
Whats so awesome about Avy's

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
Biker Billy said:
the same way the media brainwashes all you closed minded, gullible yank ****ers into voting Bush ( I know Rik, who wrote the quote, is an Aussie not American- I'm talking about all you other guys; YANKS) and thinking Europe is a country, and it's full of pompous pricks. Europe is a continent, ****tards. So go look at yourselves you hypocritical assholes. Americans aren't the best people on earth, and America isn't "gods country," so go face the real world you closed minded, clueless ****ing nonses. It's laughable. And to the small number of yanks that own passports: burn them! No ****er likes you fat, self-important whiny assholes, so stay in America, and carry on your delusion. Ok. Got that? Good.
I was "almost" with you until this little self rightous rant.

Biker Billy

Apr 28, 2005
How said:
dude, you didn't put any actual solid factual tech information to back up yourself you e-sound like your full of hot air.

I'd sayit was common sense, dumbass. If I was to put MORE factual evidence in there I'd be writing way too much, and all you ignorant, dumbass yanks attention spans wouldn't stick with it. So, what is factual Mr American? Would what I said be "factual" if it was presented to you via your media/government Mr Brainwashed, clueless yank?

I'd love you to point out exactly what bit was "hot air". Seems the only one talking hot air is you. But then talking BS is a trait inherent in the States, right?


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Wow, just wow. Biker Billy, in between your insults and mindless ranting, you actually made a few good points in there. I just hope the original poster can sift through the drivel.

Personally I like having 5 separate things to adjust on my 5th Elements. Sure some of it is marketing, but each of those adjustments actually do something. It also makes the shocks more versatile and easier to swap to a different bike that might have a different shock ratio, etc. But it takes some time to figure out, and that's not for everyone.

Most bike riders are constantly making parts decisions based on the competing considerations of weight v. strength/durability. As someone that doesn't blow many shocks, but actually rides up hills sometimes on my big bike, I'm glad I can choose something a little lighter. I've had 5th Coils for more than 3 years and haven't blown one yet. But I guess that means I'm a crap rider. :rolleyes:

PS, Brian, would love to check out your rig this summer, thanks for the offer.

Biker Billy

Apr 28, 2005
Lexx D said:
I was "almost" with you until this little self rightous rant.
We'll atleast you agree with my tech part. Oh, and who said I was ranting? I'm just speaking my opinion. You know you yanks should realise that it is possible to get ones point across by being assertive, not shouting, fighting and blowing someones head off with a 9mm. Don't judge me by your small, limited world view. The rest of the world isn't (doesn't want to be) like America. Ok? Right.

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
Biker Billy said:
"Note to anyone who has never left the United States: The rest of the world thinks all of America has it's head up it's ass. They don't hate us because "We're the land of the free," they don't want to kill us because of "Our freedoms," they just see it like it is, that Americans for the most part are lazy, arrogant, free-loading Assholes who don't know how good they've got it and who can't shut the **** up for five minutes, and who keep sticking their noses where they don't belong, namely other country's natural resources. People like the dip**** who wrote this letter just prove them right."
More? Nice that you get to be the speaker for "the rest of the world". I'm not sure what your previous screen names have been but how many times are you going to come on here and say the same shyt.
Funny that your favorite shock is made by "lazy, arrogant, free-loading assholes" We thank you for your contribution to our economy.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
This reminds me of the classic movie "Gremlins."
Where at the end, Gizmo says "Bye, Bye Billy."

Give me you address and and I will send you some cold Budweiser and a Nascar t-shirt. Evidently, warm beer and soccer jerseys are making you irritable. :nopity:

Biker Billy

Apr 28, 2005
How said:
I think you have a superiority complex about being from Europe, btw my Europe comment was intended as sarcasm, I think the large majority of Americans know what europe is :D . You wouldn't talk to people like this face to face right? Round here you get knocked the **** out for talking **** like that, Try to keep it civil, you're just making yourself look like a pompous fool.
Yeah, all us Europeans have a superiority complex related to you yanks. Yes we all have yellow teeth, sip tea and live in poor conditions Yes we are all pompous twats and we're all really rude. You yanks think you know what Europe is, but what you actually know of Europe is bull**** that has been fed to your stupid dumb ass, by your media. The way you Americans talk of Europe is enough proof of this. Some of the **** you come out with is ridiculous. Stop listening to bull**** and stereotyping or I'll stereotype you as all seriously obese, dumb, bloated, gun-toting, war-obsessed, burging munching, uncultured assholes, ok? You have no sense of history.

