
What's with MTB snobs? People with more money than talent = snobs!


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
Who gives a crap really, ride what you have. I'm sporting a DJ hardtail as my do it all bike, and it's setup as a singlespeed at that. It is indeed beat up but, I still love it, and yes alot of money was spent on building it up. I'm definately not afraid to go big with it either. Call me a snob if you want, there is no way one can judge one person online, heck this post may even sound snobish, on other sites even when I'm in a pleasent mood, I come off as grumpy, the people who have met me in person can vouch for me that I'm very laid back. There is no way to judge a person without meeting them in person.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 3, 2004
Vashon, WA
Well, just look at this thread from a BMX pt. of view.

Anyway... WHo cares, some people choose free time and no money, others choose more money and less time.

So if you work OT every day, why wouldn't you spend a lot on your leisure time?


The RM Mad Scientist
Feb 19, 2002
berkeley, ca
Well i quess I need to confess I'm "kind of" one of them this days..

but you know what, Growing out in sur America with out the resourses, the shop next door and the wages, i treasure, repair and fix every bike & part i have since keeping them working equal keep riding them, even today I can pretty much fix everything on a bike by playing "Kanival", adapting, sawing, gluing grindings, welding, whatever it takes...

Yes it is kind of sad but is pretty, much the ussual case when you have the stamina you lack the founds, when you have the mountain you lack the bike or even wrost when you have the bike but you lack the mountains....

oh well I may not have the "Balls" anymore but at least i have the "Bills" to buy all this dream machines that i was unable to reach when i was ready, willing and able to ride the S^^t out of them, many years ago...

for sure i wish i can push my bikes as hard as I used to (actually today i rode with two ex-pros and a nacional single speed champion and I did not do that bad,,,) but my body is just not there anymore to take the daylly pounding and it takes for ever to recuperate if i crash when a few years back (well many few years back) took no time at all..

I see this with everything all the time,, the fat old lady driving the super mega fast car at 15 Mph, the fancy people spending more on a dinner than a whole class room budget for lunch, hell the stupid stars in hollywood buying wedding rings that cost more than a few houses for people i need, not to mension those fancy smart bombs that somebody decide were more important than books on a library for the next generation of leaders of this country...

life is not fair that is for sure, but being envius does not get you as far as working hard to become good at something, hopefully with out lossing to much youth in the process.


Oct 3, 2003
Oslo, Norway
I think most of the guys on that forum har more skill then you. Maybe not hucking-skills, but climbing, endurance, fitness maybe even better technical skills on tight singletrack.

On top of this many of the riders use their ONE ride to go xc'ing, dh'ing, "freeriding", pretty much any riding on one bike.

Also, if you don't understand why a guy not hucking needs or find an expensive shock worth alot of money, then sir, you don't know much about shocks.


Spokompton said:
ok, you guys are taking me the wrong way. I don't care what people buy, crappy or good.

I just get irritated by the guys who buy expensive bikes just to show them off and tell others their bike sucks because it was last years or costs less.

My bike is in the $3700 range. I don't post pictures of my bike or myself for gratification. I just ride the piss out of it.

I think a lot has to do with age. A lot of the turner guys are older 30+ and are getting slooooow with age. Likewise, they all have decent jobs where they can afford to blow spare money on parts. If there's money burning a hole in the wallet, then why not, huh? OK, all cool, but please don't take the high horse approach to others.

That's all Im saying.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
N8 said:
Oh contraire!!!

Anyone having a better bike than you does, in fact, make that person better than you.


Because whilst you waste away hours and hours of time practicing your "mad skillz," the dude with a better bike and less skills than you is working at a productive job which rewards him with the capitol resources to out spend you. Which is something the ability to "do upwards of 10 foot drops on your pack/boxxer setup" just isn't going to ever be able to finance.

I can see how you would be resentful and jealous, but hey!, life ain't fair.


