

Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Well yeah, I was implying that, but I guess it got missed. The Democrats used comical bow-and-arrow bullseye targets on states. Palin used rifle crosshairs on people. HUGE difference.

happy ending much?
I found this yesterday, and I'm surprised I didn't post it here:

why didn't you post this part?
American Renaissance denies having any connection to Loughner, and groups including the SPLC and ADL don't think he matches the profile of an American Renaissance enthusiast.
but the author sure does

wow, this guy is clearly using his bias against palin/beck as a pretext for this hit piece. but hey, it's not journo-lism, is it?
Obviously a normal, sane, rational person isn't going to see a violent political ad on tv and go out and start shooting people. However, it could be enough to push someone who's teetering on the brink of sanity over the edge...
especially when you choose to forget sandra bernhart's fantasy about palin getting gang-raped by a bunch of black guys. remember that? me either
But overall the article is a great read.
i'll agree to the point that the author is rather transparent

until we get a confession beat out of him, don't think it's too wise to jump to conclusions. i'm just taking cues from the mass media after the ft hood incident.

oh, an oldie but goodie (nsfw for occasional bad nekid). i post that to draw parallels twix "them" & our shooter. where made clear, these types do not associate itself w/ the right.

again, let me be clear: this is to demonstrate no one has exclusive rights to teh crazy & violent. so in this capillary, i fully agree w/ silver, who has rightly observed that water is indeed wet.
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Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
Well yeah, I was implying that, but I guess it got missed. The Democrats used comical bow-and-arrow bullseye targets on states. Palin used rifle crosshairs on people. HUGE difference.

I found this yesterday, and I'm surprised I didn't post it here:


Obviously a normal, sane, rational person isn't going to see a violent political ad on tv and go out and start shooting people. However, it could be enough to push someone who's teetering on the brink of sanity over the edge... But overall the article is a great read.
Wait, so according to what that link says liberals are predisposed to be the more violent lot??


Artisanal Tweet Curator

Ah those 'democrats in england.....always up to no good. The huge number of lefties taking gunshots at people in this country really speaks to the power that film had.

You musta loved this part

Hillary Clinton, then junior United States Senator from New York, told The Journal News of Rockland, Westchester, and Putnam counties at the annual New Castle Community Day in Chappaqua that, "I think it's despicable. I think it's absolutely outrageous. That anyone would even attempt to profit on such a horrible scenario makes me sick."[8]

FWIW, I thought it was creepy and in bad taste when it came out.

But go ahead and defend a bunch of sub-100 IQ dipshlts who fling around their guns in the name of removing the poison of democracy and pretend like there's an equivalent counterpart.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
But go ahead and defend a bunch of sub-100 IQ dipshlts who fling around their guns in the name of removing the poison of democracy and pretend like there's an equivalent counterpart.
like this?

i'm so glad that advocating for violence isn't illegal/immoral, or else you'd be vapor-locked:


and who wanted to cut obama's nuts off?

let me just get this put out there to preemptively dispel another rumor: http://lauramartin.tumblr.com/post/2680767575/jared-lee-loughner-is-a-registered-republican-giffords

holy crap, just found the motherlode @ the dirty self-loathing pro-internment philipina chicka's site, which conveniently backs up my assertion both advocacy and follow-through for political violence is not a 'philosophy' owned or perfected by the right

too much to cut/paste. go read.

or don't.


Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
Friends, a national tragedy has occurred.

This means that finger pointing will be at a premium for the next few days. Take this opportunity to capitalize!

With my product you can point harder and longer than your colleagues making you the center of attention.

I can guarantee that you will be thrilled with your purchase of a new Finglonger (tm)!

Keep watching for my newest scientific advancement which will assure victory in your next pissing contest.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
holy crap, just found the motherlode @ the dirty self-loathing pro-internment philipina chicka's site, which conveniently backs up my assertion both advocacy and follow-through for political violence is not a 'philosophy' owned or perfected by the right
I read through it, but couldn't seem to find anything advocating hate/violence said/written by a Democratic political figure. Maybe I just didn't look hard enough? You know, something similar to a former VP candidate putting rifle cross-hairs over somebody's head...

