
When exercise just isn't working....


Turbo Monkey
Closer to the bone, sweeter the meat!
I really like the junkie pose of the Obsession ad! The just need to add some scars and ciggie burns on her back (and maybe a belt and spoon sitting on the floor) for the final touch.
What a contrast across the bottom row, Starvin' Marvin vs Cartman.


Jan 26, 2003
Rochester, NY
Sometimes I am scared living amongst those that could write stuff like this (from that same site):

Thee, thee do I invoke, Anamadim, sculptor, whittler of the flesh, shameless burner of the fat of babes! Thee, thee do I invoke, whose whip brings the feral impulses of survival to bay, whose scalpel of control carves away every distraction and fixates the eye mercilessly upon a single goal, whose vial of metabolic acid dissolves all that is unsightly and wasteful and cumbersome from the bones of this frame, and that right quickly: thee do I invoke, ANAMADIM! Come to me!


Thee, thee do I invoke! Thou who art feared and obeyed by nubile virgins throughout the globe, thou who dost inspire the heartaching illicit and forbidden lusts which cause the phalluses of men to throb with unrequited and unquenchable desire, thee do I invoke, ANAMADIM! Come to me! Come upon me! Descend into the depths of my being, take up thy residence herein, claim me for thy habitation from this moment onward, and design and decorate this thy temple as thou wilt!


heheh.... she said "wilt"... ;)