
What's with MTB snobs? People with more money than talent = snobs!


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
stinkyboy said:
Riding with what you have and being a moron are 2 different things...

Depends how many bikes you have. I am a genius on certain bikes, and a total idiot on others.



Sep 6, 2001
Spokompton said:
My bike is in the $3700 range. .
So anything above what your bike costs puts someone in the snob catagory?
Dude, you need to take the advice that's been given to you here; Why care? Shut up and ride your bike. Don't let what other folks do or spend bother you. I suspect you have money issues in general, not just with bikes. Probably cars as well.
P.S. I may be one of the posers that you're talking about, as I post in the turner forum. What's with posting a link to this thread over there? Just to stir up sh!t? What is really motivating your hate here.
Just shut up and ride.


Dec 6, 2004
i dont see a problem with buying an expensive bike if you have no skills, the show off thing... i see it as the other guys feeling less for not having a good bike, which is stupid..

a year ago, i found myself blaming my old GT sts carbon Lobo for my bad performance and lacker of air time.... i dropped the buck on a bike that was 5k+, and now i realized that i have a very expensive piece of furniture in my house... still ride like an old lady... but since i work my arss 70 hours a week behind a computer, i think i deserve such personal fullfilment..... if anybody tells me that i ride like shait... i can allways go like: "yeah, i know.. but you want my bike" jejeje


Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
Oh and back on topic I don't see what having more money as compared to talent has anything to do with being a snob. If you have a nice bike thats cool, as long as you don't put people down for not having as nice a bike as yourself. And if you are just jealous or hating people because they have better bikes than you or feel you have more 'talent' than them you better check your ego and chill a little. Don't get your panties in a bunch over what somebody else rides, just ride :)


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
Spokompton said:
Over 80% of penis enlargement surgeries are to impress other men at the gym. It's not often that men get them enlarged for their girl's pleasure which in fact women don't care about size as much as how you use it. How's that much different than buying freeride equipment for XC riding? Seems the forums are the gym to show off at, and the actual need for it on the trail isn't there.
incredibly put. so true. :thumb:


Sep 6, 2001
spokompton, buddy, come back and dig a deeper hole. Your buddies in the turner forum at mtbr want to talk to you too.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
It's pretty common for people with more money than skills to buy top notch bikes and dirt bikes. Once these guys get hurt or lose interest, they always sell their bikes for cheap! I'm keeping my eyes open for a CR250.


Jan 24, 2006
Spokompton said:
Over 80% of penis enlargement surgeries are to impress other men at the gym. It's not often that men get them enlarged for their girl's pleasure which in fact women don't care about size as much as how you use it. How's that much different than buying freeride equipment for XC riding? Seems the forums are the gym to show off at, and the actual need for it on the trail isn't there.

HUmans are silly:oink:
So what you're really saying, is that the Homers should give you their excess cash for penis enlargement sugery? I feel sorry for your girlfriend/boyfriend needledick!


Sep 6, 2001
Yo, spokomptom, do your bro's here at ridemonkey know that you're mtbr identity is robotchicken? And that you posted multiple threads there as to how badass your brand new 66SL fork was, that you dropped some coin on? Dude , what's with the double standard?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Ugh, this thread has degraded.

I think we can all agree that Spokompton was own3d good and proper by just about everyone who posted in this thread and his particular thoughts on this subject were short-sighted and not well thought out.

However, do we really need to degrade this thread into "needledick" insults and dragging up posting history on other boards?

If you disagree with someone's thoughts, how about hashing out what, exactly you disagree with and why, instead of ad hominem attacks?


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
binary visions said:
Ugh, this thread has degraded.

I think we can all agree that Spokompton was own3d good and proper by just about everyone who posted in this thread and his particular thoughts on this subject were short-sighted and not well thought out.

However, do we really need to degrade this thread into "needledick" insults and dragging up posting history on other boards?

If you disagree with someone's thoughts, how about hashing out what, exactly you disagree with and why, instead of ad hominem attacks?
Are you also the voice of Dr. Phil?


Jack Ass Pen Goo Win
Oct 15, 2004
South Bend
Spokompton said:
Well first of all, having people willing to spend retarded amounts of money on gear DOES effect us all. They in turn drive up prices. They wouldn't be trying to sell forks for so much if no one paid those prices.

That's what sets people apart. Having a nice bike doesn't make you a snob or poser. Having a nice bike just to be "better" than others makes you a snob.
My young Jeti, you do not yet possess the proper use of the Force, I was once young like you, & questioned some of the values that are bothering you at present.