But hey, an unknown person pointing a fake gun at an even faker Sarah Palin is obviously in the same league. :rolleyes:


Artisanal Tweet Curator
like this?:.
I'm not defending that. It's much too poorly constructed, and the watermark of that widely distributed image which I've seen hundreds of times (that's sarcasm) impedes the artistic vision.

Seriously, WTF is that? :rofl:

I'll give you krugman's in bad taste on that one. How many times has it been repeated? And what's his elected postion again?

You're still missing the larger point that these are not leaders or people on regularly syndicated shows with huge audiences, all creating what's getting to be a very common theme. Government sucks and use your gun to do something about it. You know.....the exact same theme that played out this weekend. All you (and malkin) have is some internet postings from individuals, some cafe press crap that some college kid gets printed and a few rock star types who no one takes seriously.......and you honestly don't see the difference.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
I read through it, but couldn't seem to find anything advocating hate/violence said/written by a Democratic political figure. Maybe I just didn't look hard enough? You know, something similar to a former VP candidate putting rifle cross-hairs over somebody's head...
oh, i see; i misunderstood: you *now* mean to say an elected democrat, not a registered one. is this thread about the behavior of our elected officials, or those who ascribe to political positions? and going back, you posted a pic of beck, reminded us of tim mcveigh, & addressed 'the right-wing'.

to the best of my knowledge, you weren't taking aim [see what i did there mmike?] at elected officials, but rather the right-wing
But hey, an unknown person pointing a fake gun at an even faker Sarah Palin is obviously in the same league. :rolleyes:
are you selectively being literal here? palin didn't advocate for assassination & never held up a gun to someone's head, did she? why do you not express equivalent -- albeit manufactured & feigned -- outrage @ obama's remarks?



Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
rep. robert brady - D said:
"a federal crime for a person to use language or symbols that could be perceived as threatening or inciting violence against a Member of Congress or federal official."
what a stupid, stupid man.

(just getting that in before any law gets passed making that statement illegal)

this is to say nothing about equal protection clause...there will be time for that.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
^^^ i hope his bunkie knows the rule: "crazy in the head; crazy in bed"

(working title: "12 monkeys on seroquel")


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...


History shows how dangerous it is to try to second-guess the motives of political assassins.

John Hinckley shot Ronald Reagan because he was obsessed with the actress Jodie Foster, not because he hated Right-wingers.

Likewise, Lynette Fromme tried to shoot Gerald Ford because she revered the cult killer Charles Manson.

But those lessons from *history won’t stop some Democrats exploiting the shooting of a nine-year-old girl and five others at the weekend with precisely the sort of foam-flecked over-reaction for which they love to condemn their opponents on the Right

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1345952/Arizona-shootings-How-Americas-elite-hijacked-massacre-revenge-Sarah-Palin.html#ixzz1AgrQ5aJC


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
oh, i see; i misunderstood: you *now* mean to say an elected democrat, not a registered one. is this thread about the behavior of our elected officials, or those who ascribe to political positions? and going back, you posted a pic of beck, reminded us of tim mcveigh, & addressed 'the right-wing'.
It's about people with an audience. Stop being obtuse.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004


History shows how dangerous it is to try to second-guess the motives of political assassins.

John Hinckley shot Ronald Reagan because he was obsessed with the actress Jodie Foster, not because he hated Right-wingers.

Likewise, Lynette Fromme tried to shoot Gerald Ford because she revered the cult killer Charles Manson.

But those lessons from *history won’t stop some Democrats exploiting the shooting of a nine-year-old girl and five others at the weekend with precisely the sort of foam-flecked over-reaction for which they love to condemn their opponents on the Right

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1345952/Arizona-shootings-How-Americas-elite-hijacked-massacre-revenge-Sarah-Palin.html#ixzz1AgrQ5aJC
Why didn't he shoot his teacher? The water inspector? The winner of the Miss Pima pageant?

