
Whats up yall?

After a good three years of lurking, I finally decided to make the jump and become a functioning member of ridemonkey! Just wanted to say hello to everyone really quick and thank you guys for always craking me up. Even though I'm really a roadie right now, I grew up racing mountain bikes and will always consider my self a MTB rider at heart.
Yeah...thanks for the kind welcome. The reason I'm a roadie is because its paying for my college education. I'm a student at Midwestern state university in Wichita Falls, Texas, which is one of only a handfull of schools to give scholorships for road racing. If you were getting college paid for by riding your bike you might consider being a roadie as well.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
gorideyourbike said:
Yeah...thanks for the kind welcome. The reason I'm a roadie is because its paying for my college education. I'm a student at Midwestern state university in Wichita Falls, Texas, which is one of only a handfull of schools to give scholorships for road racing. If you were getting college paid for by riding your bike you might consider being a roadie as well.
Dammit. I didn't even get into biking until my junior year of college. :(

You planning on leaving TX after you get done with college?

I was just kidding with the roadie-bashing post. Welcome to the :monkey:!
Lol, I have no idea why they named the school midwestern state when its in Texas. I guess Texas is so big they had to specify that its in the midwestern part of the state. I've only got one more year left here and then I'm planning on fleeing this godforsaken state as fast as possible. Its really not that bad here, its just so much better anywhere else! :)

I've never been super into posting on forums or anything, but you guy have always seemed so entertaining I decided why not give it a try. Plus, after college I'm seriously considering a career as a helicopter pilot for the military ( I have always wanted to fly coast guard!) So I saw DamnTrue's post on coast guard helo's and decided I was gonna have to sign up to maybe pick his brain on some stuff. (Be warned DamnTrue...a PM is coming!)


Welcome - the good news is, you told that elitist bastard, SkrdShthd that you are in Texas. He will be so busy berating you over that, he will forget the roadie part.


Mar 14, 2005
I guess it really doesnt matter how long it took you to get here, important thing is that you got here..Welcome
Thanks again everyone for the warm welcome. Toninator, glad to see there is another informed texas racer here! Unfortunatley I wont be racing badlands because I'm up at Nature Valley right now. Did it last year, though, and its not a bad race considering how hot it always is down there this time of year.

By the way, I'm glad to have sparked a big debate on the the geographical regions of the united states! Argue on!