How do you think I feel? I live in the capital city of the right wing nut-o-verse. Chances are when I get gunned down by some right wing nutzo because I'm sporting a FSM emblem on my jeep, its gonna be $tinkle who's doing the shooting.But that's the thing that gives me both the creeps and some solace in all this. On one hand, it's easy for me to stay out of texas/arizona/idaho/montana. On the other hand the constant gun totin chest beating bullshlt that masquerades as patriotism (now on a nationwide scale) at some point ALWAYS spills over into violence against people who just want to do their thing. Even if that's not the case here, there's a reason that half the world's first thought was 'teabagger douche' when hearing the news. The constant dehumanizing that goes on with perceived 'enemies of the state' (IE fellow americans who vote differently than you), eeks ever and ever closer to an active engagement of one side vs the other. I'm literally scared of a large percentage of this country who can't watch fox news and NOT want to go grab a gun, horde gold, and get ready to defend some vague sense of american duty that's not actually being threatened.
I'm just waiting for one of my neighbors to flip out and shoot me because he saw a bumper sticker that made him angry. The only reason these idiots are being courted is for votes. There are consequences to that though. Palin taking down all her little incriminating catch phrases and graphics shows that she (more likely her handlers) know it too. If they really were so innocent, they'd still be up and their authors could stand behind them.