
"when a woman becomes pregnant during a rape, "that's something God intended.""


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
I'm beginning to think that most of the Repub's would make great Sunni Mullahs.... and a few of them perhaps even Wahabist ones......
Funny, I've lost several conservative friends on FB (oh well) saying that between banning gay marriage and a host of other "moral regulations" some Repubs want to institute the Christian version of Sharia Law........for some reason they didn't think that was cute.........


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
what's that called? The Great Legislation: "go and make laws for one another"


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I guess it is somewhat comforting that athieism is the fastest growing religion for those under the age of 30. I recall reading that 50% of the respondents are such. That just means that will take 1-2 generations to out breed the bible thumpers.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
I guess it is somewhat comforting that athieism is the fastest growing religion for those under the age of 30. I recall reading that 50% of the respondents are such. That just means that will take 1-2 generations to out breed the bible thumpers.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
how do you lot reconcile dear leader's profession of faith to your openly religious hostility? apart from jessie ventura (who i think we have previously concluded is positively crackers), are there any significant or influential non-believing political leaders? please, continue to dispense your enlightenment that's perfectly fitting for a sausage infested biking forum

perhaps this is due for a x-post: "don't you morons ever think..."


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
how do you lot reconcile dear leader's profession of faith to your openly religious hostility? apart from jessie ventura (who i think we have previously concluded is positively crackers), are there any significant or influential non-believing political leaders? please, continue to dispense your enlightenment that's perfectly fitting for a sausage infested biking forum

perhaps this is due for a x-post: "don't you morons ever think..."
Are you really that bad at math?
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Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
how do you lot reconcile dear leader's profession of faith to your openly religious hostility? apart from jessie ventura (who i think we have previously concluded is positively crackers), are there any significant or influential non-believing political leaders? please, continue to dispense your enlightenment that's perfectly fitting for a sausage infested biking forum

perhaps this is due for a x-post: "don't you morons ever think..."
"Non-believing", or "willing to admit publicly that there's no god even if it means defeat at the next election by voters who'd rather have a Muslim Socialist than an Athiest in a position in government"?

Because unless gay sex in a bathroom stall and poking the intern are now religious activities, my guess is that there are plenty of politicians out there who are outwardly religious and inwardly non-religious...

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
I guess it is somewhat comforting that athieism is the fastest growing religion for those under the age of 30. I recall reading that 50% of the respondents are such. That just means that will take 1-2 generations to out breed the bible thumpers.
Glow sticks and extasy make Jesus more fun. :)

Probably before your time...


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
"Non-believing", or "willing to admit publicly that there's no god even if it means defeat at the next election by voters who'd rather have a Muslim Socialist than an Athiest in a position in government"?

Because unless gay sex in a bathroom stall and poking the intern are now religious activities, my guess is that there are plenty of politicians out there who are outwardly religious and inwardly non-religious...
however agreeable this post, 'culturally religious' isn't the group referred to - 'atheist' is. and if one is going to profess atheism, what are the dogma to be lauded as a 'profession of faith'? you think this is what this country needs, or would be for the greater good? to say nothing of their electability...

so what's the play? keep your jesus/allah/budda/fsm/yahweh/yeshua/mary in the closet?

i get the sense you don't believe anything positive is done in <higher power's> name, or there's always a catch. if so, do you then believe distilled altruism comes apart from deism?

and f242? +rep


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
All-seeing-eye-in-the-sky is watching you and what not.
so it's not an issue your fellow man sees? wouldn't there then be the temptation to do something to curry favor, or repair one's damaged image?

everybody's got an agenda


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
so here's one that would fit a humanist society, "we shall insure no woman shall ever have to fear being raped in this society". as a result, all men who desire to have physical access to women shall voluntarily be chemically castrated. or eunuchized. whatever.

it's "moral", right? 0% rape?


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
so it's not an issue your fellow man sees? wouldn't there then be the temptation to do something to curry favor, or repair one's damaged image?

everybody's got an agenda
That is secular morality. You still have to answer to someone. The difference is that an individual is responsible to the family/tribe/society/whatev's, Vs. the sky fairy.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
so here's one that would fit a humanist society, "we shall insure no woman shall ever have to fear being raped in this society". as a result, all men who desire to have physical access to women shall voluntarily be chemically castrated. or eunuchized. whatever.

it's "moral", right? 0% rape?

Religion prevents all rape, or do you meant to imply that crimes are only committed by atheists ?
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Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
That is secular morality. You still have to answer to someone. The difference is that an individual is responsible to the family/tribe/society/whatev's, Vs. the sky fairy.
or both
1 peter 2:13-17
13 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. 15 For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. 16 Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves. 17 Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.​
don't ban me, bro!
Religion prevents all rape, or do you meant to imply that crimes are only committed by atheists ?
that having irreligious, yet moral goals does not guarantee morality


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
or both
1 peter 2:13-17
13 Submit yourselves for the Lord&#8217;s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. 15 For it is God&#8217;s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. 16 Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God&#8217;s slaves. 17 Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.​
don't ban me, bro!
that having irreligious, yet moral goals does not guarantee morality
Sure. But neither does religion.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
Some of the most moral, peaceful, people I know who (from my world view) work to bring &#8220;heaven to earth&#8221; are non believers.