Why did he shoot a controversial politician?


Artisanal Tweet Curator


History shows how dangerous it is to try to second-guess the motives of political assassins.

John Hinckley shot Ronald Reagan because he was obsessed with the actress Jodie Foster, not because he hated Right-wingers.

Likewise, Lynette Fromme tried to shoot Gerald Ford because she revered the cult killer Charles Manson.

But those lessons from *history won’t stop some Democrats exploiting the shooting of a nine-year-old girl and five others at the weekend with precisely the sort of foam-flecked over-reaction for which they love to condemn their opponents on the Right

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1345952/Arizona-shootings-How-Americas-elite-hijacked-massacre-revenge-Sarah-Palin.html#ixzz1AgrQ5aJC
Hinkley and Fromme didn't didn't have recorded manifestos echoing themes espoused for years by leaders and media hacks of a very distinct political leaning.

It's really funny how something said by a 19 year old is believed to be same thing the 22 year old version would believe by default. No one in this country is the exact same person at 19 as they are by 22. Gold standard, fear of government control and an obvious affinity for the use of firearms to achieve a goal. Are you really that delusional to pretend that that those themes are somehow unrelated and the mark of JUST some crazy douchebag who came up with them on his own.......while existing as some flaming liberal (who again............... shoots a democrat......with a gun who as a liberal probably wanted banned).


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
sadly, this woman will now have to re-locate to escape the harassment she'll get for the rest of her days. she just undid all the 'good work' (read: damage control) by fox & friends

that's the way sue C's it


Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2006
another important question has not been posed yet: isn't now a good time to re-evaluate 'merica™'s attitude regarding gun laws?
stricter gun laws, to prevent people with mental issues from legally purchasing guns, that are obviously not for hunting (except maybe hunting down people in front of grocery stores...)?
laxer gun laws, to enable the "normal" citizen to protect himself from people hunting other people in front of grocery stores?

edit: forgot about this one: "'the guys with the guns make the rules", crowed by Wayne LaPierre...
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Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
another important question has not been posed yet: isn't now a good time to re-evaluate 'merica™'s attitude regarding gun laws?
stricter gun laws, to prevent people with mental issues from legally purchasing guns, that are obviously not for hunting (except maybe hunting down people in front of grocery stores...)?
laxer gun laws, to enable the "normal" citizen to protect himself from people hunting other people in front of grocery stores?

edit: forgot about this one: "'the guys with the guns make the rules", crowed by Wayne LaPierre...
Tell me which gun law would have prevented this.


If I say nonsensical stuff twice it seems to make more sensical.

If I say nonsensical stuff twice.

It seems to make more sensical.


May 26, 2008
UK, Carlisle
From the outside looking in, your country scares the **** out of me!

I often read various American forums and I'm always amazed at the stance that's taken ref gun laws.


I can't honestly think of ever wanting to carry a concealed weapon on a normal day out, it just does not compute as a normal or socially acceptable thing to do.

Edit- a copy from the BBC article that's linked from the above forum.

"Many in the US believe the situation would have been safer if more people on the scene had had guns. At least two congressmen have said they will start carrying a gun at all times."

Really?! Honestly!!

Flame away....
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Turbo Monkey
Jan 20, 2003
New Hamp-sha
It's sad when the most responsible form of journalism seems to be John Stewart. I'll paraphrase what he reported last night as I whole heartedly agree with him.

Using these type of tragic events to sling mud at a political party is pathetic no matter where your allegiances lie. "To blame this on politics is the equivalent of blaming Columbine on heavy metal music."- Stewart


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
It's sad when the most responsible form of journalism seems to be John Stewart. I'll paraphrase what he reported last night as I whole heartedly agree with him.

