
What's the dumbest thing you've done for a girl/guy?


Nam I am
Does riding 125 Miles on my touring bike to see her, just to have her introduce me to one of her "good" ( male ) friend. and got no real attention from , slept on a couch , and the next day riding 125 miles back the next day count ? and She would later Marry that "good" friend.

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
man, no wonder so many guys are bitter towards women, we can pull some pretty nasty stuff, huh?

this thread's funny, cause i'm hearing lot's of guys say, "i did all this only for her to dump me/find someone else" and all the girls saying, "it was my fault for doing this or that so i brought it upon myself" so here's my story of one of those

i shaved some of my hair off in back (in back of my scalp, on my HEAD). my ex thought it would look hot, but i was like, "are you SUUUUUUURE??? cause that was so mid-nineties and i'm just not so sure about that" but i did it. it looked aaahhhight but since we broke up and it's STILL not grown back, i curse myself everytime i put my hair up, arg

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
splat said:
Does riding 125 Miles on my touring bike to see her, just to have her introduce me to one of her "good" ( male ) friend. and got no real attention from , slept on a couch , and the next day riding 125 miles back the next day count ? and She would later Marry that "good" friend.
don't feel bad. she will just get comfortable and fat in marraige while you got a great workout!

dh girlie

Megan Black said:
man, no wonder so many guys are bitter towards women, we can pull some pretty nasty stuff, huh?

this thread's funny, cause i'm hearing lot's of guys say, "i did all this only for her to dump me/find someone else" and all the girls saying, "it was my fault for doing this or that so i brought it upon myself" so here's my story of one of those

i shaved some of my hair off in back. my ex thought it would look hot, but i was like, "are you SUUUUUUURE??? cause that was so mid-nineties and i'm just not so sure about that" but i did it. it looked aaahhhight but since we broke up and it's STILL not grown back, i curse myself everytime i put my hair up, arg
HAHAHAHA! Damn! How long ago did you shave the back of your head?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Megan Black said:
i shaved some of my hair off in back.
I read that paragraph twice, and both times read that sentence as, "I shaved some of my hair off my back."

Needless to say, you can imagine both my slight revulsion at the mental image, and minor confusion with the rest of the paragraph.

I figured it out the third time, though :thumb:

dh girlie

binary visions said:
I read that paragraph twice, and both times read that sentence as, "I shaved some of my hair off my back."

Needless to say, you can imagine both my slight revulsion at the mental image, and minor confusion with the rest of the paragraph.

I figured it out the third time, though :thumb:
HAHAHA! I thought it said that too and I thought it was just MB being her clever self...


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
all this is why i am single. Girls make boys stoopid.

I keep them until i feel myself about to do something stupid then i save myself and break up with them.

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
dude, i KNEW i should have changed that sentence around, but though naaaah, people will get it

ahahahah! the rest of the paragraph sounds HILARIOUS if you read it that way!

well, dhg, i shaved my back in january 04 ;)


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Megan Black said:
man, no wonder so many guys are bitter towards women, we can pull some pretty nasty stuff, huh?

this thread's funny, cause i'm hearing lot's of guys say, "i did all this only for her to dump me/find someone else" and all the girls saying, "it was my fault for doing this or that so i brought it upon myself" so here's my story of one of those

i shaved some of my hair off in back (in back of my scalp, on my HEAD). my ex thought it would look hot, but i was like, "are you SUUUUUUURE??? cause that was so mid-nineties and i'm just not so sure about that" but i did it. it looked aaahhhight but since we broke up and it's STILL not grown back, i curse myself everytime i put my hair up, arg


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
dh girlie said:
Yes, unfortunately for BikeGeek, his online chat babe didn't turn out to be like LaFawndah did for Kip in Napolean Dynamite. :D
Hey now, it wasn't like that. We worked together for the summer, but then she had to go home. We made plans. It was love! :rolleyes:


Monkey Flirt
Aug 1, 2001
BikeGeek said:

I turned down a job with an audio production company in Pittsburgh to move to small town, PA with "the one" and work at a record store. :rolleyes:

I sold most of my belongings in order to raise enough cash to travel to Amsterdam to help a girl I met over the summer move back to the States with me. When I called to tell her I had the ticket, she simply asked "didn't you get my letter?" :dead:

I used to brave "Hustle Street" in Pittsburgh at night, almost every night, waiting for the bus to take me home from my then GF's place. Men are perverts!

