
When did extacy get so big?


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
I was out tonight hanging with some people and were hangin out having a good time, and we start talking to some girls. There a year os so younger than me and the people I was with, and they had a couple little sister with them (like 12 years old) and there looking for "thiz." I asked them why the hell they would want to do that much less around there little sisters, and it turns out they all do E like every weekend. It turns out that half the people I saw tonight were eather trippen or looken for E. Why is this drug so popular? I mean pot is one thing but something like E. I want to know why are people doing thiz in such numbers, it messes you up??


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
E (MDMA), if it is the same drug in the states, isn't that dangerous actually, provided you don't take it by the bucket load. It's been extremely popular in the UK for over 15 years now. It essentially became popular when dance and house music started.

The main side effects of long term use are a general dampening of all your emotions while you're not using it, as your seratonin receptors get worn out. That is pretty long term hard core use though. It's not physically addictive either.

In the UK it is availible extremely cheaply, around 3 pounds ($5-6) a pill. There is a huge extacy culture, and hundreds of thousands of people take it quite regularly.

Only a handful of people have died from using it, one famous case, a girl called Leah Betts who drank 12 litres of water in a few hours after taking 2 or 3 tablets and thinned her blood so much it could not support enough oxygen for her brain, so she didn't actually die from the E itself. A few other people have had seizures after taking ridiculous numbers of pills (15-20 at once), but generally most people use it fairly sensibly and enjoy themselves. It's main effects are a powerful stimulant, so you can dance all night, and also makes you feel extremely 'loved up' and happy (if not extatic) with everything around you. It enhances your enjoyment of music, especially beat-based stuff. Most people also find it makes physical touch feel much 'nicer' too. Hence it's name as 'the love drug'.

Despite that, it's a class A drug in the UK. Go figure.

Here you go, an MDMA primer courtesy of erowid.org:



Aug 30, 2003
Changleen said:
E (MDMA), if it is the same drug in the states, isn't that dangerous actually, provided you don't take it by the bucket load.

E is not so bad by itself, but the majority of the time , it is cut with another drug. Meth is one, heroin is another. I've had a couple bad experiences with it when I was living in Seattle. Even uncut, it will severly affect you if you use it alot, just like any drug.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Why would you cut a stimulant with Heroin? That's just weird. In England they just add talc if they're being cheap... Or rat poison...


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Nah, That's just good marketing.. :) Seriously, I can understand the idea of 'taking the edge off' but I'm not really into that personally.


Turbo Monkey
Being from the Netherlands I know a little about our biggest export product...
E or MDMA is a party drug, it's not physically addictive but it is mentally just like most drugs like Nicotine or alcohol.
XTC is often mixed with all kinds of stuff and yes it can easily be mixed with acid, meth, heroin or anything you want really. This usually doesnt happen on a large scale. Most of the times you will find MDMA mixed with MDA also known as speed. The effect of speed is very physical and pretty bad for your body because it can cause dehydration.
This is the main reason why people who use E get sick or even die.
It is known that XTC can cause damage psycholically because it takes over the production of endorfine, a chemical substance which is allready being produced by your body itself. (It is the chemical reaction in your body that makes you feel happy) Somehow the body stops making it when u use XTC a lot so you can get depressed when u stop using.
There are many studies on the effect on XTC but no real conclusive long term studies as far as I know of.
Therefore just like other drugs you should be very carefull if you are going to use it.
It can be fun but it can also be a nightmare.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
XTC is nasty here. you are hard pressed to find a roll that hasn't been cut with some funky ass ****. you are more than likely taking something that has little to no mdma in it at all. Now I had a roll in amsterdam that was nice, but that's another story.

back in my raving days i took rolls a lot. i took pills that were not rolls at all and liked them just the same, not giving a second thought to the fact that i had no clue what i was putting into my body. they messed me up. made me crazy and made my brain feel like jello. not to mention the fact that they are freaking expensive and i could never take just one.

I think rolls are cool because they aren't coke, crack, meth or heroin. its OK to do rolls because you won't look like a drug addict. they are treated like acid, pot, mushrooms etc. when in fact they are not close and the negative effects on your body are far worse.

I quit doing XTC and subsequently quit going to raves because people on drugs are gross when you are not on drugs. Of all the drugs I have ever abused, XTC turned me into the biggest fiend and crackhead.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Kevin said:
The effect of speed is very physical and pretty bad for your body because it can cause dehydration.
This is the main reason why people who use E get sick or even die.
Just like any other stimulant. Not trying to be an appologist, but speed, caffiene, whatever, all cause the body to lose water at a faster rate. The stronger the stimulant....
It is known that XTC can cause damage psycholically because it takes over the production of endorfine, a chemical substance which is allready being produced by your body itself. (It is the chemical reaction in your body that makes you feel happy) Somehow the body stops making it when u use XTC a lot so you can get depressed when u stop using.
Well, sort of - when you take E the body produces lots of seratonin and then hence endorphins, but it produces so much the serotonin receptors in the brain become 'worn out' so the brain is no longer stimulated to produce endorphins hence the 'emotionally washed out' feeling. The longer the use the more pronounced the effect, a lot like how your hearing is degraded after listening to loud music over your lifetime.
There are many studies on the effect on XTC but no real conclusive long term studies as far as I know of.
Therefore just like other drugs you should be very carefull if you are going to use it.
It can be fun but it can also be a nightmare.
Exactly. Everything in moderation, kids.