Well sothey should do. Maybe if you tossrs left your country sometimes and didn't lap up the portrayel that your media fees you in regards to the rest of the world, then you wouldn't be such pompous, self-important, closed-minded assholes, hey? Yeah I would If I felt the need to. Yeah, well we all know America solves everything by violence and bullying,don't we? How's all that Iraqui oil? Coming to good use so far, assholes? American called me pompous?" WTF? LOOK AT YOURSELVES YOU OVER PATRIOTIC FAT ****ING FLAG WAVERS.

Biker Billy

Apr 28, 2005
Jeremy R said:
This reminds me of the classic movie "Gremlins."
Where at the end, Gizmo says "Bye, Bye Billy."

Give me you address and and I will send you some cold Budweiser and a Nascar t-shirt. Evidently, warm beer and soccer jerseys are making you irritable. :nopity:

Nice work their. Looks like Mr OG Ripper is another brainwashed yank, who laps uphis countries media BS. I bet he voted Bush too, based on media BS again. We don't drink your pisswater Bud Light, dumbass. We drink strong ales/bitters that are supposed to be served room temp. We all know in AMERICA you assholes drink cold, pisswater beer because you are all ****ing fairies who cant handle your beer.

Nascar? That's like the most worthless sport on earth, invented, ironically, by the most worthless people on earth. A load of dumbass yanks going round and round a circuit. Is that so the dickfarts don't get lost, hey? Oh and American Football is a faggots Rugby.

Biker Billy

Apr 28, 2005
Lexx D said:
More? Nice that you get to be the speaker for "the rest of the world". I'm not sure what your previous screen names have been but how many times are you going to come on here and say the same shyt.
Funny that your favorite shock is made by "lazy, arrogant, free-loading assholes" We thank you for your contribution to our economy.
That was a quote, dip****. I didn't call you those things directly, it was a quote. I do agree though. No, I am speaking (the parts that are NOT quotes) on behalf of all us anti-Americans in Europe. I'll say it till it sinks in. Yeah, but you guys hate the French yet buy their cheese, wines, Michelins, clothes, pefumes, hair products et etc. So what is your point? Yes Avalanche make great products but their is no doubt Craig is a cantankerous, irritable asshole.

Here's another QUOTE:

"Before I start, a few yanks that I know are exempt from the following statement. You know who you are.
Right, first of all, why the **** do you think your **** hole country is the centre(NOT center you dumb ****s) of the world? I mean are you oblivious to everything? Well, I think we all know that the answer is yes. First off, you are convinced that without america then the world's economy would collapse - hey guess what : if we all depended on you we'd all have died of starvation thanks to your 'brilliant' economy. I mean the dollar is really strong isn't it? And you definitely aren't $3 trillion in debt or anything.
Next - This 'Land of the Free' bollocks. I mean when you first started off you murdered half of the natives and put the rest in concentration camps. And no, that wasn't the British, we didn't oppress them and they thanked us by siding with us in that little civil war we had. (Which I believe you guys lost, despite claiming victory in the Battle of New Orleans. Sure, you won that battle. But your government had already surrendered. You know, after we marched from Canada with 30,000 men and burned down Washinton DC. Yeah, sure you won.) Oh and the way your entire society is horrendously bigoted - from the way that you are all brought up to hate people who don't fit the 'American Dream'. It's a ****ing disgrace that in some states it's illegal to call someone fat, but not illegal to harass someone because they are gay. In fact, it's still illegal to even be gay in certain places. Land of the free...no really, just as long you're a fat **** who who does what he's told and 'fits in'
Your entire society makes me sick, and I'm not even going to humiliate you by pointing out why you didn't "Save our Asses" in World War 2, or that the USA is responsible for several of the greatest atrocities ever committed. Next time you act all ****ing arrogant and superior, think about what you have to proud of.
Americans I know include Katy, Maite and Westy who are pearls in a sea of effluent."