(getting in on the troll action)


hooooo hoooooo hooo hooo hoo hoo


that was funny


Turbo Monkey
Aug 25, 2002
Hangin' with Riggs and Mertah
i thought about it. my neighbor bought a tassajara and decked it out in xtr to pick up chicks. the point is if some 50year old can still get his kicks from bikes then he deserves to be on one. To say that people at rm have no talent is pointless. Talent doesnt matter anyhow. it just brings people at rm a little closer.

the reality smack is pretty thin


Mar 14, 2005
i have met a ton of people through mountain biking.... anyone i have choose to ride with were always cool in my book, it had nothing to do with what bike they are riding. I am not the fastest, the most skilled, nor a great climber. I do have 4 bikes.. one happens to be very expensive.. because i do ride.. I ride cause I can and it makes me happy.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
hooples3 said:
i have met a ton of people through mountain biking.... anyone i have choose to ride with were always cool in my book, it had nothing to do with what bike they are riding. I am not the fastest, the most skilled, nor a great climber. I do have 4 bikes.. one happens to be very expensive.. because i do ride.. I ride cause I can and it makes me happy.

I'm sure there are some snobs out there, but I'm yet to meet any - perhaps because I spend more time on my bike than I do on forums like these. I've got 3 bikes that pretty much run the gammut - a mongoose, a jamis and a yeti. The yeti was super expensive, but I love it and ride the crap out of it. Is it more bike than I need? Probably, but that's not to say that I don't love every part of it.

I ride because it makes me a happier, healthier person - that's why I got into riding back when I was on my old steel rigid dimondback, and that's still why I ride even if I am on a $3700 Yeti.

As far as the turner/ells thing goes on MTBR - a lot of the "real riders" have left that forum (or at least spend time on other forums as well) because of the crap that goes on over there. And you're looking at two of the higer profile/more expensive off-the-shelf frame builders around. It's like Mercedes or BMW or whatever - there is a certain aura around those bikes, and the ignorant people are going to buy into, feed off of, and promote that aura. People who ride for the love of it don't care what someone rides. I'm just as happy to ride along someone on a huffy as I am someone on a custom Ti bike... it's not about the bike, it's about the ride.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
Echo said:
So let me get this straight. I've spent the last 22 years or so in the computer industry, and worked my way up to where I make a decent living, own a house, nice car, etc. My main passion in life is bicycles, and has been for a long time. I've had limited success at various types of racing but will never be a pro or anything close to it.

You're saying that I should ride a piece of crap? I don't deserve King hubs or carbon bars or a Fox fork? I don't deserve a Bianchi road bike or a Nicolai DH bike? I don't deserve a Kink BMX bike?

Damn, I guess I'll throw it all away and get a huffy.

I'm with you.

I may have more money than talent, but damn it I like to ride, and I do it a lot. O.K. I definitely have more money than talent. It's only in the last few years that I could afford decent equipment, and it makes a big difference. I can ride my Switchblade or Roubaix comp all day without getting beat to death like I did on my old hardtail or road bike. I can ride my epic on XC courses and not worry about what is going to break next. It inspires confidence. Sure I don't do 30 foot suicide no handers, but I have fun.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
Originally Posted by Spokompton
Well first of all, having people willing to spend retarded amounts of money on gear DOES effect us all. They in turn drive up prices. They wouldn't be trying to sell forks for so much if no one paid those prices.

I ride a 6pack geared to the teeth with high end components. Most of the parts I buy are last years and on sale. I don't care about having the latest toy to show off on the forums. I also ride the snot out of my gear like it was made for doing. I do upwards of 10 foot drops on my pack/boxxer setup, yet you will never see me bragging with photos.

That's what sets people apart. Having a nice bike doesn't make you a snob or poser. Having a nice bike just to be "better" than others makes you a snob.

First wanting to share pictures of your bike with friends doesn't make you a poser or snob. It makes you human.

Second, people buying high end forks and components aren't driving up prices, they're funding research and development to make better components. Eventually the technology trickles down and everyone gets a better ride. Most of today's LX and Deore components (to use Shimano) are better than XT and even some XTR components of 3-5 years ago. So people buying good components, eventually means everyone gets better components.