Some of the most hateful, lying, cheating folks are people I know who go to church EVERY Sunday, Sunday night, and Wednesday.

General Commentary:
I&#8217;ve always wondered if the focus of most evangelical/Baptist/Pentacostal/non-denom churches focus on getting ones a$$ out of hell. That is THE Gospel for them. Obviously I see a problem with that with how I view the Text. I wonder if this focus creates a sort of &#8220;dualism&#8221;. People who subscribe to this notion don&#8217;t really care about their fellow man (other than getting them saved, so they can add another notch to their spiritual belt). Most in the groups above subscribe to a &#8220;once saved always saved&#8221; so no matter how much you f#ck up you&#8217;re still getting in, the whole grace and mercy thing. So outside of church, they act no different than the &#8220;pagans&#8221;, some even worse. So now they live in a dualistic world where &#8220;spiritual/church&#8221; things are important, but things here on earth are &#8220;temporary&#8221; and don&#8217;t matter as much.

Now this is anecdotal, but my Catholic and &#8220;mainline&#8221; Protestant friends tend to have a more &#8220;holistic&#8221; lifestyle, as those systems don&#8217;t emphasize to the same extent the whole get you&#8217;re a$$ out of hell message. The message tends to be more living in harmony with others. Obviously there are gross deviations from this in the news&#8230;&#8230;&#8230;but it&#8217;s an observation I&#8217;ve made locally.

Obviously I disagree with this world view, but I won&#8217;t put out a treatise on that here.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
A truly good person is one who is dedicated to doing good deeds without the threat of hell or the promise of heaven.

And of course I consider 'good deeds' as beating the gay out of homos, bombing muslims and making sure the poor pay for their own ****ing healthcare.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
A truly good person is one who is dedicated to doing good deeds without the threat of hell or the promise of heaven.

And of course I consider 'good deeds' as beating the gay out of homos, bombing muslims and making sure the poor pay for their own ****ing healthcare.
Yes. And that second part is pretty damn funny.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
A truly good person is one who is dedicated to doing good deeds without the threat of hell or the promise of heaven.

And of course I consider 'good deeds' bombing muslims
barry....one out of three ain't bad.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Some of the most moral, peaceful, people I know who (from my world view) work to bring “heaven to earth” are non believers.

Some of the most hateful, lying, cheating folks are people I know who go to church EVERY Sunday, Sunday night, and Wednesday.
Anytime someone tells me they are a good Christian person, I know immediately not to trust them.

General Commentary:
I’ve always wondered if the focus of most evangelical/Baptist/Pentacostal/non-denom churches focus on getting ones a$$ out of hell. That is THE Gospel for them. Obviously I see a problem with that with how I view the Text. I wonder if this focus creates a sort of “dualism”. People who subscribe to this notion don’t really care about their fellow man (other than getting them saved, so they can add another notch to their spiritual belt). Most in the groups above subscribe to a “once saved always saved” so no matter how much you f#ck up you’re still getting in, the whole grace and mercy thing. So outside of church, they act no different than the “pagans”, some even worse. So now they live in a dualistic world where “spiritual/church” things are important, but things here on earth are “temporary” and don’t matter as much.
This was pretty much my experience with this group as well. They use "forgiveness" as an excuse to act in a manner that is completely contrary to the teachings of their savior. Why bother when you can be forgiven every Sunday. The "keep your ass out of Hell" scare tactic only motivates out of fear and self-centeredness, not of humility. I can't tell you how many times I've heard conversations that begin with, "When I get to heaven...". So many "good Christians" wasting their time alive worrying about the afterlife.

Now this is anecdotal, but my Catholic and “mainline” Protestant friends tend to have a more “holistic” lifestyle, as those systems don’t emphasize to the same extent the whole get you’re a$$ out of hell message. The message tends to be more living in harmony with others. Obviously there are gross deviations from this in the news………but it’s an observation I’ve made locally.

Obviously I disagree with this world view, but I won’t put out a treatise on that here.
Having grown up in and around non-denominational Christian church and attended Catholic Academy I can agree, that for the most part, ceremony aside, Catholics have a more relaxed viewpoint.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
The "keep your ass out of Hell" scare tactic only motivates out of fear and self-centeredness, not of humility.
Exactly. Think about it, where is the Text is the phrase "personal relationship with God"? No where, but that gets said I'd wager hundreds of thousands of times every Sunday at altercalls / invitations. It frames one's faith all all about them and God, but the Text speaks of a communal faith, you know Yom Kippur and the "sins of the nation" deal. While there are some exceptions, this is why your rank and file Baptist/Non-Denom/Pentacostal/Evangelical is a total d!ck the other 6 days of the week.

It frustrates me to no end................