
What's the hurry? My Saturday afternoon Ride Report.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
So do to time constraints I stick to the local park. Now I know on a Saturday afternoon, that there are going to be a ton of families and walkers out on the trails. I realize that I am going to have to keep my speed down and be patient. I just ride more laps and enjoy the day.

I come up on a family (riding) right off the bat and slow down and tell them I'll pass in about 30 yards at a little clearing. Cool says Dad. All of a sudden I hear skidding and here is Mr and Mrs. Jackass behind me. "ON YOUR LEFT" they yell and just dive into the weeds. Don't even bother warning the two kids just push by them and their parents. One kid panics a little bit and falls over. Kid doesn't cry or raise a ruckus but the parents are pissed and looking at me. I cry ignorance and point to the fleeting cloud of dust. I apologize profusely.

So now I have a mission. It took less than a 1/2 mile to track Mr. and Mrs. Jackass down on a sort of technical climby section. My first activity is just to buzz Mr. Jackass's back wheel. "HEY watch it bud, I'll get out of your way in a minute" exclaims Mr. Jackass. Then I do it again and make a break for his left sorta shouldering him out of the way. Now I am on Mrs. Jackass's back wheel and proceed to do the samething. Mr. Jackass is saying something but who cares. Not quite as much contact with her but she gets a little elbow to elbow for her trouble. And she hangs up and as to put a foot down.

More whiny nonesense from Mr and Mrs Jackass, to which I stop and let 'em have it. Lectured them on their responsibilities as mountain bikers. Get the blank look and more whiny nonsense. Decide I'm done, tell that I hope karma burns them like bugs under a magnifying glass and move along. As I pass each person from there on out tell 'em to have a nice day and watch out for rude people on yellow bicycles that will be along in a bit.

Figured I might catch them on a subsequent lap for a little fun but.

Moral don't be a jackass on the trail.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
johnbryanpeters said:
A little over the top, but I can understand why. :thumb:
It was and normally I might have simply said something but seeing that kid hit the dirt and then the look I got from the parents..... just got my blood up. If they had been faster I would have had time to cool off but.....

No Mrs. Jackass had wiggly arms, a sorta fat ass and stupid sunglasses.