
when fillings fail.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
I pulled out a filling while eating this evening (my only one). It friggin' hurts. now I have a fun trip to the emergency dental clinic at 8am.

Just thought I'd share my pain. :looney: :nopity:


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
How long was it in? Was it the fancypants white enamel one or the melted down buckshot lead one? I had a bunch of the silver ones that fell out from what was later to be found out a malpracticing dentist...


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
It was an amalgam filling (metal). It was the only one I have, but it is in a molar so composite one's aren't practical as they can crack when you bite down hard.

I think it was in there for a good 8-10 years at least?


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
maxyedor said:
Sweet nothing beats emergency medical care in the early A.M.
Don't remind me. ugh.

When i get back I have 2 HUGE projects starting for work too, and my face will be frozen and drooling. Nice way to start off the damn week.


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.


Nothing like getting a filling repaired. I have too many fillings to count... Novocain is fun though, I always cherish the ability to chomp on my lip and feel nothing :)


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
kinghami3 said:


Nothing like getting a filling repaired. I have too many fillings to count... Novocain is fun though, I always cherish the ability to chomp on my lip and feel nothing :)
When i got this filling, the freezing was novel and i chomped through my damn lip.

not good times. :mad:


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
maxyedor said:
Wear a bib
Unfortunately I have 2 conference calls to deal with as well.

I am gonna sound like i should be on one of those home reno shows due to one major lisp.

"You bet, that thounds like a thuper idea, thend over the fileth and I will get right on it."


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Actualy I have a cavity to get filled but thats not for another two weeks, then sometime over summer I'mm going to get some teeth pullled. Joy!

Only downside is down here in little Canada we have to pony up mad cash for dental work


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004

Do not drink coffee until the novocaine wears off. Trust me here.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
.:Jeenyus:. said:
With me, dental work is not a "story" so much as an epic.

I've had alot of work done, in waves. So much at one point that I completely spaced the fact that my face was numb one morning. I got my usual coffee, took a huge swig, and burned the f&ck out of my mouth. I didn't feel my mouth though, I only new right away because of the burning coffee running out of my numb lips and down my neck.

I am a retard.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
I had a filling failure in Vegas at SEMA 3 years ago.

It happened on day two of a week stay. I waited until I got back to Denver before getting it fixed.


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
do not eat a ham sandwich until the novocaine wears off....

(I tried to chew through my lip)

another tip:
if your friends bring you chinese food (specifically noodles) after your dentist appointment, they aren't doing it to be nice, they just want to see you struggle with noodles stuck to your chin (I love my friends).


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
MudGrrl said:
another tip:
if your friends bring you chinese food (specifically noodles) after your dentist appointment, they aren't doing it to be nice, they just want to see you struggle with noodles stuck to your chin (I love my friends).

Yeah Fraser, fillings loco!!!


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
MudGrrl said:
do not eat a ham sandwich until the novocaine wears off....

(I tried to chew through my lip)

another tip:
if your friends bring you chinese food (specifically noodles) after your dentist appointment, they aren't doing it to be nice, they just want to see you struggle with noodles stuck to your chin (I love my friends).
Another tip on chinese food:

Be attentive eating small bits of chicken and what not, if it goes onto the side of your mouth that you can't feel then well you end up losing it. :p

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
H8R said:

Do not drink coffee until the novocaine wears off. Trust me here.

Yep, been there myself. Might as well have put my lips on the stovetop.

Hey Transcend,
I lost a filling in December when I was Christmas shopping at the mall.
I was chewing gum, and bit down on it and screamed like a schoolgirl.
But I still have not been to the dentist!:wonky2:
Come on, ride it out, don't be a wuss.
I hear root canals are a hoot.:help:


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Jeremy R said:

Yep, been there myself. Might as well have put my lips on the stovetop.

Hey Transcend,
I lost a filling in December when I was Christmas shopping at the mall.
I was chewing gum, and bit down on it and screamed like a schoolgirl.
But I still have not been to the dentist!:wonky2:
Come on, ride it out, don't be a wuss.
I hear root canals are a hoot.:help:
I got halfway down and felt the filling crunching on my upper teeth. I opened my mouth and out it came.

My appointment has been pushed back until 1:45. They said if it is clean, they can freeze me, clean out the left over filling bits and fill it back in within 45 mins.

Screw root canals, this is the reason I am in a rush to get it cleaned and filled back up.

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
splat is my hero.

i lost a temp on a canoe trip oncet. 4 hours in, in the middle of NOWHERE. I stuffed pasticcio nuts in the hole drank a few buds, smoked a few buds and was good for the weekend.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Transcend said:
Seriously, enough root canal talk. I'm serious. Enough. ok? Great.

:help: :(
I've had four.

Two of them were done very poorly, and when I switched dentists to have the permanent crowns put on, he realized the root canals were totally useless and I lost both teeth. Both teeth should have never even had root canals it turns out, there wasn't enough good tooth material at the top of the roots to support anything.

In the process of drilling out one of the bad root canals, the dentist got the drill bit stuck. He had to detach the drill, get a small clamp, and lean on it to free the bit. That was....uncomfortable...

I'm getting a partial denture in a few months to replace four upper teeth, and another some time later to replace two bottom teeth.

All together, including wisdom teeth, I've had 11 extractions.

It's hereditary BTW - my mom's teeth are a disaster, way worse than mine. I floss, I brush twice daily, I rinse w/ flouride, etc. It only slows the process.


Feb 12, 2003
knoxville, tn
H8R said:
It's hereditary BTW - my mom's teeth are a disaster, way worse than mine. I floss, I brush twice daily, I rinse w/ flouride, etc. It only slows the process.
I'm in a similar boat. My mother has had 3 or more root canals and my grandfather died w/ 4 original teeth in his head. Brushing, flossing, modifying my diet and all that seems to do nothing. I'm currently sitting w/ a hole in a molar. My dentist wants to pull it because there isn't enough left for a root canal, but my insurance doesn't cover it, so that project is on hold. Maybe after my tax return comes in. I've just learned to chew on the left side, but it sucks.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Last month I had a tooth break with part of a filling attached. It had come loose, but was wedged in there, so it hurt like hell for about a week until it fell out.

Then I had this nice hole for stuff to get packed into until my insurance took effect this month. I was able it get it done on the 3rd, but I had to deal with it for about 3 weeks. Not having insurance sucked!


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
I have no insurance for dental, as the policies cost more then most procedures. As it is 2 cleaning, and this filling replacement + xray etc will cost less then a base policy. Lame.

Anyways, final verdict: I musta yanked real hard on the filling to have it come out. No decay under it and no sign it was loose before today. Just some staining from the previous filling (that I had put in 10 years ago or so).

Seeing as I am now un-emergencied, i get to go in later during the week to have it refilled and have my teeth cleaned.

Yeah for a good prognosis!


Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
SkaredShtles said:
I got a filling once when I was 18. No dental work before or since that other than regular cleanings..........

Although my dentist keeps giving me the song and dance about my wisdom teeth. :mad:

My teeth are fine except this one. I lost one filling out of it a while back, they redrilled it, and put in another one, and now it fell out.
So, at 2:45 today I get a $735 root canal.:help:


The Red Baron
Sep 29, 2005
Another reason why I'm glad my wife is a hygienist. Free dental :)

Hope everything turns out ok. Stay away from amalgam though unless you want alzhiemers at 45....


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
splat said:
so it has cost me

$6540 out of my own pocket :(
Lucky for me, the tooth that my filling was in is one of my wisdom teeth. Doc's gonna yank it out and be done with it. I estimate it'll cost me around $75.