You think people paying top dollar for the best products drives up prices? It does keep Companies going to build better "bling" to grab that cash, but it also allows the normal folk to get cool gear in the filter down process.
Example =a couple of years ago, friend and former teamate of mine(who pulls in 6 figures) was lusting after the XTR grouppo for XC racing, paid almost $500 to get a Hollowtech crankset a soon as they where available. Is that wrong? I don't think so
Fast foreward to December 2005,while researching parts for my New single speed I noticed Jensen has a sale on LX Hollowtech cranks, for get this $189!! they have the same hollow axle as my buddies XTR they probally weigh 30 grams more,
That is the trickle down theory,the first batch is overpriced to get the "BLING WEENIES" suckered in, then the produce more often at " a slightly lower level" at a lower price, but by waiting a season or two
a) you get a lower price
b) you get a better products becuase by now all the bugs are worked out, Bling Weenies are the guinea pigs of cycling, They pay the MFG, to do product research.

I called you young at the beginning of my rant, but actually I have no idea what your age is because you left your profile blank, is that on purpose? Now That 's what I call being a snob....
May 12, 2005
roanoke va
i welcome the people with lots of $ and no skills. then again i work in a shop...
but still said people are the ones that keep the used parts market stocked with high-end products and the trails with eye candy.
there are a lot of people down here with pimp bikes and mad skills (castle, for one), but i think i fall in with the poor skilled peeps.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Spokompton said:
I think a lot has to do with age. A lot of the turner guys are older 30+ and are getting slooooow with age.
I am much faster and a lot better technically at 40 then I was at 30. I am a fine wine. I get better with age. I ride a 97 Super V.


Dec 4, 2004
jdcamb said:
I am much faster and a lot better technically at 40 then I was at 30. I am a fine wine. I get better with age. I ride a 97 Super V.
I can relate... im alot better at 16 then i was at 13 :D


The funny thing is you are pi$$ed because guys on the Turner board are only doing 5' drops on their 6packs, while you are doing 10'r's. Yet we all no there are guys out there doing 10++++ on their hardtails. So compared to them, aren't you also a snob? Just using your logic.

On another note. I have never encountered another rider bad mouthing a fellow riders lesser bike, other then in good natured smack talk among friends (Jr High males excluded).


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Maybe the reason for all this is that while you were out working on your biking skills, those guys were working on their money making skills. Personally I'd rather have my crappy skills and a bling bling bike and I laugh as I listen to you whine as I ride by.
binary visions said:
No, but if you can get me a job, I'd love to make as much money as that rich bastard :D
The guy we just hired here used to work IT for the Dr. Phil show. Said that the guys house is ENORMOUS. Dr. Phill has mucho dinero.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
I make a good living so I buy the best gear for everything that I love to do. Nice car, nice camera gear, nice computers, tons of travel, and sick bikes. I don't ride anywhere near the limit of my bikes, but I have more fun than anybody else and thr cool bikes make me happy, they look cool in my office, they have knobs and stuff all over the shocks, and if nobody else ever looked at then that would be just fine. If I wanted to brag I'd start a thread about being tired of poseurs.........


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Spokompton said:
What I find humorous, is the Turner guys going to DH FR equipment on their 6 packs WHILE still rocking the egg beaters and lightweight components for riding uphill.
Hum, I have eggbeaters on my Pack:confused: because I like their performance. Funny, I never thought it was a big deal:rolleyes:


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Snacks said:
Hum, I have eggbeaters on my Pack:confused: because I like their performance. Funny, I never thought it was a big deal:rolleyes:
You better get yourself some flats before the hardcore bike police come get you. ;) :p


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
I scrap my bike together with the money I can muster up. With practice I can be good, but I have been without a frame since summer. New frame (RM7? here's to hoping) within the next month means Andrew can go ride which means Andrew will get better and be able to ride for fun. It's expensive, and I'm not very good, but I don't think that makes me a snob.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
kidwoo said:
You're allowed to be a snob.

Your bike looks way more badass than all the expensive easter/miami colored dh bikes popping up these days.
That's cuz I painted it with KRYLON, holmes! Odelay Cove! Barrio Loco! And other assorted hispanic gang oriented slang.

The nice thing is that I paid 250.00 for my frame and 30 bucks on Krylon paint.

Bling Bling yo!

Look at me! I'm a poser! I'm posting my bike on the intarweb without any mad skillz to back it up! Of course if you look you'll see my Fox Vanilla shock on there so you instantly know it's crap and I suck. (Actually I do suck at riding but I have a ton of fun and I am getting better. Especially when I ride with riders who are better then me!)

This thread was fun. Thanks Spokompton.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
robdamanii said:
Super bling, man. But what's the poser value of them?
Directly related to my $15 generic flats?

600 poser points.

100 bonus poser points if you're wearing Hematomas.


Nov 25, 2001
Spokompton said:
I think a lot has to do with age. A lot of the turner guys are older 30+ and are getting slooooow with age. Likewise, they all have decent jobs where they can afford to blow spare money on parts.
Hey stop talking about me!!

I am 33 (since last wednesday), have a 6 pack, go on MTBR and ride like a hack. And I love it :D

Oh yeah I cannot bunny hop to save my life and I am afraid of drops :D