
When are you justified confronting a driver?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I was riding down a quiet residential city street at dusk, when an oncoming car merges over and comes straight at me.

There was no center line on the street, the car was going about 15mph, and the driver wasn't out-of-control or malicious. I believe she was simply trying to park or pull into her driveway.

Nevertheless, she was driving illegally and scared me, but I was at the end a long ride, so all I did was swerve around her and lightly tap her window.

Still I felt a little stupid I did not do more. I know this was the beginning of my ride, I would have turned around and at least told her that she could have killed me.

Many riders would have smashed her window or mirror, and I had considered that as well.

On the other hand, even being pleasant and telling her she was putting a cyclist's life at risk with her driving could save another rider's life.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
if you were in florida, you could've popped her one in the skull and claimed self defense. "stand your grand" is carte blanche for dat sh*t, yo.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Only after a complete witness inventory and assessment has been done. Most opportunities vanish before that. Put a escape plan into the fold and you might as well just go home. Victim witness = Police. And when they show up you better be prepared to spend some cash and hope you can get someone to post bond for you before nightfall...


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Every time you decide to confront someone for being a cunt, and there are multiple times a day that it would be warranted, you need to consider the next three steps after. Are they going to go bat**** and pull a gun or try to assault you? Can you hold your temper and tell them in a calm manner that they are, in point of fact, a cunt, and why it is that they are cunts? Are you going to be able to roll away without new holes, new bruises, or wearing silver bracelets and considering yourself in the service of the state?

Up until recently I would have advocated smashy smashy with a ball peen hammer on their car, and them if they got out. Unless they really give me a reason to take it to the next level, in my old age, I just flip them a gesture or yell something impolite. Too many ass bags out there with guns and a willingness to use them for no good reason.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still crazy and like to fight it out, but the idea of getting shot doesn't appeal to me.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2009
Fenton, MI
My memory could be off, but I seem to remember more than one time where you have talked about confronting drivers while you were riding your bike, you should learn to let some things go


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
My memory could be off, but I seem to remember more than one time where you have talked about confronting drivers while you were riding your bike, you should learn to let some things go
Me? Multiple times. I am trying to turn over a nicer leaf. Its hard, people are stupid and only respond to violence.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Every time you decide to confront someone for being a cunt, and there are multiple times a day that it would be warranted, you need to consider the next three steps after. Are they going to go bat**** and pull a gun or try to assault you? Can you hold your temper and tell them in a calm manner that they are, in point of fact, a cunt, and why it is that they are cunts? Are you going to be able to roll away without new holes, new bruises, or wearing silver bracelets and considering yourself in the service of the state?

Up until recently I would have advocated smashy smashy with a ball peen hammer on their car, and them if they got out. Unless they really give me a reason to take it to the next level, in my old age, I just flip them a gesture or yell something impolite. Too many ass bags out there with guns and a willingness to use them for no good reason.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still crazy and like to fight it out, but the idea of getting shot doesn't appeal to me.

DirtMcGirk said:
None the less, and now I am going to rant, if this little ass bag in Florida changes things, I find deep regret in the fact that I fought for a country where a man cannot protect himself or his home for fear of the rantings of some racial mob. Someone needs to consider drawing and quartering Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al.
I thought you were all for gun-toting neanderthals roaming our streets protecting us from baddies?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
My memory could be off, but I seem to remember more than one time where you have talked about confronting drivers while you were riding your bike, you should learn to let some things go
There has been a zillion confrontations. Not too many head-on collisions though.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
If I am to confront someone, I first do a quick situational awareness survey.
- Are there multiple persons in the vehicle?
- Is there a chance the vehicle can be used against me as a weapon? Have they parked or am I on safe ground?
- Where my actions legal and his specifically illegal?
- What shoes am I wearing and what clothing? Road shoes are a bitch to fight in, but I will punch all day in full fingered gloves...helmets and chin straps are bad. I have very short hair, lose the helmet...
- Witnesses to both mine and his actions?
- Is he likely to repeat said behavior and possibly hurt or kill someone else?
- Am I just saying "Hey dude, please be more careful..." or "You Mother ****er, I am going to ****ing kill you and your ****ing stupid ass family and every ****ing one you ****ing love and every ****ing thing they ****ing love, then ****ing burn down the ****ing town you ****ing live in you ****ing cunt and every ****ing ****er who ever ****ing lived there...then I will ****ing start in on their ****ing families"
- And most importantly, am I hurt physically or is my ego just bruised?


