
What's Wrong with Gay Marriage?


Feb 28, 2002
Vail CO
I rarely venture into these parts of RideMonkey… so I apologize if this topic has already been talked to death. Anyway, I just wanted to hear specifically from those who appose gay marriage. I’m in no way trying to ridicule your viewpoint, I’ve just been having a hard time understanding why it is that such a considerable faction of our population feels so strongly that extending the rights of marriage to the gay community is such a threat.

I’ve heard concern over gay parents raising children, yet gays can’t have children… they adopt. I believe that two parents, regardless of their sexual orientation, can provide better care for a child than a foster home can, so I don’t really think this is an issue.

I’ve also heard the argument that allowing gays to marry would put the institution of marriage on a “slippery slope” where it would be subject to the inclusion of all sorts of other “alternative” practices such as polygamy or even marriage to animals. What I think people are missing here, however, is that homosexuality is a natural human condition. However uncomfortable that makes people feel, they have to recognize that one is not conditioned by society to be gay... it’s a naturally occurring sexual orientation that, like it or not, constitutes a considerable portion of the human beings. In my mind, this removes homosexuality from other deviations of the marriage norm that lie on the proverbial “slippery slope.”

There’s also the claim that seems to dominate the rhetoric of those who appose gay marriage: granting homosexuals equal rights with regard to marriage would debase or degrade the institution of marriage itself. This is the claim I really don’t understand. As uncomfortable as people may be with the concept of homosexuality, the marriage of two such individuals really has no negative effect on anyone, of any sexual orientation. From a fiscal/economic standpoint, my understanding is that it would actually be beneficial.

The only viewpoint opposing gay marriage that I actually understand is that of the religious extremist, which ironically is the argument I hear least. Many religions deem homosexuality to be morally wrong, and while I don’t share this opinion, I can respect people’s religious views. What I don’t understand about this, however, is why there seems to be a general acceptance of homosexuality in our society today. If religious activists find gays to be so morally reproachable as to deny them equal marriage rights, why do they permit them to claim any other civil right?

In general, I think our society’s fixation on homo/hetero relationships denies the true plasticity of human sexuality. Certainly there are people who have always felt themselves to be gay or straight, but there are plenty of studies that suggesting that human sexuality is far more versatile, or capricious. In some cultures, it is more or less accepted that “straight” men will nonetheless have sex with other men. Perhaps it is time to acknowledge that the potential to fall in love with, or just be attracted to, a person of the same sex is widespread among otherwise perfectly conventional people. I think that if people could consider this perspective, we could accept sexuality for what it is, rather than alienating gays as some perverse subgroup, the granting of marriage rights to whom would threaten the very foundation of heterosexual normality.

Anyway, sorry… this is getting off topic. Again, please don’t read this as an attack on those who appose gay marriage. I simply wanted to let you know where I’m coming from, so that maybe you could explain your reasoning. I’m keeping an open mind.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
dude, there's about 27 recent threads on this, bump one and delete this post for my sanity's sake.


Oct 17, 2002
Homosexuals are

That's right, they're cockbiters! :eek: :D

A. Welcome to the political forum, stick around
2. This has been discussed a lot, so search back *just* a few days and read the threads.
III. I don't believe you when you say you have an open mind, it sounds like you've heard all the arguments and you just want to pick a fight... awesome! You'll fit right it.

PS: I know I'm being an ass, but that's ok, cuz I had subway for lunch.


Feb 28, 2002
Vail CO
Ok, sorry... I had a feeling this topic had been beat to death, like I said, I'm new here.

And yes, obviously I do have an opinion on the issue... but that doesn't necessarly mean that I don't have an open mind. Maybe it's just that I haven't heard any solid reasoning behind the opposing view... if someone presents some I'll rethink my position.

Anyway, I'll go look up some of the older threads.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
There isn't any solid reasoning for prohibiting homosexuals from marrying, which is probably why you haven't read one yet :D

It seems to come down to the "ick!" factor more than anything else.


Feb 28, 2002
Vail CO
Ok... well I just spent about an hour and a half reading through some of those other posts. I can't really say I understand the opposing view, but I think I have a better idea now.

One question for $tinkle in particular: I noticed you kept bringing up the issue of sodomy... citing that legalizing gay marriage would some how legitimize this act. I'm not sure I really understand this viewpoint. Do you have a problem with sodomy in general, or just among gay males? Do you believe that a gay marriage is more about sexual acts than love and companionship?


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
It has been done to death (nearly) but I thought your post was well-written and to the point.

Now it's time for the thread to be hi-jacked.

It was all Nixon's fault, those damn democrats...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
Originally posted by 911
What I think people are missing here, however, is that homosexuality is a natural human condition. However uncomfortable that makes people feel, they have to recognize that one is not conditioned by society to be gay... it’s a naturally occurring sexual orientation that, like it or not, constitutes a considerable portion of the human beings.
I had no idea they figured out it was genetic??? See this is just your opinion just as it is other's opinion that it is a human lifestyle choice. And if your opinion is wrong then people are indeed conditioned.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by zod
I had no idea they figured out it was genetic??? See this is just your opinion just as it is other's opinion that it is a human lifestyle choice. And if your opinion is wrong then people are indeed conditioned.

I thought they had found a gay gene.

Either way the life you lead is still a choice, getting a marriage straight or gay is a choice. The feelings and urges you have are not.

If someone has a desire to have sex with someone of the opposite sex, that is an urge that can be controlled but is not originated in a controlled fashion. That is, the response can be controlled but the urge is genuine and occurs naturally within that person.

Why do you feel it should be otherwise for a gay person?

Do you think they're doing it just to wind up the intolerant?


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by DRB
Poor poor horse.

Someone get PETA or the ASPC here to help it out.

Maybe we should just shoot it and put it out its (our) misery.
Ain't it dead already?

We need to stay off topic in this thread...


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Originally posted by 911
One question for $tinkle in particular: I noticed you kept bringing up the issue of sodomy... citing that legalizing gay marriage would some how legitimize this act. I'm not sure I really understand this viewpoint. Do you have a problem with sodomy in general, or just among gay males? Do you believe that a gay marriage is more about sexual acts than love and companionship?
since lawrence v texas was considered a "victory" for gays, it is a consistent viewpoint that it be relevant to both the pro- and anti-gay marriage sides. I (as you put it) kept bringing it up b/c it was denied to be relevant with flippant remarks as: "marriage is not about sex". My problem isn't w/ sodomy, it's w/ gay marriage legislation. And whichever carries more sway (sex v companionship) isn't germane. Everything's on the table.

...and MMIKE's avatar gives me the vapors