I think that says it all. Oh and Mr Lexx, remember: THIS IS A QUOTE. Got that?

Biker Billy

Apr 28, 2005
Avy are the best, everything else is over-hyped American ****e. Don't buy Fox, it's cheap nasty ****e. Just look at the crap they make for offroad trucks. Manipoo and Rockshox are crap too, I've seen better build quality on a ****ing Fisher Price toy.While I'm at it I might aswell say that Progressive is total trash too. Oh and Avid, Hayes and numerous other ****e the Americans try to rip people off with. Americans suck ass. I hope they all rot in hell for going to war just to get their oil, the selfish, greedy, fat, self-important, gushing ****ing assholes. Americans are gullible assholes who believe anything the media feeds them. Maybe they should pull their heads out their brainwashed asses and realise what gullible dumb ****s they are.

Biker Billy

Apr 28, 2005
Americans are all arrogant, deluded, closed-minded, bigoted, lazy, high-handed, pathetic ****ing tossers. The world hates America. I hope the Iraqui's blow you greedy mother****ers up you selfish, worthless sacks of ****. All those fat, redneck Texans winning the oil deals out there. We all know you will occupy Iraq and it'll be under a constant state of civil war for the next ten years. It doesn't matter how many people you hurt/kill, just as longs as you fat, sulking, bloated assholes have your oil to run your ****ty horrible monstrous jeeps, hey? The hate for America is everywhere on the net. I put in "Americans are Assholes" on a search engine and found no end of Anti-Americanism. Maybe you should have thought about that before you gullible, idiotic assholes swallowed all Bush's and the media' bull****. You Americans are absolutely ****ing ridiculous, you cant even see what's going on right under your own noses, you dumbass, fat, bloated losers. Mind, stupidity is a trait that is inherently American. I hope all you fat, pathetic, laughable, gushing, selfish, ungreatful ****s get blown up soon. Good riddance to you, you lieing, self-righteous, cowardice ****ers.

Biker Billy

Apr 28, 2005
I notice how all the fat, bloated, closed-minded, patriotic assholes have nothing left to say as a decent enough rebuttal. I bet you are all sat there fiddling with your Colts thinking of popping a 9mm in me. You assholes are so laughable. America is a country the world simply DOESN'T want or need. Get over yourselves ****ers. America is just a cesspit filled with the most retarded, loud-mouthed, slow-witted, humourless, interfering, greedy, selfish, deluded, conceited, gullible, brainwashed, mediawhore, sanctimonious, closed minded assholes anywhere on earth. You are all just angry, childish sulking, whining, little idiots, crying and lashing out at everything. Like angry little puppies.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 17, 2003
scottishmark said:
slowly? if so then that was me!

were you there today then?

Yup saw a dude on a giant with an avy on the uplift guess that was you!

I was giving my sunday its first ride :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Oct 17, 2003
Guilty as charged!
I work for alpine and handle a fair bit of the Iron Horse stuff hence the jersey! The sunday Rocks my world


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
seismic said:
But why should Avy make a SC fork ??? It is not for small weeniee-bikes :D
For people who don't like full suspension bikes and dual crown forks. Some people can do stuff with a hardtail and 5" of travel that other people have to have these Dual Crown forks and long travel full suspension frames.


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
ChrisRobin said:
That's a good point. You would probably notice the Fox RC and Rock Shox for their lack of damping when you get going fast but the other ones? I think people would have a hard time figuring out which was which.

exactly as much as I like Romics I think I would have a hard time guessing them all....D


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2002
I have a question...

How does Craig go about figuring out the valving for all those different bikes he has on his applications page??? Does he use 'guesstimations' and use people as guinea pigs and then refine the setups OR, does he look at the bike and use some sort of freaky shim program/table/chart that will guide him in setting up the shock before anyone gets on it?