It's not all about riding at all. At the World Cup level, it's about budgets and putting on a worthwhile event. 6 women and 30 men, a pitiful amount of spectators and no passing, in the dark...all for $200 000 USD, is NOT a worthwhile event.4X is a sport in its own right, if we all remember back in the day, DH was talked about in very much the same way, tagged onto XC events, with the same guys doing both, now look at it. 4X is new still; although we kicked it off in the UK under the name Bicycle supercoss at the KIS venue in 1999 and had a great following. The main problem is the same as Downhill had at the start, not enough tracks, not enough grassroot events! simple. So long as there's no places for the grassroots to grow the sport will be tiny and seem a waste of time. The problem is most of the young guys racing Downhill now don't know how it used to be. no uplifts, no proper tracks, no proper bikes, now things are way better and this can be the same for 4X.
4X is a spectator sport, ideal for TV. the prob is its seen and very small for the investment made, which i can understand but to stop it is crazy. I sponsor a small 4X team in the uk now and would love for the sport to be taken seriously, its got a lot to offer, with new venues starting to show up things are looking up but its still by no means sorted, the UK NPS series gets less riders than we did 10 years ago but its no reason to stop it. In the UK it needs more people to step up and organise grassroot events. At the moment you have the UCI worlds and in the uk the NPS, they are worlds; sorry for the pun, apart, the elite cat in the UK is tiny and if we are to grow we need imput. its not that theres no riders, its more a case that the only series in the uk is very expensive for the youg guns of tommorow. so don't stop a sport from kicking off, if you don't like it, so be it, but if the guys who talked down DH had been successful you would'nt have DH now. incidentally i won a nat DH jersey in the vets in 96 so love both. its all about riding guys.... get over it. if you want to help with 4X in the uk get in touch.