see what happens and then be the chicken and just get ride of the guy. And do your own dirty work next time, if you’re the one that wants that person gone, don’t hind and have the man under you ( my boss) do your dirty work. As for the mountain bike program, since today was my last day at work I got to see what the boys down at OOB’s have been doing during there crunch time for getting there trails ready for opening day. They are doing a good job, trails are starting to look really good. Even if they have to work till 10:00 next Friday to have the trails ready for Saturday, those trails are going to be ready. the mountain is going to be in tip top shape I think, and there are plenty of new things to huck off. They have a few new trails. So I think next weekend if I would make the journy up the mountain, I’d buy them all a beer, cause those “guys without bikes” are working pritty hard, and at least putting effort to have the trails good to go for us who do have are own bikes. I might only come up to ride only once this summer cause it’s a little pricey for me, but I’ll ride anywhere theres a trail to ride, cause im not really picky, so maybe a few of you should keep out the mountain still, you might change your mind about the program alittle this year. So keep up the hard work boys. Now im not taking sides with anymore, those who don’t want to ride WG, that’s your choices, and you people at the mountain who hate those people who are talking down WG. Im not on either of your sides, I don’t really care about WG anymore. so I’ll just ride my bike. see ya on the trail

Matt D

Mar 19, 2002
charlottesville, va
Wow, you got fired because you said something on the internet. That's shady.

I wonder when the cops will show up to throw my ass in jail for "slander."

It's the internet you morons, and it's called Freedom of Speech. If I think WG sucks, I can say it as loud as I want until the cows come home. It's my opinion and WG can't do a damn thing about it.

Bunch of fools:rolleyes:
Feb 26, 2002
Bummer about getting fired. From your posts and trail work, it's obvious you care about this community. Nothing you said should have gotten you fired. I'm glad it all lead to a better job!

About not taking sides... assuming you believe one side is in the right, why not take their side? It shows integrity.

This lifestyle is still relatively new. There is a lot of potential for the future. IMO, we need to look carefully at who's acting in our best interests and support them. That can mean sacrificing time, money and sometimes even places to ride. Why not align yourself with others who have similiar goals?