The list goes on...
You had me at MEATLOAF!

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
biggins said:
this is her back. she was declaring her love for me. this was taken before she shaved it completely.

that was a great night, except that people kept staring at my t*ts instead of looking at the art in my back hair!


Jun 19, 2004
Food Fondlers' Convention
in sixth grade i decided i liked this chick in my beginner french class. so i passed her a bunch of notes that said i loved her and gave her a stuffed bear without ever saying a word to her. she still thinks i'm a total dumbass :D


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
I Are Baboon said:
I attended a Billy Joel/Elton John concert. Not only that, but I paid $110 each for two tickets.

I deserve a :nuts: for that.
oh man :eek:!!!

Ive never done anything for any girl, but ive blown it lots of times. Im getting better, im not the smoothest dude. :p

edit: and never share your poetry with ANYONE!!!


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
I trusted a girl one time more than I believed a friend. After dating her for about a year and a half and pretty much living with her I found out that she had another "friend" at work that she was "hanging out with" for about 2 months before I took off.. I am an idiot though, you know, I trusted her.. That is just stupidity :rolleyes:

I haven't talked to or seen her since, but I heard she is fat now :devil:

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
loco said:
Like an anti mullet???
yes, YES!

but anti-mullets are so much cooler than real mullets because anyone could be sporting one (well, anyone except for people with real mullets.....or wait, anyone w/ really short hair) and you woulnd't know until they pulled their hair up!


Turbo Monkey
How come the 'bean' makes guys brains mushy?
How come powder skiing & downhilling makes me happier than the 'bean' most of the time, but I can't lay off the 'bean'? Is it laced w/ something? Girls, chime in please.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
I said I love you to a girlfriend after she said it first.

I once spent a summer about 5 years ago going to independent movies with this chick. It could've turned out pretty dumb and stupid, but I somehow started enjoying them before she went crazy and we cut ties.

Buck Fever

Jul 12, 2004
Hipsterville USA
1. I quit a well paying job to move to a new location with her during the meat of nationwide IT cuts and couldn't find a decent job and essentially killed myself financially for two years, leading to a number of life altering events. I ultimately broke off our engagement after five months of living "up there" because I became so disgusted with her manipulative ways and even more so that I had been so blind to them for so long.

2. I put it in a very uncomfortable place (not in the back of a Volkswagen) because she begged for it. She hadn't performed any of the "commonly accepted politely hygenic proceedures of preparation" for that act and I ended up dissatisfied with a stinky mess and a very long shower with an inordinate amount of soap. There used to be a stunt near me that went by the same name...now with MORE rust!

3. I did it again with the same results. Maybe someone should inform her that if she would like to repeatedly indulge in this fetish that there are recommended steps of preparation that can be taken.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Buck Fever said:
Maybe someone should inform her that if she would like to repeatedly indulge in this fetish that there are recommended steps of preparation that can be taken.

Yes, someone should... You.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Buck Fever said:
No, no. Not me. I'm four years removed from that mess. She's someone elses problem now.
Even better!

"Hey.. Remember me? Yeah, I just thought you should know that you're %&@#ing GROSS."

Who better to rant at than someone who you've got a lot to rant about with, yet you don't care what they think of you any longer? ;)

edit: heh heh. "Removed from that mess". Was that intentional?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Lived with a GF for 4 years. I paid for rent, food, all bills her clothes etc. She worked part time and went to school. She always said she was broke trying to pay for tuition, I even helped with tuition a few times. When she graduated the bought a new car, she did not want me to go with her when she bought it. A few weeks later she got the title for her new car. It turned out the didn't finance the car but paid for it with cash. I'd been busting my ass for years just to be her sugar daddy. Turns out she was also cheating on me too so I broke up with her.

