
Wheeee, the gubberment protecting you from misleading beer labels...


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Got this from one of the local breweries, was in their weekly mailing:

The Government Is Back On My Nerves And Throwing Off Our Whole Schedule. Last week I let you know that we had a new label for Scurvy, our summer IPA. Yesterday, we were informed that the TTB rejected our new label... apparently they thought the name "Scurvy" together with the government-mandated Statement of Composition "Ale Brewed With Orange Peel" implies a health benefit from the consumption of the product. Yes, these are the same people that previously approved our former label that said "Scurvy India Pale Ale Brewed With Orange Peel." Our new six packs were one the verge of being printed and fortunately we were able to stop them. We will be submitting a variation of the label hoping to get it through... but it is unknown whether it will meet their criteria... or how long it will take them to approve it.
Yay, government!!