Using these type of tragic events to sling mud at a political party is pathetic no matter where your allegiances lie. "To blame this on politics is the equivalent of blaming Columbine on heavy metal music."- Stewart
That's fine and dandy, but the same people screaming now about how making veiled second amendment threats couldn't have possibly caused this are the same people who decry heavy metal, violent movies, video games, and the homosexual influence on culture every chance they get.

They can't have it both ways. If they were honest, they would pick one or STFU. They won't, of course.

I saw this tweet on another message board, and it sums it up pretty well:

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Turbo Monkey
Jan 20, 2003
New Hamp-sha
You would almost have a point except that you fail to realize that the PMRC was formed by Al Gore's wife, Tipper, and James Baker's wife (Who orriginally was a democrat before switching over to the republican party...)

That's fine and dandy, but the same people screaming now about how making veiled second amendment threats couldn't have possibly caused this are the same people who decry heavy metal, violent movies, video games, and the homosexual influence on culture every chance they get.

They can't have it both ways. If they were honest, they would pick one or STFU. They won't, of course.

I saw this tweet on another message board, and it sums it up pretty well:



Artisanal Tweet Curator
You would almost have a point except that you fail to realize that the PMRC was formed by Al Gore's wife, Tipper, and James Baker's wife (Who orriginally was a democrat before switching over to the republican party...)
The PMRC is(was) a tiny minority in who he's referencing.

And they were just as fvcking stupid. Beleiving in fairy tales like 'the antichrist' will do that to a feller.

You're kind of pulling a $tinkle if you want to make the argument that the pmrc represents the vast majority of the idiots running around with their hair on fire about movies, music and video games sending people to hell. for the gores' leftness, tipper was still part of a dumb christian censorship campaign.

Just google the term 'family' and throw in a 'council', 'association' or 'group' in thet mix and see what comes up......politically I mean.
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Artisanal Tweet Curator
Using these type of tragic events to sling mud at a political party is pathetic no matter where your allegiances lie. "To blame this on politics is the equivalent of blaming Columbine on heavy metal music."- Stewart

Except that heavy metal never had nightly news programs, newspapers and straight up elected representatives all playing the role of 'bubba gun' to appeal to a bunch of retards with a very personal attacks on REAL LIFE INDIVIDUALS. And this wasn't a high school kid. And no one is talking about music.

He may be right in that this might have happened without all that. But it also definitely without a doubt occurred within the contextual period of it. And we'll never know because of that. How many more people need to get killed by some douchebag who's rantings pose a real striking resemblance to the same crap that's getting attacked right now? How many more George tiller, Byron Williams, or turnidge cases must there be?

So he go fvck himself because some of us want this shlt to stop. And when it does, then we can have a more real discussion on the causes. Until then, it creates a real impediment when the incidents stack up on a monthly basis that indicate the crap thrown around in politics IS IN FACT motivating a lot of these morons.
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Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Yeah, like the NSA doesn't read every email you send...
there's some interesting data mining in that.
The one that makes it illegal to carry a firearm to a political event with the intent to use it. As long as it's OK to carry if you don't plan on using it, I guess.
on this, i'm a closeted liberal in that i'm pretty quick on the trigger in revoking gun rights for convicted domestic violence or mental illness evaluation w/ violent tendencies, and top it off w/ register every firearm to both the owner & address. i think it would be smart to know if a firearm is even accessible in the household of an unstable type.

have as many as you want, but have 'em traceable
You're kind of pulling a $tinkle if you want to make the argument that the pmrc represents the vast majority of the idiots running around with their hair on fire about movies, music and video games sending people to hell.
if we don't get into counseling -- and soon -- we're never going to make it

oh, i've got a flubber for video games, but for different reasons (another thread)


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
You would almost have a point except that you fail to realize that the PMRC was formed by Al Gore's wife, Tipper, and James Baker's wife (Who orriginally was a democrat before switching over to the republican party...)
You read my post? Word number ten. It's important.

If you just woke up from a 20 year coma, my apologies.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003

you stay classy, unaffiliated, random, non-ideologues who ascribe to no discernable or predictable movement whatsoever.

you brood of unitarian busmen