Sep 8, 2009
- Am I just saying "Hey dude, please be more careful..." or "You Mother ****er, I am going to ****ing kill you and your ****ing stupid ass family and every ****ing one you ****ing love and every ****ing thing they ****ing love, then ****ing burn down the ****ing town you ****ing live in you ****ing cunt and every ****ing ****er who ever ****ing lived there...then I will ****ing start in on their ****ing families"
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2009
Fenton, MI
Me? Multiple times. I am trying to turn over a nicer leaf. Its hard, people are stupid and only respond to violence.
No, I was referring to sanjuro.
There has been a zillion confrontations. Not too many head-on collisions though.
One of these days one of the drivers is going to get out and kick your ass for thinking you need to try and confront everyone who doesn't obey the law to the letter you expect. I look forward to that thread:

"I confronted this bitch who almost doored me, turns out she was a gun toting bodybuilder who pistol whipped the **** out of me. I guess next time I don't like the way a driver is driving I'll keep my little man's disease ridden road rage at home, it really sucked to get my ass beat by a girl."


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
she saw the rainbow warrior bandana and just didn't give a fvck.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I can't be bothered to go back and look for it, but a while back I posted about almost being hit head on during my ride home from work. My fight/flight response reverted to "fight" and I yelled/screamed and kicked in the guys door when he went by. It was stupid and I immediately regretted it. Quite frankly as many mouth breathing retard guns before family dickwads as there are in this town I can not believe this guy didn't even stop. It's not worth it to prove a point. Idiots will always be idiots and I don't really feel like getting any more scars, extra holes, or getting run over again. It's hard to let it go, but that just means you need to take the extra long route home and burn off the stress response.


Turbo Monkey
The guy in the red jumper was close enough to the beard guy to take the sword and kick his ass.
The guy with the axe wouldnt stand a chance unless he was trained in combat with a dual handed weapon.
Id probably step out of the car and beat his moped to pieces with it after i punched his lights out.

But to stay on topic, violence is seldom the sollution. :D
If someone accidentally allmost runs me over, no problem. Honest mistakes happen, an appology would be in place though.
If they do it on purpose i would probably go bat****...


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
The guy in the red jumper was close enough to the beard guy to take the sword and kick his ass.
Just blip the throttle to knock him down and get one tire on his foot. Then slowly ease forward, SLOWLY, listening to the pop and crunch of bone, over his boisterous screams. Lean out the window and watch as colorful loops of intestine appear from his dying mouth. Then go to Panera and get coffee.


Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
Just blip the throttle to knock him down and get one tire on his foot. Then slowly ease forward, SLOWLY, listening to the pop and crunch of bone, over his boisterous screams. Lean out the window and watch as colorful loops of intestine appear from his dying mouth. Then go to Panera and get coffee.

Where did that come from?


May 3, 2005
Walking the Earth
One time I was riding home from work and was passed by a pick up with a guy, his wife and his two kids (in carseats). He was turning right at the next intersection and as was I and I turned inside of him always on the shoulder. The right lane then became a merge onto the highway. I crossed so I was on the right side of the "straight lane". He pulled into the highway merge lane (on my right) rolled down his window and starting saying something. No idea what he said but as he drove away up the ramp I gave him a little wave good bye.

Started riding again and about 10 minutes later he pulled up next to me and starting yelling **** and saying he was going to kick my ass. He drove off and I gave him another wave goodbye. Well he drove about 100 yards up the road, pulled over and got out of his truck and started to pick a fight with me. He was a big ass redneck. I rode by, told him to grow up. He got back in drove by me, got out of his truck, and tried to fight me again. Happened a 3rd time and by this time I was close to home. Last thing I wanted was this freak knowing where I lived. A little offroad action and I slipped him.

But yeah, a lot of freaks out there. And I probably blew getting laid with him too. "You sure got a perty mouth"


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Have you ever seen an upset cyclist challenging a motorist? It's pretty amusing and hard to take seriously most of the time - especially if there are lycra and road shoes involved, not to mention the typically irrational and exaggerated comments that come out in the heat of the moment.

I'm not saying I don't get agitated and confrontational sometimes, just that it's rarely a good idea.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
Have you ever seen an upset cyclist challenging a motorist? It's pretty amusing and hard to take seriously most of the time - especially if there are lycra and road shoes involved, not to mention the typically irrational and exaggerated comments that come out in the heat of the moment.

I'm not saying I don't get agitated and confrontational sometimes, just that it's rarely a good idea.
I guess you never met an agressive hipster with an u-lock who thinks hating on cars is cool.