Last time I ever talked to her she called me to tell me that her new BF, the guy she was cheating on me with, was beating her. I really didn't know whether to beleive her or not at that point but offered her a place to stay if she needed help. If it was true I figured karma had caught up with her.

Buck Fever

Jul 12, 2004
Hipsterville USA
binary visions said:
Even better!

"Hey.. Remember me? Yeah, I just thought you should know that you're %&@#ing GROSS."

Who better to rant at than someone who you've got a lot to rant about with, yet you don't care what they think of you any longer? ;)
True. I'd have to track her down though. Last I heard, she was far away in MI. I'll write her up an 8-step process

1. drop a deuce

binary visions said:
edit: heh heh. "Removed from that mess". Was that intentional?
Actually yes. And I tried to make some more obvious references in my initial story too...to "secretly" give away my location...ie "rusty trombone" and the capitalization of MORE. My feeble attempt to be clever for my own amusement. As is my screen name...chosen for an album title to one of my favorite bands as well as a suggestion when the initial letters are transposed.

I should be a Trekkie, but I'm not.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
i've never done anything stupid for a guy. i learned through the expirience of others, if you have to do something really stupid for someone, they generally aren't worth the trouble. all the friends that i had that did weird stuff for the "love of their lives" were total psychos anyway.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Buck Fever said:
2. I put it in a very uncomfortable place (not in the back of a Volkswagen) because she begged for it. She hadn't performed any of the "commonly accepted politely hygenic proceedures of preparation" for that act and I ended up dissatisfied with a stinky mess and a very long shower with an inordinate amount of soap. There used to be a stunt near me that went by the same name...now with MORE rust!

3. I did it again with the same results. Maybe someone should inform her that if she would like to repeatedly indulge in this fetish that there are recommended steps of preparation that can be taken.
I am completely disguested.

HAHAHAHA - my signature is so perfect for this reply!

Buck Fever

Jul 12, 2004
Hipsterville USA
dh girlie said:
I'm with you on that one, sister! I almost gagged reading that!
I definitely did some gagging. To be honest, they were events that I wish I could forget, but for some reason, I can't. It's not something I've ever asked for, nor will I after my experiences.

If I went into explicit detail of the cleanup process...the smell, the sheets, the floor...me! I'm sure I could elicit more gags; maybe even a hurl or two. Now it's almost like I'm re-living it.

Maybe I should, it could be like my therapy...mental cleansing. I'll finally be clean once again!


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
yuck. yuck. yuck.

what was your girlfriends response?

yuck. yuck. yuck.


dh girlie said:
Joe Pozer told me he went to a Billy Joel concert with a chick once...and then tried to cover up the stupidity/gayness of it by saying Billy Joel put on a good show...HAHAHAHAHAH!
Aren't you his Christie Brinkley??? :think:


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
stosh said:
I was humping this chick who was like 16 when I was 17 and my GF at the time got mad so she made me call up and break it off while she was on 3 way calling listening.

So you lost your Ballz at an early age and never got them back, huh?
:nope: :p :sneaky:


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
BikeGeek said:

I used to brave "Hustle Street" in Pittsburgh at night, almost every night, waiting for the bus to take me home from my then GF's place. Men are perverts!

The list goes on...
How much did she charge?


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Megan Black said:
man, no wonder so many guys are bitter towards women, we can pull some pretty nasty stuff, huh?

this thread's funny, cause i'm hearing lot's of guys say, "i did all this only for her to dump me/find someone else" and all the girls saying, "it was my fault for doing this or that so i brought it upon myself" so here's my story of one of those

i shaved some of my hair off in back (in back of my scalp, on my HEAD). my ex thought it would look hot, but i was like, "are you SUUUUUUURE??? cause that was so mid-nineties and i'm just not so sure about that" but i did it. it looked aaahhhight but since we broke up and it's STILL not grown back, i curse myself everytime i put my hair up, arg
I Rocked Whistler in a mini skirt, F-me boots, and a Hairy Back.