Maybe you have some uber-hater philosophy that drives you to hate anyone with better stuff than you have, maybe you're insecure or projecting your emotions on other people, I don't know. Maybe you're just a dick, or just don't have enough life experience to make valid judgements, but calling everyone with a better bike than you a 'snob' or 'poser' is a really negative way to look at life, and will bring you nothing but pain and unhappyness. Not everyone wants to ride ten foot drops, some of us have a life, job, and children. A lot of people ride to have fun, not to gain some nebulous 'cred' points. What I can do, have done , and are willing to do today on a bike are three vastly different things.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
laura said:

hooooo hoooooo hooo hooo hoo hoo


that was funny




Aug 19, 2004
Marin Co.
Spokompton said:
I ride a 6pack geared to the teeth with high end components. Most of the parts I buy are last years and on sale. I don't care about having the latest toy to show off on the forums. I also ride the snot out of my gear like it was made for doing. I do upwards of 10 foot drops on my pack/boxxer setup, yet you will never see me bragging with photos.

just get irritated by the guys who buy expensive bikes just to show them off and tell others their bike sucks because it was last years or costs less...

...My bike is in the $3700 range.
So at the end of all your moaning, it turns out that YOU ride a $3,700 bike too. But you're somehow better than the folks on the other Turner forums, because you buy your stuff on sale, and you go off bigger drops than some of the folks who post on there. Or maybe they suck because they're old farts. Does that about sum it up?

You, sir, are a douchebag.

There's snobs in all walks of life. The only bashing I've encountered on the Turner boards (yes, I'm a Turner snob myself - but I got my Burner on clearance from Supergo, and all my parts are last seasons or transfers too. Just wanted to add that in case you think I'm a snob!) is towards Ellsworth users. (They deserve it! :p) As far as I'm concerned, if you're on a titanium Litespeed with top of the line everything, or a Rockhopper sport, it doesn't matter, as long as you're out there riding.

I do draw the line at Huffys and Mongooses (Mongeese?!) though - not because they're "not as good as my bike", but they're junk, assembled by people who don't know what they're doing, and are flat out dangerous.

And by the way - just because you dropped $3,700 on a bike, don't rub all our faces in it. Friggin snob....

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
ubermick said:
I do draw the line at Huffys and Mongooses (Mongeese?!) though - not because they're "not as good as my bike", but they're junk, assembled by people who don't know what they're doing, and are flat out dangerous..

..and yet these bikes are used as a lot of people's SOLE form of transportation because they can't afford anything else. When they break, they either fix them or salvage them.


Aug 19, 2004
Marin Co.
N8 said:
..and yet these bikes are used as a lot of people's SOLE form of transportation because they can't afford anything else. When they break, they either fix them or salvage them.
Provided that person has the knowhow and resources/tools, and uses it for transportation. About 5 years ago, a kid in my building was riding his Huffer from Target, which his parents had given him for his birthday, when the handlebars promptly came off, and he shed - busted his arm.

I also wouldn't advise hucking off the afforementioned 10 foot drops on one (cause anything less means you're not using your bike for all it's worth!) since I doubt them welds would hold up... :p

They aren't mountain bikes. They're toys made to look like mountain bikes.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Mani_UT said:
Hey stop talking about me!!

I am 33 (since last wednesday), have a 6 pack, go on MTBR and ride like a hack. And I love it :D

Oh yeah I cannot bunny hop to save my life and I am afraid of drops :D
Dude. We should ride together.


Mar 14, 2005
i happen to know somebody who never mountain biked before and spent $4000 on a bike, basically cause he could easily afford it and wanted the best... turns out he loves the sport and he rides no-stop.. $4000 well spent.
However I know people , usually younger teenagers who spent $3000 - $4000 usually with tons of upgrades on their mountain bikes and the bike has never seen dirt. they ride around the streets of brooklyJust cruising and trying to llook good, (not even doing urban). their parents have a ton of money and buy them what ever they want... thats fine with me too, although at times it made me jealous. I have a problem with the guys who own $4000 bikes and look down on anyone who doesnt ride one, riding to me is riding... no matter what you ride. its more important to be riding than what you are riding.. now go get on a bike and have fun