However, alcohol causes more and worse deaths and damage, as does tobacco. Thousands of people have taken MDMA every week for the last decade and a half with little to no serious ill effects. (BTW I don't take it, I'm not a big stimulant fan.) MDMA, like cannabis is one of those drugs which, IMO, it is hypocritical to ban if tobacco and alchohol are to remain legal.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
TheMontashu said:
I wont do E, am im perfictly content with pot.
Any drug can **** you, and your life up if you over do it. With the exception of stupid drugs like heroin, crack and crystal meth most drugs do have something positive to offer, just the same as 'legal drugs' do. All drugs have side effects, but there is a reason people take them, and it has nothing to do with being self destructive (normally :) ). It's to do with fun and self dicovery. Alcohol is a very powerful drug, you can die from an overdose. You'd literally have to refine and inject pounds of THC to get anywhere near a lethal overdose, and yet it is illegal. Our drug laws are backwards. LSD can be a positive, life changing experience for many people, but can also be abused. Just like wine. Just go easy.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
laura said:
XTC is nasty here. you are hard pressed to find a roll that hasn't been cut with some funky ass ****. you are more than likely taking something that has little to no mdma in it at all. Now I had a roll in amsterdam that was nice, but that's another story.
This is a problem for you guys. In the UK it is so common that these days it is rarely tampered with. It's just not worth the effort. It used to be an issue when it was rarer and more expensive.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
I'm not trying to advocate everyone running out and doing all the drugs they can here. Drugs CAN **** you up and ruin your life. The same applies to caffiene, LSD, THC, even fats and sugar.

I'm just saying all drugs are different, and not all of them are 100% evil like your parents told you. There is a good deal of hypocracy in our world, and peoples attitudes to drugs is often one of those areas.

Everything you eat is a drug. Some are strong and some are weak. Some that we consider harmless are very powerfull, and some that we ban and shun are not so bad. If you doubt this, go a day without food and then eat a few tablespoons of sugar. See how you are affected.


Turbo Monkey
Yeah I didnt want to go into details too much but your absolutely right.
Its a very broad terrain and you simply cant just put it all into a couple of posts so everyone understands the full deal.
I have seen my share of drug use and abuse and all I can say is that it depends on so many factors how a person deals with it.
Personally Ive never had too much problems containing myself but I have known more then a couple of people who have abused it to a point that they were in the gutter and even died from it.
Just like alcohol it can be very very dangerous depending on the person using it and the situation their life is in.
Im glad I have had the experiance and I wouldnt have missed it for the world, but you gotta know when its time to quit.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Montashu's cutom title needs to change to "Mandetory," because he misspells at least one word in every single thread title.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Changleen said:
Why would you cut a stimulant with Heroin? That's just weird. In England they just add talc if they're being cheap... Or rat poison...
It's cut with heroin to give a more mellow come-down (apparently).


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Kevin said:
Most of the times you will find MDMA mixed with MDA also known as speed.
Do some more research. They're both phenethlamines and they're both speed analogs.

MDA is no more speed than MDMA.

MDMA = 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine

MDA = methylenedioxymethamphetamine

MDMA has one more methyl group on the end of an amine. Both will get your house clean while feeling a deep affection for mice in the basement.

Acid coated pills sounds like something someone's local newspaper made up.


Turbo Monkey
kidwoo said:
Do some more research. They're both phenethlamines and they're both speed analogs.

MDA is no more speed than MDMA.

MDMA = 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine

MDA = methylenedioxymethamphetamine

MDMA has one more methyl group on the end of an amine. Both will get your house clean while feeling a deep affection for mice in the basement.

Acid coated pills sounds like something someone's local newspaper made up.
I didnt do any research. That was just from the top of my head.
Over here XTC pills are often binded toghether with what we call speed, a substance that works a bit different then regular XTC (MDMA) and what I thought to be speed (MDA).
Youre probably right though, I havent looked into this stuff in a couple of years.
Its all crap anyways, I rather ride my bike then get waisted going to houseparty's every weekend.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
MikeD said:
Montashu's cutom title needs to change to "Mandetory," because he misspells at least one word in every single thread title.
I think you meant to say "he correctly spells only one word in every single thread title"


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Ecstasy (or MDMA if you're being pedantic) has also been show to have some very interesting beneficial affects for countering the tremor-inducing side-effects of some medicines prescribed for Parkinsons disease.

Why does my typing go to pot in any thread started by themotashun?